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Rival forces battle for Abidjan

Smoke rises from the centre of Abidjan Smoke rises from the centre of Abidjan

Heavy fighting is taking place in Ivory Coast’s main city, Abidjan, for a third day as rival forces battle for power.

Fighters loyal to internationally-recognised president Alassane Ouattara battled for control of the presidential palace and barracks still loyal to incumbent Laurent Gbagbo.

Mr Gbagbo’s whereabouts are unknown.

In the country’s west, at least 800 people are reported to have been killed earlier this week in Duekoue as a result of inter-communal violence.

The battle for Abidjan remains fierce, with heavy fighting reported on Saturday around the Agban military base in the centre of the city.

But the situation inside the city is unclear, with some reports that soldiers defending the base were fighting amongst themselves.

State television station RTI, appears to be back under the control of Gbagbo supporters after being briefly seized by their rivals.

One soldier, accompanied by a dozen members of Mr Gbagbo’s Defence and Security Forces (FDS), read a statement on the channel calling for the mobilisation of troops to protect state institutions.

“The FDS, wishing to reaffirm their determination, to ensure their sovereign duty to protect people, property and institutions of the Republic of Ivory Coast” calls for “all the staff of the armed forces” to join five units located in Abidjan.

Ivory Coast: Battle for powerWorld’s largest cocoa producerOnce haven of peace and prosperity in West AfricaAlassane Ouattara recognised as president-elect in 2010International sanctions imposed to force Laurent Gbagbo to go473 killed, one million fled since disputed election9,000 UN peacekeepers monitor 2003 ceasefireIn pictures: showdown looms Profile: Laurent Gbagbo Profile: Alassane Ouattara Eyewitnesses: Looting and shooting

Residents of Abidjan say they are too afraid to leave their homes as the fighting continues. Many report running out of food, with all shops closed and widespread looting.

The BBC’s Valerie Bony in Abidjan says: “In all districts of Abidjan there is sporadic gunfire. There is a lot of looting going in the city, for example on Boulevard Valery Giscard d’Estaing, where shops and houses have been looted by youths who are taking advantage of the situation.”

She also says young, pro-Gbagbo supporters in several districts of Abdidjan have been armed by pro-Gbagbo supporters, according to witnesses.

Mr Ouattara was internationally recognised as president after winning a run-off vote in November, but Mr Gbagbo also claimed victory and refused to leave office.

Duekoue ‘massacre’

Damaged houses in Duekoue, Ivory Coast (29 March 2011)Tens of thousands of women, men and children have fled fighting in Duekoue since Monday

Staff of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), who visited the western city of Duekoue, said the scale and brutality of the killings were shocking.

The city was captured by fighters supporting Mr Ouattara this week and has seen fierce fighting.

Aid agencies have warned repeatedly that civilians were being subjected to major violence.

The ICRC said delegates and volunteers from the Ivorian Red Cross had visited the city on Thursday and Friday to gather evidence of the killings, which are believed to have taken place on Tuesday.

Tens of thousands of women, men and children had fled fighting in Duekoue since Monday, they said.

It is not clear whether Mr Ouattara’s forces were involved in the killings.

The United Nations human rights office says it has received reports of major human rights violations committed by both sides in the conflict.

West Africa’s second biggest economy has been brought to its knees by the conflict, which has sent global cocoa prices spiralling upwards. Ivory Coast is the world’s largest cocoa producer.


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Kandahar Koran protest ‘kills 10’

Men carrying a wounded man

The BBC’s Paul Wood: “It shows how this issue really inflames passions”

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UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has condemned an attack on a UN building in Afghanistan as “outrageous and cowardly”.

At least 14 people were killed when demonstrators torched the building in the city of Mazar-e Sharif.

Three UN workers and four Nepalese guards were among the dead.

Local officials said clerics had urged people to protest over last month’s burning of a copy of the Koran in the presence of US pastor Terry Jones.

He has denied responsibility for the violence in Afghanistan.

Witnesses said the protest began peacefully but suddenly turned violent.

Several demonstrators were killed by guards, who were then overpowered by the mob.


Mazar-e Sharif is one of Afghanistan’s largest cities – as well as one of its safest. Just last week, thousands peacefully celebrated the Persian new year.

The city is on a list of areas to be handed to full Afghan security control later this year. The attack on the UN compound raises serious questions about that plan.

A state of emergency has now been declared in the city, Afghan intelligence sources told the BBC. All roads in and out of Mazar have been blocked and cars are being checked. Special army and police units have been deployed to prevent further unrest.

The authorities are well aware of the dangers of protests spreading. In 2006, anger at cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad in a Danish newspaper swept across Afghanistan. Dozens were killed or injured.

Local police told the BBC that 27 people had subsequently been arrested.

Dan McNorton, spokesman for the UN mission in Afghanistan, said: “Three international Unama (United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan) staff members were killed, and four international armed security guards were killed.”

Initial reports said eight foreign UN workers had died.

Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt later confirmed that one of the dead was a Swede, 27-year-old UN worker Joakim Dungel.

The Norwegian defence ministry said another of those killed was Lt Col Siri Skare, a 53-year-old female pilot. The other foreign victims are believed to be a Romanian and four Nepalese guards.

US President Barack Obama condemned the attack “in the strongest possible terms”, saying the work of the UN “is essential to building a stronger Afghanistan”.

The top UN representative in Afghanistan, Staffan De Mistura, has flown to the area to handle the matter.

Witnesses said a crowd of several hundred staged a protest outside the Blue Mosque in the city after Friday prayers.

The crowds moved to outside the UN compound, where a small group broke away.

Munir Ahmad Farhad, a spokesman for Balkh province, said the group seized weapons from the guards and opened fire before storming the building.

Local police spokesman Lal Mohammad Ahmadzai told reporters that two of the UN staff had been beheaded.

However, police Gen Abdul Rafu Taj said that “according to the initial reports… none were beheaded”. He said they were shot in the head.


Kieran Dwyer, director of communications for the UN mission in Afghanistan, said the UN workers had been trapped inside the compound and “hunted down” in what was an “overwhelming situation”.

“These are civilian people, unarmed, here to do human rights work, to work for peace in Afghanistan – they were not prepared for this situation,” he told the BBC.

Mr Dwyer said it was too early to tell how the attack happened or why the UN was targeted, but that the organisation would now take extra security measures.

But he added: “The UN is here to stay. We’re here to work with the people to help them achieve peace, and this sort of thing just highlights how important that is.”

On 20 March, Pastor Wayne Sapp set light to a copy of the Koran at a church in Florida.

The burning took place under the supervision of Pastor Jones, who last year drew condemnation over his aborted plan to burn copies of the Koran on the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.

Protests were held in several other Afghan cities on Friday which demonstrators in Herat had called a “day of anger”, Afghanistan’s Noor TV channel reports.

The BBC’s Paul Wood in Kabul says Mazar-e Sharif is known to be a relatively peaceful part of the country, but that the attack on the UN will raise questions of whether the city will be able to make the transition from foreign to Afghan security control later this year.

He adds that in a deeply religiously conservative country such as Afghanistan, the act of Koran burning has the power to inflame passions in otherwise peaceful areas.

This article is from the BBC News website. © British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

Huge police operation at EDL protest

EDL demonstrationRecent EDL protests have taken place in Bolton and Rochdale
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Up to 6,000 people are expected at rival protests between the English Defence League (EDL) and their opponents in Blackburn later.

Lancashire Police are gearing up for their biggest ever operation for the demonstrations on Saturday.

Areas of the town centre have been closed to the general public during the protests and a number of road closures will be in place.

Ch Supt Bob Eastwood said any violence or damage would not be tolerated.

Mr Eastwood has described policing the demonstrations as Lancashire Police’s biggest ever operation.

The force said said it had been necessary to restrict numbers to 3,000 from each side for the “safety of the community”.

The police have no powers to ban a peaceful public assembly or protest, but can impose conditions such as where it takes place and the number of people who can attend.

A Lancashire Police spokeswoman said it was up to the organisers to ensure greater numbers did not turn up on the day.

The EDL is demonstrating outside King George’s Hall on Northgate from 1245 to 1345 BST, while the group, Blackburn and Darwen Unite Against Racism (BADUAR) will meet between 1300 and 1500 BST at Sudell Cross, about 150m (490ft) away.

Both sides will be kept apart in cordoned off areas away from the general public.

Some roads will be affected, including temporary closures, but officials said they were working hard to make sure that people could “go about their daily business as usual”.

The main Mall shopping centre is open for business as usual, but a number of smaller traders have told the BBC they are not opening.

This article is from the BBC News website. © British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

MPs ‘would work harder under AV’

Postal vote being put into a post boxThe referendum on 5 May will be the first across the whole of the UK since 1975
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The campaign for a Yes vote in the referendum on changing the way MPs are elected is being officially launched.

Celebrities including comedian Eddie Izzard and former athlete Kriss Akabusi will be at the central London event – being billed as “politician-free”.

On Tuesday Labour leader Ed Miliband and senior Lib Dems urged people to back the “fairer” AV system on 5 May.

The No campaign, launched in February, says AV would mean some people’s votes became worth more than other people’s.

Voters across the UK are being asked whether they want keep the current “first-past-the-post-system” for electing MPs to Westminster or change to the alternative vote (AV) method where candidates are ranked by preference.

The Yes campaign says the alternative vote would ensure MPs secured at least 50% of the votes in their constituency.

The referendum choice

At the moment MPs are elected by the first-past-the-post system, where the candidate getting the most votes in a constituency is elected.

On 5 May all registered UK voters will be able to vote Yes or No on whether to change the way MPs are elected to the alternative vote system.

Under the alternative vote system, voters rank candidates in their constituency in order of preference.

Anyone getting more than 50% of first-preference votes is elected.

If no-one gets 50% of votes, the candidate with the fewest votes is eliminated and their backers’ second choices allocated to those remaining.

This process continues until one candidate has at least 50% of all votes in that round.

Q&A: alternative vote referendum What is the alternative vote? AV poll: Where parties stand

Supporters argue it will provide voters with more choice, force candidates to appeal to a broader section of the public and work harder to get elected.

Those who oppose change say the current system generally leads to stable government and has historically reflected the will of the public in that unpopular governments have been voted out.

They argue it is straightforward and easy to understand, and other systems are more likely to produce indecisive outcomes.

The campaign in favour of change claims it is a people’s movement and has secured the backing of celebrities for the official launch event instead of using politicians.

Messages of support have been sent by broadcaster Stephen Fry and actor John Cleese.

On Tuesday, Mr Miliband shared a platform with leading Lib Dems including former leader Charles Kennedy, party president Tim Farron and Baroness Williams, as well as Green Party leader Caroline Lucas, to urge a Yes vote.

However, Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg was on a trade and diplomatic mission to South America instead.

The Labour leader has urged Mr Clegg to “lie low” during the Yes campaign, given public anger towards the deputy prime minister over student tuition fees and public sector cuts.

Mr Miliband was joined by shadow cabinet colleagues Tessa Jowell and John Denham, but senior Labour figures such as former cabinet members Margaret Beckett and John Prescott are campaigning for a No vote.

At the launch of the No vote, campaign director Matthew Elliott put the total cost of changing to AV at £250m – a figure disputed by supporters of the system.

Under the current Westminster electoral system, voters place a cross next to their preferred candidate. Under the alternative vote they would rank candidates in order of preference.

If no candidate wins more than 50% of the vote the candidate with the fewest votes is eliminated and their backers’ second choices allocated to those remaining, with process continuing until one candidate has more than half the votes in that round.

A separate advertising campaign to raise awareness of the referendum was launched on Friday.

The adverts for television, radio and newspapers will highlight an Electoral Commission information booklet being sent to all households.

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This article is from the BBC News website. © British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

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