Download/install Keythat Is Good For 1 Use Only

Hello 🙂

I have a script that I use to creat a manual order for customers. This script allows me to enter the email address and send a specified website ZIP file to a customer. The customer is limited to 1 downloads and the link expires in 48 hours. The script cost me just $10 and works great! You can see the script at

What we need now is to limit the script to just 1 install using a key. All files are encrypted for the ZIP file that we deliver. We somehow have to tie the script key to the install key so that they can only download and install 1 website from each ZIP file.

What I need is an alteration to the script that allows us to (1) create the manual order like we do now, (2) allow us to attach a header to the order, and (3) use the same key for install.

We need to MAKE SURE that the ZIP file only install once to prevent our website from being pirated all over the internet!

What do you think?



Codeigniter Ecommerce Newsletter2


All bids that don’t list codeigniter websites will be automatically rejected.

Server: Linux

Browsers: IE, Firefox and Safari
Develop CSS for each browser

This Codeigniter News Ecommerce Module is 50% complete.
:: All places below where it states “Complete” means the framework has been done.

A. Fix ALL redraw and alignment issues on site.

B. Complete existing design pages for Featured Video, Banner, News and Newsletter.
:: setup the 5 payment methods – credit card, gift certificate, 3 international collection and approval forms.
:: add purchased currency converter script to payment pages
:: show tracking links for member’s who opened received announcement as shown in current newsletter software

C. Sync login with main site so member only logs in once.
:: pull member’s data into announcement compose form and posted announcement pages
:: examples of data to be pulled – name, member id, photo, membership level, etc.

D. Validate membership level and status (active/inactive) prior to giving member access to compose form so the right pricing for sending announcement is shown on member’s payment form.

C. Record (insert data) in Membership Profile for Video/News/Newsletter posted by member.
:: in membership profile, record announcement payment fees, title and excerpt of announcement, an api will be supplied to help you do this.

E. Complete Integrate flash/css menu, headers and footer. Meaning that when a change is made to menu, header or footer on the main site, it is updated automatically on News Module.

F. Complete News/Newsletter directory tabs by Member, Category and SubCategory.
:: post videos and banners in appropriate places.

G. Complete the announcement compose form.
:: Install and configure EV certificate SSL and change all url to https.
:: Complete credit card save to file, make all payments functional –, data collection and approval process for international payments.

H. Develop code so Admin can send newsletter to: (a) selected members (b) all members (c) selected groups (d) membership category and subcategory.

I. Sync Admin login with Main Site 3-level admin, meaning that permissions are assigned to staff based on the username and password that they need to login with.

J. Complete the comprehensive Admin
:: I need to see and manage all functionalities and content on site.

Thanks for your attention.

Seo For Top 10 Google Ranking

I’m looking for the best seo plan that I can get. I am looking to pay someone for results for certain keywords on first pages of major search engines like Google and Yahoo.

Some work has already been done, 33-117th position for certain keywords on Google.

-i want to see on the first page and in better positions.
-Please also mention maintenance cost/month as well
-Proof of prior results
Please list details about what you can provide reliably for a monthly plan at that rate. Please PM specifics, we’re looking for a combination of:

Link Building (One Way Anchor Links)
Onsite Optimization
Social Optimization
Blog Commenting
Article Submission
Classifieds Listings
Directory Submission

Any additional services are also welcome. Thanks.

Fix And Add Some App On Facebook Clone

I have a facebook clone and need to add some app to fix and some new to add. Also there are some old small logos to change.see listing of work as attachment. I work only with programmer who work by him self. No companies. You need to have facebook experince. If not, please do not bid.I pay only SL.I escrow full amount and pay you when finish 100 %

Change The Css Of The Website To Create New Look For It.

This should be simple work but may need creativity and someone familiar with css

I need someone to create a template for my website.
To create new template, you only can change the css part of the website.
For example, change the background of the website, change new header with new header background and logo, change the site table box to make it look better and different from old one.

Only CSS part can be change, the rest of html code cannot be change.

I suggest you use firebugs (firefox addon) to change the css on the fly, and save it on your local pc after finish and then email it to me.

I will give the address of the website to the selected freelancer.

My budget is around 10-20usd per new theme css for my site, and if you can create more.. then more will be paid.

Anyone who are interested, please tell me what you understand about the project and how you are going to do it in your message so we can save a lot of time.


Best regards
Simba 🙂

Simple Rss Feed Reader

I just need a small program that I can execute from my Mac or Windows machine which will read rss feeds from a website and send seperate items to my email address.

Some details:
The title of each item should be the subject of the mail, and the description\content of the item should be the email body. For each item there should be a separate email sent. The mail should be a plain text with no html formatting. And if I execute the program twice in a few minutes, if there are no new items in the feed, mails should not be sent. Only new items mail should be sent.

The application should provide some simple options like to edit the email id, the address from which the rss feeds to read from. Even some place in the code where I can edit these options will do. I will need the source code of it too.

FBI uncovers cyber crime network

FBI special agent Weysan Dun, Omaha FBIThe investigation kicked off when the FBI noticed a pattern of suspicious bank transactions in Omaha

The FBI says it has cracked a major international cyber crime network after more than 90 suspected members of the ring were arrested in the US.

The suspects worked as so-called mules for fraudsters based in Eastern Europe who hacked into US computers to steal around $70m.

More people were detained in Ukraine and the UK, local police said.

The FBI said the arrests were part of “one of the largest cyber criminal cases we have ever investigated”.

Related stories

Most of those arrested in the US were charged with conspiracy to commit bank fraud and money laundering, a US Attorney said.

They are suspected of acting as go-betweens or mules by providing bank accounts for an elaborate cyber crime scheme.

Hackers in Eastern Europe would use spam email to infect computers of small businesses and individuals in the US with a virus known as Zeus, the FBI said in a statement.

The unnamed hackers were then able to to access users’ online passwords and bank account details and used them to transfer money to the bank accounts provided by the go-betweens in the US.

The crime ring attempted to steal around $220m, the FBI added.

The arrests were the result of an international operation that kicked off in Omaha in May 2009 when FBI agents noticed a row of suspicious bank transactions.

Law enforcement agencies in the US, Ukraine, the Netherlands and the UK were also involved in the investigation.

Police in the UK arrested 19 people suspected members of the ring.

In Ukraine, police arrested five people suspected of directing the scheme, the FBI said.

This article is from the BBC News website. © British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

Mandela aide on diamond charges

Naomi Campbell in court in The Hague on 5 August, 2010Naomi Campbell gave the diamonds to Jeremy Ractliffe in 1997

The former head of Nelson Mandela’s charity fund has been charged with illegally keeping uncut diamonds given to him by supermodel Naomi Campbell.

Mr Ractliffe admitted he had the gems only when Ms Campbell mentioned him at the war crimes trial of former Liberian leader Charles Taylor in August.

He then handed the gems to police and resigned as a trustee of the fund.

Prosecutors say the stones are “blood diamonds” which Mr Taylor gave to Ms Campbell at a dinner in 1997.

Ms Campbell gave evidence at Mr Taylor’s trial before a UN special court in The Hague in August.

South African prosecutors have now charged Mr Ractliffe, the former chief executive of the Nelson Mandela’s Children’s Fund (NMCF), under the Diamonds Act of 1956.

His case has been adjourned until 27 October.

At the trial, Ms Campbell said she was given some “dirty-looking stones” after a 1997 charity dinner hosted by South Africa’s former President Nelson Mandela where Mr Taylor was also a guest.

She said two unidentified men appeared at her room and gave her the stones.

She told the court she did not have proof they came from Mr Taylor and had given them to Mr Ractliffe because she wanted the stones to go to charity.

In a statement at the time of his resignation, Mr Ractliffe said he took the diamonds as he thought it might be illegal for her to take them out of the country.

However, he did not want to involve the NMCF in anything illegal, he said.

“In the end I decided I should just keep them,” he added.

Mr Taylor is accused of using illegally mined diamonds to secure weapons for Sierra Leone’s RUF rebels during the 1991-2001 civil war – a charge he denies.

He said he kept them to shield the reputations of Mr Mandela and his fund.

Prosecutors say that from his seat of power in Liberia, Mr Taylor also trained and commanded the rebels.

The rebels were notoriously brutal, frequently hacking off the hands and legs of civilians.

This article is from the BBC News website. © British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.