Review Book on Amazon Free Product +Pay copy and paste by atiinfosecurity

Need Help I have a book listed on I need reviews to the book, I will send you a sample of the book and give you the review to place on amazon rules state you must have purchased an item/any item on amazon to leave a customer review… (Budget: $30-$250 USD, Jobs: Article Rewriting, Blog, Product Descriptions, Reviews, Technical Writing)

Teacher Needs Help write Test Exam Questions Using My Notes. by atiinfosecurity

3 Important things about this job: 1. This is for NON commercial use (questions will not be sold or used for profit, only to teach) 2. Students are professionals(college level/college level graduates) 3… (Budget: $250-$750 USD, Jobs: Article Rewriting, Articles, Product Descriptions, Reviews, Technical Writing)

Read Psychology Papers and Summarize Keypoints (Due Nov1st) by mmvvaa

Must write 1 brief (1-2 pages) paper in response to the readings. The paper should include a brief summary of key points and should be guided by the following questions: 1) What was the primary… (Budget: $30-$250 USD, Jobs: Academic Writing, Medical Writing, Report Writing, Reviews)