phpb designing techniq- NEW creative and capability by nefreelancer

phpb is required for this project. Other solution isn’t considered. This is because with the “builder” Shibbir, the outcome will be met. Optimistic result is expected with this builder. Experience in designing greeting cards/ image design is required… (Budget: $30-250, Jobs: Banner Design, Brochure Design, Logo Design)

Modifications To Existing Site

This project is for website:

This site requires the following things:

+ Simple/quick redesign of pages – perhaps better choice of font and to make overall browsing more appealing.
+ Ability to add secondary admins – who can not lock out the master admin.
+ Option to manually create a user – so that admin can create users rather than them having to sign up.
+ Outgoing SMTP of all system generated emails – currently all emails are being marked as spam.
+ Addition of a facebook logo to the site
+ Addition of a skype logo to the contact us page
+ Ability to add text content to the contact us page.
+ Any minor bug fixes that may arise & suggestions from programmers!

This should be a quick and easy project for an experience project.
Programmers who have worked for me in the past will be given priority.

Payment will be by escrow – released upon completion.

Eway And Oscommerce Fixes

Hi, I need a dev to chat with me and fix the eway problem I have on my oscommerce site. It works now but just need the correct customer information sent to eway server.
I also have other small fixes that needs to be done.
Should take about 2hours.
I need someone who knows wordpress very very well, because I also plan to do this in the future.
Many jobs will follow if you are good.
Thank you.

Urgent Requirement on AspDotnet Store Front and WordPress MU by mekakiran

Need an Urgent Requirement on AspDotNetStoreFront E-commerce CMS, Dotnet Nuke and WordPress MU with RETS Webservice. Interested please do send their profile and do contac me aat skkype iid- maneesh05…. (Budget: $30-250, Jobs: .NET, DotNetNuke, eCommerce, Shopping Carts, WordPress)

6 pages design in PSD needed by mickeyken

I need to layout 6 pages in PSD. The idea is to organize the content of the website and put it into picture so that the web developer can have better view to proceed from there. Please bid only if you have good creative skill in animation, design, and strong skill in organization… (Budget: $30-250, Jobs: Animation, Format & Layout, Graphic Design, Photoshop, Photoshop Design)

$3/600 word articles quality writer needed -Philippines ONLY by madlene80

I am in need of one Philippine writer for a long term relationship. You will be asked to give a sample of your work on a topic that i will communicate you on PM. Requirements: – Philippines ONLY… (Budget: $30-250, Jobs: Academic Writing, Article Rewriting, Articles, Copywriting, Reviews)

Programmer For Payment Module

im looking for a good programmer to do the following on my freebie site

1-i need a payment gateway so my customers pay a fee at signup
2-i need to integrate the payment section with the referal section so i can see payment/referal activity
the rest is pretty simple:
3-create a button that asks a question with a yes or no answer
4-upload my header and one banner
5-redirect the domain (mask the subdomain)

This is a freebie site where people signup, pay a fee, then start refering people for a prize ,the site is already up and running,and just need to implement this last section

I pay $500 dollars from site profits,if the job extends over 3 days you will get an extra bonus you can look at the header to have an idea how the site will look like,its a guaranteed success,the person who decides to implement the work will also have a chance to work for the company with great pay,secure your future working with us.

this is a pay from profit project at the beginning,as an option, i will tradeoff my design and writting skills if you ever need professional design

you can see my feedback and you can see i havent let anybody down,and never will. site currently at paid