Aalaxy company Business cards,Envelopes,Brochures by David2180

I need to have business cards,envelopes,and flyers for each page of my website designed,the flyers will be for website design,business consulting,print media ex:bus cards,flyers ,etc.,software programming… (Budget: $30-$250 USD, Jobs: Brochure Design, Business Cards, Graphic Design, Photoshop, Stationery Design)

Convert M4v To Flv 2

Need video converted.
Need first 1.26 taken off.
need logo to show for 7 seconds before video starts
need last 36 seconds off
need watermark on bottom right corner

Please not you are converting m4v to flash.
Video must be under 20 min total.

If you cannot do this do not bid. Lower bid gets very long and high feedback. I don’t have much to spend on this.

Website Penny Auction Design

1. Design the site and logo matching my domain name (currently does not exist).
2. Design the frontend and backend of the site.
4. Install the script, and also include a step-by-step installation manual.
5. Provide me with DAILY updates on the progress of the site.
6. Complete the project within your given timeframe when placing the bid.


* Penny Auction, 20 Second Auction.
* User registration and account verification.
* Member login, account updating, purchasing more bids and paying for won auctions features.
* Buying bid packages.
* Set bidding packages.
* Bidding in the Penny Auction format. Pay per bid and the price increment by a set amount.
* Time increment by 20 seconds (can be changed in the admin) each time a bid is placed.
* Bid butler system – the ability for users to ‘book their bids’, autobid until certain price.
* “bot” bidders who will bid up until a certain profit is made.
* An editable Terms and conditions and Help page. Additional pages can also be incorporated.
* A newsletter sign up system and sending capability.
* News section with add and update
* Send newsletters to members signed up for the newsletter.
* Possibility to change language
* Payment pr. paypal and creditcards.
* Users can receive free bids for registering, for winning their first auction and for buying bid packages for the first time.
* View, edit, add, delete and suspend users.
* Add, edit, delete and clone auctions.
* Set auctions to auto-relist.
* Refund bids for an entire auction.
* Limits on the number of auctions a user can win.
* Winning bidder can be viewed and the auction status can be update – e.g. paid, awaiting shipping, shipped and completed.
* View users bidding history, purchased bid packages, add free bids to the user and refund bids for the user.
* View referrals from users.
* Coupons module.
* Credit system for auctions which users lose, which can be used for won auctions.
* Manage unlimited website categories via. add, edit and delete.
* Edit general website settings via. turning on and off various features.
* Add, edit and delete countries that you want to include.
* Website (payment) must be secure.
* Must support highly complex passwords for all users.
* User referring system which allows user to refer friends and get a small amount of bids
* User referring system which allows user to refer friends and if the friends sign up and purchase bids they get even a larger amount of free bids
* MUST be able to support multiple themes (and the theme template must be as easy to change as just uploading a newly created theme to a folder, and then selecting the new theme in the admin menu).


1. I pay via PayPal directly, ONLY after a 7 day testing period. If there are any bugs found within the testing period, these will be fixed BEFORE any payment is made. Once I am 100% satisfied that the script is working flawlessly, payment will be made directly to your paypal account.

2. Once payment has been made, all source code and full copyright shall be released to me. I have paid for the script to be designed, therefore I OWN IT, NOT YOU. Therefore you may not rent or resell the script or any part of it to any other person or company. By placing a bid on this project, you agree to delete all source code and/or reference to the code or any part of the script from your local machine, or any other means of backup in which you may have the script saved.

3. DO NOT state that you can complete the project in 5 days, if you know it will take you 30 days. I will expect the project to be completed timeously within your stated ETA when placing a bid.


I look forward to your bids.



High Quality Logo Design

Hi all,

Please read the whole project description before bidding.

1. Company name is ‘Studio De Dance’
2. Needs to be modern and funky, appealing to 16-20 year olds.
3. Company is like a dance studio so perhaps incorporating this into the logo some how.
4. Any colour scheme can be used.

I need a logo designed for $10-$25. Bids outside this price range will NOT be considered.

You MUST include a portfolio of your logo design work. Bids without portfolios or links to portfolios will NOT be considered. I do NOT want links to your websites, or coding work!

Your bid MUST include unlimited revisions, if we are not happy with your initial logo we will not release the escrow until we are satisfied. The client might be happy first time around with the logo, but it might take a few revisions. Please do NOT bid if you don’t include unlimited revisions.

You must be able to communicate with us 24/7, and respond quickly to emails or on Skype.

DO NOT copy and paste messages, I will not accept any messages that look as if they are copied and pasted.

Thanks and good luck – we have another 2 logo designs that we will award this designer, if we are impressed with the design work.


Need Data Of Bloggers

I need around 1000 Mac software bloggers with the following :

1. Name of the blog they are participating.

2. Name of the Blogger.

3. Email Address of the blogger.

Remember they all have to be Mac software bloggers targetting Mac audience.

For eg.


Gregg Keizer

gkeizer at computerworld dot com

If you are iinterested then bid with 10 samples with Name of the blog, Name of the Blogger & email address – so that I can check and decide as it will enable me to go for the appropriate programmer without wasting time.

If you can not provide sample – then do not bid.

Bid seriously

Pcb Board Layout

– Need 4 Layer PCB layout.
– 2 separate circuits to be layed out side by side on the same board.
– All surface mount: 24 ICs, 66 resistors (mostly 0603), 73 capacitors (mostly 0603) and 48 other parts (diodes, connectors, crystals, etc.)
– Schematics will be provided in ORCAD V10.5.
– BOMs will be provided in excel. They include part reference, quantity, manufacturer, part number and description.
– Work must be done in PADS V9.1
– All footprints must follow IPC standard.
– Must panelize 6 pairs in one larger panel.
– Must provide PADs project file for single pair and for panelized boards.
– Must provided complete gerber files for panelized version.
– Work will be checked, footprint by footprint. It will not be accepted blindly and will be rejected if not found to meet expectations. Any errors encountered must be fixed at no extra cost and new PADS files and gerber files issued.

Member Profile

The following project is for a php 1) member online photo grid and
a 2) universal members profile page which uses PHP to call on an existing MySQL database to get the appropriate member data. It should be one file on the server that renders every member according to which member is being requested to display on the page.

General Info and Requirements
1)The member management script which I am using is SITELOK http://www.vibralogix.com/sitelokpw/ They have a pdf manual with all the DB table fields and code snippets for displaying user data;
2)Access to this information will be available during the members onine session. Non-members will only be able to view the members online photo grid.
3)The script should allow for the editing of database setting (see below) and other required settings, using a text editor, for use on multiple websites.

$DbHost=”localhost”; // Database host
$DbName=”dbname”; // Database name
$DbUser=”username”; // Database username
$DbPassword=”password”; // Database user password

4)The script(s) should be in separate files and accessed with an “include” command.

“Member’s online” photo grid Requirements
1)Display member’s online thumbnail images, first name ($slfirstname), city/state in a grid of x columns across and upto x rows down (x is admin defined). This can be placed anywhere on the website using an “include” command (see 3 in general info and req)
2)Total members and members currently online will be displayed at the bottom of the photo grid.
3)Logged in members to the website can view all members images, first name, city/state by clicking “view all” (in a grid of x columns across and upto x rows down (x is admin defined))
4)Logged in members to the website can view member profiles by clicking on the members photo.

Universal members profile page Requirements
1)The universal members page will include the following information
a.$slcustom1 (image)
c.$slcustom2 (city)
d.$slcustom3 (state)
e.$slcustom (4-15)

Ach Web Form Api Webservice Intergration

We need our webform (http://xenerchi.org/view.php?id=1 ) to be integrated with:

1.) Add a distributor API Webservice (http://www.xenerchi.com/modules/MLM/WebServices/MPPE/MPPEWebServices/WSMppeAPI.asmx ) So when someone fills out the form it will automatically place them in our system

2.) Our Bank Account/Routing number fields need the (http://www.routingchecker.com/sqldump.htm ) SQl server integrated so they can validate if the account and routing number is valid or not.

3.) Our Versacheck API needs to be incorporated to communicate with our servers as well.

This needs to be done asap

Learn Java for Android Development: Inner Classes

In this tutorial, you’ll become familiar with the concept of inner classes in Java—those classes whose scope and definition are encompassed within another class. You’ll also learn about anonymous inner classes, which are used quite frequently when developing with the Android SDK. Android applications are written in the Java, an object-oriented programming language. In this […]

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Happy Glass! – Shiny Colourful Glossy Layer Styles (Styles)

Glossy Colourful Photoshop Layer Styles

This set of 9 Photoshop Layer Styles allows you to create jelly texts and glossy shapes for your works.
There are 3 ready-to-use combinations (blue, violet, pink) but you can easily colourize the effect as you want.
These Photoshop Layer Styles can be used als o to create very nice transparent glass boxes and shiny effects.

In the pack:

  • 1 psd file with the above presentation fully layered and organized
  • 1 asl file with the Layer Styles ready to be used and correctly named
  • 1 txt file with the fonts used here
  • 1 jpg file to show you some tips and tricks

Download Happy Glass! – Shiny Colourful Glossy Layer Styles (Styles)