Insert A Video Into Main Web Page

I need someone that can insert a 30 second commercial video into the main page of my website. I have the video in Windows Media Viewer format already.

I know there is a special way that you need to embed it into the page but I do not know how. This is an easy project that should not take very long with someone that knows how. I do not want anything else changed just the video added to where I have space on the main page that plays continuously

More information will be provided but I need someone with expertise with good feedback and a very reasonable rate since this is easy.

Customize Classified Site

I purchased this ILister script. I am looking for someone who is creative and knows html well. I want to work with someone through out the project. Please review the demo and there website for information. I am wanting a nice classy design, and the features of
I am also wanting a forum installed, I found a template that i liked,com_bestoftemplate/task,detail/Itemid,46/id,1303/

Please only bid if you can do it in a good timely manner. I am not paying more than 200 because that what there design company quote me. unless you can show me something that is mind blowing. Please show some of your work

Size Does Matter With the 11-inch MacBook Air

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Price: $1000. Screen size: 11 inches. Cost of screen per diagonal inch? $90.
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Don’t call the MacBook Air a netbook: Steve Jobs will slice you with it, ninja-Frisbee style. Assault by turtleneck-loving CEOs aside, the new Air is designed to hang in the category of cheap, low-power consuming netbooks. But can it justify its thousand-dollar price tag? Not really.

Apple’s Air taps a few sweet spots that most netbooks never come close to. The widescreen display gives room for a standard full-sized keyboard and glass trackpad, so it doesn’t feel crampy; the clickety-clackety of the keys are nice and Apple-y. The screen is a higher resolution at 1,366-by-768 pixels (compared to 1,024-by-768 pixels on most netbooks) to give a sharp, clear picture. It’s also disconcertingly quiet — there’s virtually zero fan noise.

But, even though the 11-inch Air is roomier and sexier than a netbook, it still feels claustrophobic over extended periods of use. Staring at a crisp 11-inch screen induces squinting, and the idea of doing any serious work on this note is painful. (When attempting to write this review on the Air, I wound up getting eye-fatigue and switching to a 13-inch MacBook Pro.)

Maybe that’s not the point though: The processor is quite slow (1.4-GHz Core 2 Duo), and the Air ships with 2 GB of RAM (4 GB is optional for some extra scrill) so it’s not meant to be a productivity powerhouse. The flash drive somewhat compensates: App launch times are extremely fast (a fraction of a second to load Safari; just 1.5 seconds to open iTunes, for example), and booting into Mac OS X takes just 13 seconds on average.

But more processor-intensive tasks like editing photos or copying files aren’t as snappy. And that’s why it’s difficult to avoid comparing the 11-inch Air with a netbook: With this smaller screen size and slower CPU, you’ll likely be doing much lighter tasks like web browsing, chatting, punching out Word documents. If you plan on doing much more than that, the 13-inch Air is a better option (or a 13-inch MacBook Pro, for that matter).

The Air’s battery life is great: From testing, the Air ran about six hours over a Wi-Fi connection until it powered off. However, we’ve seen plenty of cheaper netbooks with batteries that last just as long.

The flash drive crammed into the Air isn’t very big; the base model ships with just 64 GB. Get ready to live your life “in the cloud.” (Pro tip: download Dropbox.)

Who is the Air for? People who travel a lot for work will like this setup: Deal with e-mails, light document editing and spreadsheet crunching on an Air, then when you need to do serious work, plug it into an external display. Spoiled students who tote their computers all around campus will probably like the Air too.

However, if you’re the type who doesn’t mind using Windows, we can’t justify purchasing the 11-inch Air versus a netbook. A netbook on average costs $300 to $500 and isn’t much worse than the Air when it comes down to what you’ll be using it for — less work, more play. An Air will cost you at least double the amount of a netbook, and unfortunately it doesn’t deliver twice the performance.

And as for hardcore Mac heads, again, we prefer the 13-inch Air to the 11-incher. (And yes we’ve heard the “that’s what she said” joke like a thousand times already.) That tiny difference in screen real estate is actually substantial, and it provides a much more comfy experience. As to whether you should get an Air or a MacBook Pro, that depends on what you plan to do. If you barely edit photos or videos, for example, you won’t need the extra beef of a Pro, so you’ll appreciate the light and skinny form factor of the Air.

WIRED So slender, so sexy. Ridiculously fast app launch times. Excellent battery life. Comfortable keyboard and trackpad.
TIRED Size does matter — 11 inches is too small, no matter how nice the screen is. Sluggish with some media-heavy tasks.

Trickle-Down Features Color Panasonic’s Gateway Shooter

Editor’s note: We’re adding something new to our camera reviews. Along with images of the FZ100 camera, we’re including a series of photos shot by the camera.

From the box to your hand to snapping away with the Lumix FZ100, the latest feature-laden compact superzoom from Panasonic, you get the impression you’re handling a camera that means business.

The FZ100 is packed with some tried and true Lumix functionality, like its Power OIS optical image stabilization, a new Motion Deblur feature, face detection, a 24x optical zoom, an 11 frame-per-second burst rate even in RAW, an articulating LCD and scads more. Lumix’s Intelligent Auto processes and pumps out reliably exposed, nicely saturated, almost always true-to-color images — just so long as they’re shot at ISO400 or below. The industry has been preening its feathers over supposed sensor improvements, more ISO latitude and better image quality, but sadly, in spite of a really smart feature set and functionality, the images out of the FZ100 still suffer when pushed beyond ISO400.

On the motion-picture side, it offers many flavors of video. It’d take a whole paragraph to list them, but the top end is Full 1080i HD at 30 fps in AVCHD, which is fantastic for viewing on the big screen. You can also shoot in Motion JPEG format, less technically wieldy and more appropriate for sharing on the web or making simple edits. The 24x zoom range of the FZ100 adds a lot of versatility, as well. However, the upgraded stereo microphone atop the body picks up the sound of the zoom’s motor.

Panasonic has done a pretty good job of fitting the FZ100 to your hand. The controls at the top of the body are easy to identify and operate and the Mode Dial’s indents are snappy enough to prevent accidental changes. The back of the camera becomes a bit of a challenge for those with medium-sized fingers and beyond. Making room for the hinge and housing of the articulated LCD takes some real estate away from the function buttons. That means they have to be smaller and are a tad tough to operate.

WIRED Mode wheel has very distinct indents so the camera doesn’t accidentally switch modes. Li-Ion battery rather than AAs. Stereo microphone. Nimble RAW shooting.

TIRED Poor image quality above ISO400. Electronic viewfinder is a throwaway afterthought. Expensive.

Photos by Jackson Lynch for

Editor’s addendum: The photo and text that were originally posted here were from an earlier article reviewing a Panasonic G10. This text and the accompanying images correctly reviews and reflects the FZ100.

Realistic Rock Band Guitar Lends Cred to Your Shred

Rhythm games get a lot of guff from naysayers. If you’re a fan, you’ve surely heard the catty complaints: “That’s just a toy. It’s not a real guitar.”

And it’s true. The typical Rock Band or Guitar Hero controller is fun, but it’s a bit of a joke compared to the real thing. It may look guitarlike, but the primary-color buttons up top and the plastic flipper at the bottom don’t exactly impress the ladies. You can be the best guitar “hero” in the world and you’re really still just a loser with a plastic ax.

Well, the time is here to silence the naysayers — if you can handle it. For Rock Band 3, Mad Catz is seriously upping the ante with a whole new approach to guitar gaming. Put simply, the Fender Mustang PRO-Guitar Controller is not really a game controller at all, but a full-on guitar simulator. Seventeen frets split up a total of 102 buttons which correspond to a traditional six-string guitar fingerboard. Below that, you are now tasked with actually strumming the proper string — a real wire string — instead of moving a little plastic nubbin up and down. You can play with a pick or with your thumb and fingers. Callous lotion is not included.

The PRO-Guitar completely changes the Rock Band experience from top to bottom. No longer are you simply relying on muscle memory and blind luck to power through an Expert-level song, now you’re actually learning how to play it for real.

Is this difficult? Yes, it is difficult. If you’ve never picked up a guitar before, the learning curve is extremely steep. This is night and day vs. the standard rhythm game ax, and you’ll need to slave through the Rock Band 3 pro lessons — learning chords, arpeggios, muting strings and more — to have any hope of success. But as with a real guitar, practice and you’ll get there. I (a guitar novice) was at last breezing through Medium songs on day three, though completing tunes on Hard was still out of reach when my deadline arrived and the controller had to be returned to Mad Catz. The controller can also be used to play authentic bass guitar tracks, which are easier, and standard five-lane Rock Band guitar parts, which are surprisingly not.

What’s lacking? Despite the new approach, the Mustang still looks like a toy. It’s the same size as a standard guitar controller and is completely made of plastic. If you do want to eventually switch to a real guitar, you’re going to have to get used to everything being farther apart.

And sadly, this controller’s authenticity will do nothing to head off that other standby quip of the naysayers: “Why don’t you just play a real guitar?” Well, really, why don’t you?

WIRED You’re not playing a game any more, you’re learning how to play guitar. Totally revolutionizes Rock Band gameplay (and makes you the weakest member of the band).

TIRED No whammy bar — but, trust us, your hands will be full. Lacks weight. Big investment.

Rock Band’s Newest Faux Instrument Has You Tickling Ivories

At last, it is possible to relive the humiliation of childhood piano lessons all over again.

One of Rock Band 3’s key innovations is the addition of a keyboard part to songs. While older versions of the game had the guitar track picking out many of the keyboard notes, now keyboard players gets their due.

Naturally, they also gets their own new instrument: a keyboard.

It’s long been thought that adding keys to rhythm gaming would be a bit of a joke, and when you play non-pro keys, using just five buttons and with no need to strum, it pretty much is. But with Mad Catz’s pro-keyboard controller and a much broader spectrum of buttons to hit, the keyboard part can be just as challenging as the rest of the band.

The Rock Band 3 keyboard is a miniature keyboard that can be played on a tabletop, placed on a stand or worn, keytar-style, around the neck. The controller spans just two octaves (that’s 25 keys total, white and black), and it is technically designed to be played with just one hand — no matter what the song’s difficulty level is. (Your other hand operates a somewhat-silly modulation touchpad and a lone Overdrive button, both on the neck of the device.) But when songs ramp up in difficulty — some use just a few keys, some use the whole set of 25 — going two-handed is the only way to keep up.

And you know what? Keyboards in Rock Band 3 are surprisingly fun. Many songs on the disc were clearly selected with keys in mind, and the pianist gets to shine frequently. I’ve found few moments in Rock Band as satisfying as nailing “Imagine” on pro keys. And remember: You’re playing the honest-to-god notes to the actual song.

The keyboard’s diminutive size and one-handed parts are the only real concerns. But while it would be fun to be smashing out 10 notes at a time with both hands, maybe that’s something best left for Rock Band 4. For now, it’s hard enough just to figure out where your fingers are while you’re playing. The little ridges located on three of the keys aren’t a lot of help, and it’s tough to figure out where your hands are without either taking your eyes off the TV or just experimenting with random hits.

Now get back to your scales, kid! Practice! Practice! Practice!

WIRED More fun than you’d think. Surprisingly sturdy, with decent action on the keys.

TIRED Not the manliest of instruments. No onscreen cues as to where your fingers are before you commit to hit the keys. Best keyboard song ever — “I Ran (So Far Away)” — tragically not included in Rock Band 3.

Magento Store Minor Tweaks

I need some minor tweaks done to the my store that is located here:

In the navigation on the left it should only read the categories present not women as well. Also when you hover over clothes and bags they should not move.

Need to remove “Browse by:”

When you click on a product the large image is zoomed all the way in and does not all you to use the slider to zoom in and out. Needs to reset to default use as it should be.

Lastly, would like the home page of the store to be instead of

Facebook Fans And Likes From Australia Only

We need 50,000 facebook page fans and likes to a website.

5% can be non Australian and the rest need to be real Australian accounts.

We will release payment for every 1000 likes or fans to facebook page.

This is an ongoing project and if you can only do 1000 fans or likes then you can bid for 1000 only.


(Absolutely no blackhat, fake accounts , etc)

Fix Virus Issue For Printing Website

1) Our Website printing has virus 32/krytik.AJD Trojan .. Every time customer go to the site, the virus automatic load.. Need someone to fix the issue of virus on this page .
2) Need to install update new oscommerce for the printing website because of the virus issue or prevent future virus issue
3) Script issue, it is an ecommerce website, when customer finish select the shipping method like fedex ground or fedex express and finish check out and pay.. When we, the admin received the order on the backend, somehow on the backend of the admin, it doesn’t show the shipping method or type and also the subtotal cost of the product.. Need to fix script issue.. I can go into more detail about this.

**Need it fix ASAP

Article Writing

I need five 400-600 word articles on a variety of topics (careers, technology, automotive, education, etc.). I will provide you with specific topics and a template to write the articles; you will research and write accurate information.

All articles MUST be unique. I will run them through copyscape to confirm. No article spinning!

You must write coherently with few mistakes in grammar and spelling. If you write well, this could become an ongoing assignment.

Articles must be completed within two days. I will pay $2-$3 per article, so please bid accordingly.

Please attach a writing sample.

Need A Quality Rewriter With Reasonable Speed

I will give you an article and you have to rewrite it 3 times. the rewrites must be 310 words each and good quality no grammar problems. They have to be broken down into 8 small paragraphs it can be 2 to 3 sentences each as long as it equals 8 paragraphs. Also must provide relevant titles for each.

I need quality and speed.

The rewriter has to be capable of rewriting 9 rewrites every 2 days at least. These rewrites have to be good quality and good grammar as mentioned above.

I will pay 75 cents per rewrite. So if you can handle the 9 rewrites within 2 days you can make a total of 6.75 The more you can do the more money you will make 🙂