US Midwest battered by 56 tornadoes

A North Carolina resident sitting in his home after a tornado damaged itAt least 11 people were injured when a tornado passed through Lincoln County in North Carolina

Residents of US states from North Dakota to North Carolina are cleaning up after a fierce storm unleashed driving rain, blustery winds, heavy snow and 56 tornadoes in just two days.

The National Weather Service said the storm had caused the second-largest October tornado outbreak on record.

Injuries from the storm have been reported in states across the US.

Conditions in many states returned to normal on Thursday as the storm made its way north-east toward Ontario.

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But windy weather is still being felt in some regions in the Midwest, the Great Lakes and the Ohio Valley.

Snow and gusty winds struck North and South Dakota for a second day on Wednesday, leaving roads throughout the state covered with ice and slush.

Tornadoes formed as far east as Virginia, with eight touching down in Indiana, three in Kentucky and six in Ohio. Some residents across the Midwest and the East Coast also lost power as a result of the storm.

Two people in Racine County in Wisconsin were injured when the roof was torn from a tractor factory, while three individuals were hurt in Illinois when the roof was ripped off a home.

Eleven people were injured in North Carolina when strong winds demolished three homes, prompting tornado watches across the south-east US on Wednesday.

Forecasters at the Weather Channel said there had been 42 tornadoes on Tuesday and 14 on Wednesday.

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Aid reaches tsunami-hit islands

Tsunami-hit island

Amateur video and aerial footage show the tsunami-hit Mentawai islands

Relief efforts have been stepped up in Indonesia as three aid ships reached the worst-hit parts of the island chain devastated by Monday’s tsunami.

Rescue teams are now at work on North Pagai island in the remote Mentawai Islands off western Sumatra.

More than 340 people are known to have died. Hundreds are still missing.

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Indonesia’s president has visited the islands, which were inundated after a 7.7-magnitude undersea earthquake triggered the tsunami three days ago.

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono cut short a trip to Vietnam to oversee the rescue effort, flying in a helicopter loaded with food and other basic necessities to the remote and inaccessible islands.

There he met both survivors and local officials, promising the central government would help West Sumatra’s government to build temporary homes, health facilities and schools, his spokesman said.

Local officials say most of the villages hit by the tsunami have been reached, with victims from the worst-hit areas being buried in mass graves.

But almost 400 remain unaccounted for, and rescuers are now working on the assumption that a large number of those missing will not be found alive.

“Those who survived have nothing left except for the clothes on their body”

Hendri Dori Satoko Mentawai legislative councilIn pictures: Indonesia tsunami relief

Although three aid ships carrying food, water, medical supplies and volunteers have now arrived in the disaster zone, bad weather and rough seas remain a major challenge to the relief effort, officials say.

Aerial images of the destruction taken from helicopters show some villages were simply washed away by Monday’s 3m (10ft) wave, while the scale of the damage in the worst-affected communities is slowly emerging.

On South Pagai, the hardest-hit island, two villages were completely destroyed, said Hendri Dori Satoko, chairman of the Mentawai legislative council. No houses, government buildings or medical facilities remained standing.

He said most people had been fast asleep when the tsunami struck.

“People who managed to escape went to the mountains,” he told the BBC. “Others are missing and presumed dead.

“Those who survived have nothing left except for the clothes on their body. They had to run and had no time to save their belongings.”

Some survivors have been evacuated to North Pagai by speed boat, and the Mentawai Islands district chief, Edison Saleleubaja, said work would continue through the night to evacuate the injured for treatment at health clinics.

The relief effort was limited, said Hartje Robert Winerungan, a spokesman for the National Disaster Management Agency, as helicopters and aid ships were taking hours to reach affected areas.

Aerial view of North Pagai island, government hand-out pictureMany villages were simply washed away by the 3m (10ft) wave

“Some villages in the remote island can’t be reached so far,” said Mr Winerungan. “We’re working on it.”

Search teams have found bodies strewn along beaches and roadsides as they scour the islands, reports say.

However, many are still looking for their loved ones, even as the fear grows that they will not find them alive.

Many islanders were sleeping as the wave struck. Indonesian officials said locals had been given no indication of the coming wave, as a high-tech tsunami warning system installed in the wake of 2004’s giant Indian Ocean tsunami was not working.

Indonesia’s 32 hours of disaster25 Oct, 0600 local time: Highest alert issued for Mt Merapi eruption; villagers advised to leave.25 Oct, 2142: 7.7 magnitude quake near Mentawai Islands; tsunami watch issued.26 Oct, 1300: First reports of people missing after tsunami26 Oct, 1402: Mt Merapi erupts.Mass burial for Java volcano dead

Two buoys monitoring rising water levels off the Mentawai islands had been vandalised and were out of service, officials told the BBC.

But even a functioning warning system may not have provided sufficient warning, as the epicentre of the earthquake was so close to the Mentawai chain of islands that those living there had barely five or 10 minutes after the quake to make their escape to higher ground.

The vast Indonesian archipelago sits on the Pacific Ring of Fire, one of the world’s most active areas for earthquakes and volcanoes.

More than 1,000 people were killed by an earthquake off Sumatra in September 2009.

In December 2004, a 9.1-magnitude quake off the coast of Aceh triggered a tsunami in the Indian Ocean that killed a quarter of a million people in 13 countries including Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India and Thailand.


Sikakap hospital

Hundreds of injured survivors crowd into makeshift hospital; several villages nearby completely flattened

Macaronis resort

Villas destroyed; only the main building is still standing, which owner Mark Loughran said “saved everybody from being swept away”

Muntei Baru Baru

Entire village flattened – including 70 houses, a school and a church; Dozens of victims buried in mass grave


Village completely destroyed, with 50 reported dead and 150 missing


Some 10 people reported dead and 80 houses destroyed

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Zencart Upgrade

I am looking for one person who knows Zen Cart very well. I have an upgrade needing done. Must be very familiar with all aspects of Zen Cart.

Must be alone and be a solo developer and not part of a bigger company.
If you quote the work, you who quotes must be doing the work
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Zen Cart Upgrade

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Must be alone and be a solo developer and not part of a bigger company.
If you quote the work, you who quotes must be doing the work
Must have open tiem to perform the work without having to be delayed
Prefer Sk ype for communication and speak very good English
Must be wholesale priced and like to work on more than one project at a time

We have tons of work, and can keep you working for months!

tasks include;
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Payment modification
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Some template and theme editing, light design.
MySQL work on various issues including XML, and other

Collect Into Into Excel File

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Excellent English knowledge is a must! Please do not contact if your English is poor.
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Need Quick Excel Spreadsheet.

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