Dynamic Premium Jigsaw Puzzle Game XML (Puzzles & Educational)

This jigsaw puzzle game is one of the best of its kind. Its advantage over most others is that you can choose freely the number of puzzle pieces, these pieces are created dynamically and each puzzle piece is unique in regard to the graphic on it and the form and shape as well. There are always exactly two pieces that really fit together by shape. This makes this puzzle really fun to play.

Various puzzles can be presented to the player to choose from. Puzzles can be categorized in any way. If desired a game can be saved at any point and be resumed at a different time (however this can be turned off in an exam setting or so). The welcome screen can be suppressed (like you can see in the demo).

The component is freely resizable and XML driven. A puzzle can be
easily defined in a XML file. This puzzle XML file allows you to set

  • a picture URL
  • the number and distribution of puzzle pieces you’d like to have (12×7 or 5×10 e.g.)
  • a time limit for solving the puzzle(s) if desired
  • once you finished a puzzle it is presented to you a results screen with some key statistics and a score
  • if the player’s results should be stored in your database (it is saved to the database: player’s email, date of play, score, time, percentage completed, id of the puzzle played)
  • you can set the importance the time should have in the score
  • if the game should be in “exam” or “regular” mode (in exam mode the “hint” functionality is disabled)

There is a PHP / MySQL back-end included to store the player’s results in a database. FlashVars are supported to set the puzzle collection XML file location in the HTML file.

Everything is well documented, email support is included. Please rate this component. Enjoy!

Credits: The audio files are from the “Free Sound Project” (www.freesound.org)

Download Dynamic Premium Jigsaw Puzzle Game XML (Puzzles & Educational)

Dust – Your Creative Flying Objects, all in 1 (Transitions)

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Dust—Your Creative Flying Objects!

Looking for a unique solution to present flying objects in any size and individual forms?
You found it!
Just do some little customization work to create your own unique Creative Flying Objects!

The average products only focus on one special effect (only snow, dust, or just flying hearts, etc.). Our “Dust” solution includes those and many more.

Load external PNG files (via XLM ) or import it in the Drag & Drop Flash version as Bitmap. Color them with easy settings via XML or Parameters in Flash. Add Glow, Blur, or just turn on the Blend Mode-Add to create brighter effects.

Snow for the winter landspace, petals for the Wedding, Colorful bokeh or hearts for Valentine Day’s, flying dust, rotating Objects, all this can be done with this universal tool.


  • Unlimited variations
  • Drag & Drop Flash version – Only move the MC on the stage, choose default settings, or use your individual custom settings
  • XML Version, change everything only in the easy XML file – No need to touch any Flash. Great to use in HTML , i.e. snow in the HTML background etc.
  • Free Flakes, Hearths, Stars, Dots in PNG format. Also add your own individuell Flake
  • 12 Free Flakes in PNG format. Also add your own individuell Flake
  • 12 Default predefined Setting for different Effects, for quick start
  • 23 Parameters (via Xml, or in Flash)
  • Create Dust, Snow, Plasma etc – Effects via changing simple some parameters
  • Use as many Flake amounts as you wish. 10 or even 1000. It is CPU Friendly
  • Add Glow, Blur and Blend effects
  • Easy2Read XML , Example:
          <flakes min_delay="10" max_way="150" max_start_delay="4" amount_small="600" amount_big="50" min_way="60" rotate="2" max_delay="25" />            
          <colors a="0x777777" b="0xaaaaaa" c="0xffffff" blendmode="1" />
          <alpha standard_offset="0" />
          <glow strength="2" blur="3" alpha="0.8" />
          <size big_min="5" small_max="3.5" small_min="0.3" big_max="13" />
          <platform valign="top" width="50" />

Thank you for your time!!

Download Dust – Your Creative Flying Objects, all in 1 (Transitions)

XML Multi Gallery (Image Viewers)


  • supported format jpg, gif, png
  • popup function
  • slideshow function
  • download function
  • fullscrenn function
  • mail function
  • allow unlimeted category & category items
  • random bg color by loaded current img
  • thumbs position top & bottom
  • define mail subject, your mail, mail message via xml
  • slide speed via xml
  • auto slideshow yes&no via xml

Download XML Multi Gallery (Image Viewers)

DragPic Gallery (Images and Media)




DragPic is a complete showcase tool written as a Mootools 1.3 Class (also compatible with Mootools 1.2.5), which allows you to create versatile image galleries: Create online catalogues, professional photographic portfolios, online magazines and more creative solutions based on an extremely didactic user interface.

DragPic Gallery builds horizontal and vertical galleries that can be browsed by dragging the images a few pixels left/right or up/down, just like you’d do in a touch screen device as a smartphone or a tablet. You can also enable the navigation buttons and frames number or even use the mouse wheel to scroll the gallery.

Highly customizable and simple; this powerful tool can be the right solution for many of your projects.

Drag, Click or Scroll.. you’re ready for DragPic Gallery by @davoscript!


  • Built for Mootools 1.3 (Mootools 1.2.5 compatibility with cautions).
  • Default CSS Style and JS parameters.
  • Create Custom Styles.
  • Multi instance, create as much instances you wish, each one with different behavior and appearance.
  • Browser Compatibility: FF, IE7 , IE8 , Chrome, Safari and Opera.


  • Mootools 1.3 Library.
  • Scripts: dragpic.js, also its minified version (dragpic-min.js) and the compressed version (dragpic-compressed.js).
  • Default and Core CSS file: dragpic.css.
  • Demos: “Demo” folder.
  • Documentation in PDF format with examples, parameters description, tips and cautions.

Download DragPic Gallery (Images and Media)

AuthSales – Author SMS Sales App (Miscellaneous)

AuthSales is an awesome app that will allow marketplace authors to receive text message updates when they receive a sale. This script works by using the envato api via cron job and will check for updates in sales via a cache file. If an update is found, it will get the newest item?s name, transaction timestamp, sale amount, and overall current balance. I have chosen to include only the newest item with current balance to control the amount of text messages being sent. Also if you have full control over your server, you can set the scheduled time, so if you would like it to check every 5 minutes you can or every hour or so. This app is great for authors who do not have the luxury of fancy phones such as the iPhone or Android and would like updates sent to them!


  • SMS Text message for new sales
  • Highly documented for customization
  • Nice GUI for installation
  • Great for authors who do not have iPhones or android for apps

Download AuthSales – Author SMS Sales App (Miscellaneous)

MySQL database Auto Framework (Database Abstractions)

This is a professionnal grade MySQL database framework that we have developped and improved for years. It enables you to avoid writing and re-writing all the repetitive SQL queries and all the fetch arrays, help protect you against SQL injections, and offer you a very robust, but simple way to interact with your MySQL 5 databases.


– Fully object oriented (use classes)
– Use one class file per database table
– Automatically recognize your database tables and fields.
– Automatically generate the tables class files.
– Prevent SQL injections my escaping bad characters.
– All functions are centralized in one single file.
– Supports MySQL 5 and uses MySQLi.
– Fully documented.
– Open only one MySQL connection per page, and close it at the end.

The installation is very simple:
1/ You need to define your database access information (host, name, username and password)
2/ You lanch the script that recognize your database and generate all the classes for you.
3/ You include the frameword with one single include();
4/ You can can then start using your new framework.

How to use:
Let’s suppose you have a table called “article”, containing 3 fields: id, title, description.
Just instantialize the class called Article ($a1 = new Article()) and call the methods that you need (to select, update, insert, delete and provide custom queries…)

Full documentation provided with the source code.

Download MySQL database Auto Framework (Database Abstractions)

Audio Meters (Technology)





Follow me on AudioJungleFollow me on VideoHiveFollow me on Twitter

This is a beautiful video of a Audio Meters…You can use this video in your original projects or like websites background…Enjoy and thanks for buying!
1080i | 1920×1080 | Photo jpg .mov

You can also look at my profile on AudioJungle – PLASTIC3 , if you need melodious music and fx’s in different styles for your projects.


  • MAGIC IN HERE | JULIA ’S OCEAN | Piano Opening Logo | Last Summer Butterfly | Energetic Corporate Loops Pack 5 | Summer Days | I’ve Got Sunshine | Candles In The Wind | Space Battle Number Four | ANOTHER SIDE OF HEAVEN (VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL ) | Your Voice | Dance ‘til The Morning Come | Sunshine Background Music Pack


    WAITING FOR A MIRACLE | In Battle We Trust (just 3$) | Summer Days (With Driving Remix) | I’ve Got Sunshine | PIANO OPENING LOGO | Energetic Corporate Loops Pack 5 | Julia’s Ocean | Dance ‘til The Morning Come | Energetic Background Pack | Open Your Eyes | Your Voice | Space Battle Number Four | In Weightlessness | Forgotten Paradise | Find Me | Leaves In The Wind | Energetic Corporate Loops Pack | Energetic Corporate Loops Pack 3 | Ambient Website Backgrounds | Space Battle Pack | Enigma Loops Pack | Space Battle Number One | Far Dreams | Rise | Breakfast In California| Sunshine Background Music Pack | Childrens Party Music Pack | Energetic Loop 6 | In The Rhythm



    Download Audio Meters (Technology)