Content Writing For Website

Hello, I am building a website for my bath and body products business and need help with the content.

Content/articles need to be clear with grammatical accuracy.
I need content that are originally written through good research and use of your own creativity.

If you are planning to forward me plagiarized content, don’t bid.

The content will consist of stuff like, privacy policy, possibly FAQ’s, product descriptions, about stuff like dead sea salt, and other info related to bath and body care.

Initial bid for 30 “articles” and average 350-500 words per article.

Thank you!

Web Page Design And Setup – Also Db Setup

I’m looking for a single web page for users to register their name, and email, for a contest. There should also be a field to enter a promotional code. We will provide a valid code.

This will be to give away an iPad, so there should be a picture/pictures showing an iPad. Prefer to also include pics that would be associated to someone winning something.

Database needs to store email, person’s name, ip address, boolean field whether or not entry is free (see purchase option below). Primary key needs to be an ascending integer. We will take the highest record ID, build an RNG, and determine who the winner is.

There also needs to be an area for us to add text displaying rules, and information, regarding this giveaway.

There needs to be fields to allow the user to purchase additional entries, $1 each, via PayPal. We will supply the PayPal account so integration can be built in.

Purchased entries will be stored with other entries, given their own record ID, and reflect they are purchased entries via boolean field described above.

Popup should stop user from submitting more than 1 free entry from a single email address.

Delivery includes full QA testing and up to 1 year of defect correction.

Project includes setup/configuration and verification of site being fully functional, on our host; GoDaddy. Server is Windows based.

Upon payment in full we will own and code, trademarks, or licenses involved.

Huge Data Entry Into Excel Or Database

Our existing Database needs to be verified over the web and filled out completely according to the research results.
I need to extend the Database worldwide, city by city, country by country, therefore it is an ongoing project. Main interest point are emails of my targetgroup, which can be found on other websites and need to be entered in my excel sheet for import into my database.
the data has to be collected on my behalf and cannot be resold to somebody else. in case you know about newsletter sending and direct internetmarketing, you could do this as well in the next step.

Fancy Gap Cabin Rentals

I’m currently working to open a small business. The business is cabin rentals in the mountains of Virginia. I will need to have a web site developed.

The web site would allow for easy posting of information as well as photo gallery, booking, accepting payments, I’ll need reporting capability so I can contact past renters and offer special discounts. Can you please let me know what type of information you would need from me in order to provide a quote?

Once a cabin is rented and payment is made i’ll need to send the renter standard information regarding the rental, the days will need to be blocked from the booking calendar.

Audio File Edit 2

I did a recording on the phone with a digital recorder.It saves it as a WMA file and is about 25 minutes long. My voice is loud and clear but the person on the other end did not come out.It is so low you can’t hear it but you can tell it was recorded. I need someone who can maybe alter the recording so I can hear the voice.

WordPress Expert Adding Non Spammable Captcha To Form

One of the incompetent programmers installed a WordPress system to manage my site that only contains a few pages. On each page there is a contact form.


1. Captcha is being spammed by robots. It’s probably ‘Really Simple captcha’ or similar garbage. A chosen programmer will have to replace it with something that works and is not spammed by robots.

2. It’s not possible to edit some pages from the wp-admin area (for example the index page). When I try to edit the page it does nothing (page expires after a while); preview doesn’t work either. But it works correctly with other pages. So this needs to be fixed too.


Only programmers who know what they are doing are welcome to bid. You must know how to do programming and understand what you do, not just install/deinstall some addons.

Thank you.

Quick Graphic Designer For Print Work

This is a very very quick project if you are an expert in print projects.

All our files are ready in InDesign and are in MAC. We need someone to prepare these InDesign files for “PDF Preset” according to specs provided by printing press.

You must be using MAC and must be also using InDesign.

This project must be completed in next 4 hours.

We want someone local, hopefully from San Francisco Bay Area

Blog Poster / Blogger 2


I need a couple of people to do blog posting for me.

All the content is supplied, either in an email newsletter or on client websites.

You will need to
* have experience blogging with wordpress,
* be able to work out keywords,
* find the right blog to put the information on,
* insert images,
* and set the alt and title tags, add Title, Description, keywords and tags to the post
* SEO for blogging

PLEASE if you don’t have good experience doing this, then don’t reply. I really don’t have time to teach someone how to do this, I just need you to know how this should be done. Of course I will give guidance as required lol.

This will need to be done inside my WPMU site – not from any desktop or remote publishing programs.

I run a wpmu site with 100 blogs. You will need to find the right blog for the content – but it’s just a matter of doing a quick search for the client name.

Mostly the updates are in emails in my gmail account that you’ll have access to. One email per client – so it’s easy to work out. In Gmail you’ll need to label which update you are working on, as there will be more than one person doing this.

This is ongoing work, as I said I have 100 clients on that site, and am about to roll out more sites with even more clients.

Please bid PER BLOG POST. You will probs be doing 5-10 posts at a time.

Please quote “Pinky” to be considered for this project, if you don’t you wont be accepted regardless of price or reputation.

Plus, I really don’t want my PMB filled up with cut & paste responses, please type something specific to this project.

Once you place your bid, please don’t go offline – I want to choose a couple of people who can get started right away, so I’ll want to chat to you and get to know you.

