Shadow Avatars & Gif Badges

need 6 gif badges and 7 shadow avatars. very important that you can draw small characters. i have some rough sketches, so which you can use to make all 6 gif badges. must be able to do freehand design for shadow avatars. attached is a png of the gif badges/award buttons. sizes have been changed to 80(width) X 90(height) pixels

please send me pm if interested.



Virtuemart Music Store

I am in the process of creating a joomla / virtuemart website for a record label.

What I need is someone who can help customise virtuemart for me to correctly display the items I wish the site to sell.

I am looking for someone with experience in virtuemart stores to make it so that each CD is displayed and when someone clicks on the CD they are taken to a detail page with a CD thumbnail, some description text and then options to buy either the whole CD or individual tracks in 3 different formats (AAC, MP3 and FLAC).

A similar kind of site exists –
Please contact me if you feel you can do this project.
Many thanks

Website Concept & Design Project – Closely Follows Hoveround

Hey there,

We’re looking for an awesome site designer here at SL to design a new website for us. In short, we’re trying to take a lot of the idea, design and purpose from but it must be a totally new site and not a clone. We want it to look a bit more web 2.0 but still with a corporate clean look.

The idea behind the site is to look good, but most importantly it’s to get people to act by either filling out their contact info or by calling the 1800 number. We need an efficient website created.

Ultimately we’ll need someone that will stick with us and be able to quickly modify things upon request and be able to bring keen insight into making this site achieve it’s purposes. I’m guessing there will be several revisions during the process of finalizing this page, so good communication skills are also a must. This site in the long run will be imported into wordpress, but it’s more important that the design of the site looks good and doesn’t look like a standard WP theme site.

I’m attaching some ideas in regards to the project.

Please provide references to original work that you have done in the past.

Thanks for considering this project and happy bidding!

Unique Article Writing

I am looking for some(100+) unique quality articles. 250-300 words each. must be pass copyscape.

I will provide you Title and keywords. All articles about education related.

Please provide sample. If possible, write an short article on this topic..

Title: Compare Colleges in Tamilnadu
Keywords: compare colleges in tamilnadu,compare two colleges, evaluate, find, reseach.

Bid without Sample will not be considered.

Need Frontend Css/javascript/ajax/jquery Help

Looking for somebody to do some frontend coding with me immediately. Must be cross-browser compatible with all browsers. IE6+, FF, Safari, Opera, Chrome.

Must be available in live chat so we can work together and so I can explain specifics. Strong English please 🙂

I’ve coded some of the layout here:

Here is what we’ll be working on:

I want the content on the right to be revealed upon selecting an option. Maybe we can use a cool jQuery fade effect? 🙂

Hover effect: I’ll provide hover image.
When selected: Checkmark is displayed.

Impress me and you’ll have more work from me.

Santander profit hit by debt rule

Santander branchSantander’s profits have fallen because of strict new rules on bad debt provisions

Santander, the Spanish bank that owns a number of UK banks, has reported a fall in profits after being hit by new rules on bad loan provisions.

Profits for the three months to September fell 13% to 2.1bn euros ($2.9bn, £1.8bn).

The bank warned that profits for the full year would be below forecasts.

Santander, the eurozone’s biggest bank, has been rebranding its UK banks, which include Alliance and Leicester, Abbey and Bradford & Bingley.

Also, it recently bought some 300 former Royal Bank of Scotland branches.

For the first nine-months of the year, profits were 6.08bn euros, down 9.8% from last year.

Provisions for bad debts for the nine months were 472m euros – 72m euros more than the bank estimated at the end of July.

The higher provisions reflect new rules introduced by the Bank of Spain, which has cut the time needed to fully provide for the estimated loss on non-performing loans.

It also requires a further 10% write-down on the value of properties held for more than two years.

As a percentage of total loans at group level, bad debts rose to 3.42%, from 3.37% at the end of June.

“The bank has opted to apply the new Bank of Spain rules in a very conservative way and not to release provisions,” the bank said in a statement.

This article is from the BBC News website. © British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

Valleys council staff job fears

Rhondda Cynon Taf council headquartersRhondda Cynon Taf council says it wants to protect jobs and services

A union claims about 10,000 council workers face losing their jobs unless they accept worse pay and conditions under new contracts.

The GMB accused Labour-run Rhondda Cynon Taff (RCT) council of threatening staff with a “lock-out”.

It said the contract changes included pay, sick pay, and car allowances.

RCT, which voiced disappointment at the union reaction, said it was reviewing staff contracts because of cuts, and hoped to avoid compulsory redundancies.

“This sort of gunboat diplomacy has no place in industrial relations particularly when dealing with a Labour-controlled authority”

Gareth Morgan GMB union

The GMB union walked out of talks with the authority over the proposals and has advised members not to sign anything.

They want the lock-out – job loss unless workers sign the new contracts – to be lifted before talks can continue.

Rhondda Cynon Taf has the second highest population in Wales, and GMB officer Gareth Morgan called the actions of the authority “totally unacceptable”.

“It’s like holding a loaded pistol to people’s heads to force them to accept detrimental change or be out of a job with no compensation,” he said.

“GMB is well aware of the financial deficit facing the authority and are willing to consult meaningfully on ways of reducing the budgetary deficit of £20m each year for the next three years.

“This sort of gunboat diplomacy has no place in industrial relations particularly when dealing with a Labour controlled authority which is extremely disappointing to say the least.”

An RCT spokesperson said the review of staff contracts was due to public sector cuts.

“The council is disappointed to receive such a reaction from GMB at such an early and sensitive stage in proceedings”

Spokesperson Rhondda Cynon Taf council

The UK government last week announced spending cuts which will affect the amount of money given to local authorities from central government funds.

An RCT spokesperson said: “As a result of pending cuts to public sector funding, the council is likely to face a funding shortfall of around £60m over the next three years.

“It is envisaged that by reviewing the terms and conditions of employees the council will be able to avoid the need for compulsory redundancies and, in turn, protect hundreds of local jobs within the council.

“We hope we can continue to work with the GMB and the other trade unions during this difficult time to ensure we protect local jobs and important public services.

“The council is disappointed to receive such a reaction from GMB at such an early and sensitive stage in proceedings.

“We hope we can continue to work with the GMB and the other trade unions during this difficult time to ensure we protect local jobs and important public services.”

This article is from the BBC News website. © British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.