Green Energy Led Lights Website

I need a very quick turn around for a corporate design for a company doing Green Energy and LED Lights.

Show me what you can do or give me a snapshot of the usable templates you may have if it is suitable for the project you will get the job. This could be done in HTML, CMS o(wordpress, joomla, Drupal,…)r whatever other environment you are comfortable with.
Site must have a photo slideshow header or nice/simple flash header.

Here are some samples from templatemonster,

I have no restrictions, show me fresh ideas and the job is yours.

Keep in mind that we are a web developer and not an end user.

Original Articles Writers Needed

Looking for a writer than can write simple articles about earrings and jewelry . The payment will be for $1 for each 450 word articles. When I buy these articles from you I will hold the rights for these articles.
Here are some of the requirements:

1. Must be prompt and meet deadlines.
2. Must be very fluent and articulate in English.
3.Articles must be original, informative and unique.
4.Articles must pass copyscape 100%
5.Must be able to write up to 1 articles each day.
6. Clean grammar and spelling.
7. All articles must be at least 450 words.
This could be a long term job if the articles have good quality. 4.0 Project Constant Work

I have an easy asp.ent 4.0 project. Really it’s just a starter project. It’s 2 days of solid work, but it’s going to lead to you have
work daily. Almost like a regular job.

I want it done in 2 days time. I’ll pay $100 for the work. This is going to lead to constant work. My client is a programmer
and he wants an developer to help him on projects he has. And he and his partner have many. You will be working with him.
Not talking to him, but workign with him via chatting with me.

He uses 4.0 sql, 2005, MVC, cloud, He LOVES jquery, and he’s using Tortoise SVN

He’s done a lot of the work already. The database is in and he’s done parts. This really is just a test project to see your skill

Go here. and downlaod it

This is the project as a whole. You are just doing a small part of it. This project has a lot of the parts already done.
All you are doing is the Manage TPAs part. It’s sort of hard to follow at first glance. But pink just means only the admin sees it.

Anyway the parts you will be doing is page 11-18 The Manage TPAS part.

It’s really much simplier then it even looks. See since my client (the master programmer on the project has done a lot of the work)
you really can just reuse a lot of his code. He has the database made and mostly populated.

Convert Diagram To A Flow Chart Or Mind Map

We have attached an image that we require converted to a template that we can add live urls (hyperlinks).

Instead of a static image, we want a format that allows us to:

– add and change the text in the buttons
– add hyperlinks that load the url in a browser
– can be shared with others
– can be embedded in a website

Preference given to bidders that use a program that saves the completed template as a PDF.

We are looking for bids to create the template. We will put our own content in the image.

Open to any software ideas from gliffy to mindmanager.

Custom Video Creation

I need someone to create a real live video for me with good editing involved to capture key parts of the video.

The nature of the video will need to take place in a grocery store in which you are to use coupons to save money off your total bill. You need to use at least 50 coupons or save at least 20% off your total bill.

To get an idea of what I’m looking for is this:

Video can be 1-2 minutes long is all.

-Does not need the news narration as in the sample video above.
-Should begin with the preparation of clipping the coupons, sorting in a binder, etc.
-Should then take place at the store during checkout and using the coupons
-Should show the savings on the receipt.

This needs to be a U.S. provider!

Simple 3 Page Web Site Needed Plus Seo + Affiliate Scheme


Hi guys i want a simple website offering my services similar to

I want the site nice and attractive with a lot more pictures and colors compared to the site ^^^^ above^^^^. I want the site to look professional and appealing to customers and not like a scam. I offer professional password recovery services for victims of hacked accounts, so unlike the site mentioned i would prefer on targeting victims of hacked accounts.

I would like it to be just as simple as the site mentioned just a few pages with minimal text, this should be a quick and easy job.

I also want a quick and easy admin are where i can easily edit the site myself and view all my members who have signed up for the site and there details. (this would be a big advantage so please mention on bid)

This is an ongoing job and i will require the bidder to do future work providing they do a good job.

The nature of this can be deemed unacceptable so we would like are teams identity to be anonymous so if you have any tips on offshore hosting services similar to that would be an advantage so please mention on the bid.

We would like this site to contain an affiliate scheme this is where we want 95% of our customers generated from. we would like a built in affiliate scheme where people can sign up to our website join the affiliate scheme and we give them a link containing there id. And they message the links to friends and any sales there link generates we give them commission.

We are nice friendly people to work with and available to speak about the project 24/7.

This should be a simple project so please no outrageous bids



Social Media Specialist

I need somebody who has a background in twitter marketing who can build a large following on twitter quickly.

The job will involve managing multiple accounts in different niches and building a list of high quality followers on each one without getting any of the accounts banned.

Please only apply if you have a background of this kind of work.

When you apply, also tell me how you will be getting the followers. I do not want any automated bot followers.

They must all be real people, I will be watching your work closely.

8 Apps for Radio Listening and Recording on your Mac

Radio is a technology that has evolved a great deal, and it doesn’t seem to show any sign of disappearing. It’s very convenient to just turn on the radio and get a continuous stream of music for hours, without having to choose anything yourself. It’s very practical, and a brilliant wat to find new music!

However, local radio stations aren’t usually very good. Sometimes you want to listen to a station that plays a certain genre, or a specific talk show that isn’t aired on your local radio stations. That’s where online radio comes in.

There’s an amazing number of online radio stations out there, and plenty of variety to choose from. But of course, you’ll need something to listen to those stations. Today, we present you some of our favorite software picks for radio listening and recording.



You might not be aware of iTunes’ radio capabilities. They’re not particularly impressive or in-depth, but they work well. You might have to go into your iTunes settings to activate this feature. Once you do you’ll see a “Radio” tab on your library. If you click it you’ll have access to a bunch of categories, where you’ll have plenty of radio stations to pick from.

As far as functionality goes, the iTunes Radio player is lackluster. You can add your own stations, even though iTunes already comes with an impressive number of radio stations. But unfortunately there’s no way to mark stations as “favorites”, you can’t record what you are listening to, and you can’t even search for keywords within stations.

It’s simple, but not very useful. If you already use iTunes, you might as well stick with it for your radio listening, unless you want a more complete app.

Price: Free
Requires: iTunes 2 or higher
Developer: Apple



Radium is a simple menu bar app that allows you to listen to pretty much any radio station you desire. You can import stations from iTunes, or from a URL, or you can just search a keyword, such as “indie” to bring up a handful of radios that meet that keyword.

Once you are listening to a radio station, it will bring up a Growl notification every time a new song starts. There’s a history log of every song you’ve listened to, and you can share your songs with Twitter and Facebook.

You can even add subscription radio sites, like and Sirius. The best part is that everything is managed through your menu bar in a very simple manner.

Price: $24.95
Requires: Mac OS X 10.5 or higher
Developer: Catpig Studios is one of my favorite websites. It’s a music social network that also has a radio, and can keep track of everything you listen to (making for some fascinating statistics). also has a Mac client that has various purposes. One of them is to “scrobble” (send to their website) what you listen to, another is to interact with the songs you listen to (love them, tag them, share them, get info of them, etc.). But the most useful feature is probably the radio.’s radio is very different from any other app. It gathers info from what you listen to, and only plays tracks that you might like based on what other people with a similar music taste listen to. It’s a great tool for discovering new music that you will actually like. The only downside is that if you are not in the US or the UK, you have to pay for the radio service.

Price: Free
Requires: Mac OS X 10.4 or higher


Snowtape 2.0

Snowtape is one of the most complete radio players I have ever seen. It’s full of features: it can record audio, it can schedule radio programming, it can add pretty much any station you tell it to, it can send your recordings to iTunes, it can scrobble your plays, and it comes preloaded with an impressive amount of radio stations.

Its main feature, like its name says, is that it can record the music that you listen to (and it does a great job of it). It lets you edit your music and find artwork for it. The downside: the price. It’s very expensive, but it’s also great. It even found nearby stations to my location.

Price: $33
Requires: Mac OS X 10.6 or higher
Developer: Vemedio



Pulsar is exclusively a satelite radio player, meaning you need an account and a subscription to a satellite radio service like Sirius in order to take full advantage of it.

It has a nice iTunes-like interface, along with support for features like “Favorites”, pausing, and Growl support. The negatives: it only supports satellite radio, and it can’t record audio. This is pretty much a desktop solution to streaming Sirius on your browser.

Price: $20
Requires: Mac OS X 10.5 or higher
Developer: Rogue Amoeba


Pandora One

Pandora is similar to; a radio service that plays music that you might like based on your music taste. Pandora One is a deluxe service that you can pay for in order to get a bunch of extra features.

One of those extra features is access to a desktop app that allows you to use Pandora from your desktop. This app runs on Adobe AIR and doesn’t do much other than give you the Pandora experience on your desktop.

Price: $36/year
Requires: Adobe AIR
Developer: Pandora



FStream is a free alternative to all the pricier options we have listed above. It’s very barebones, it barely has an interface. It doesn’t come preloaded with any stations – you’ll have to look for those by yourself.

Once you add a source, it’ll keep it in its log, so that’s good. It also lets you record songs and it has an equalizer. That’s about it. It’s super basic and it doesn’t do much, but it’s also free!

Price: Free
Requires: Mac OS X 10.4 or higher
Developer: Source Mac



Radioshift is made by the same people that make Pulsar, and they’re both very similar, except that Radioshift is not focused solely on satellite radio services.

It has a very simple iTunes-like interface, and it’s really easy to get used to it. You can search radio stations or you can browse the popular ones provided by the app. I don’t think you can record music with it, but it does let you favorite stations and subscribe to them. It has a solid interface, and it’s easy to understand, but it’s a fairly expensive option.

Price: $32
Requires: Mac OS X 10.5 or higher
Developer: Rogue Amoeba


As you can see, there are plenty of options out there for listening to the radoi on your Mac. Most of them cost a few dollars, but it’s a small price to pay if you’re a big radio fan. While you may find some good free alternatives, like iTunes, they tend to lack a few features that you might want to use.

If you think you’ll use a radio app a lot and would like to take advantage of features like recording, you might want to go for an app like Radium or Snowtape. Otherwise, you could probably live with iTunes’ radio features.

Would you like to recommend any other software? Are there any that you use that we didn’t include in this roundup? We’d love to hear about them in the comment section below!

How To Run Your Own Professional FTP Server with Rumpus

Thanks to the hundreds of one-click file sharing websites online, the use of FTP for casually sharing files has drastically reduced. The protocol is all but relegated to just uploading and downloading files to a server. But as simple as file sharing websites are, using them means giving up a lot of control over the data you have uploaded.

If you want to retain this level of security and control, FTP is still the way to go. Now you might say, Mac OS X comes with a built in FTP Server, so why would anyone want to pay for a third party solution? Read on after the break to find out how and why Rumpus is a better solution for creating your own server.


Rumpus makes it easy for anyone with an Internet connection to run their own FTP and web file transfer server. Clients who have access to your network can effortlessly upload and download files directly to your server, using dedicated FTP clients or a modern web browser.

Yes, Rumpus does indeed have a web interface, which supports all major web browsers on both Mac and PC, and is fully customizable to match your existing website. Rumpus is also capable of ensuring secure connections, with encrypted transfers and full user access controls.

Installation & Set Up

Help Assistant

Help Assistant

You get 30 days to test drive all the features of Rumpus. The Rumpus installation wizard is a bit different from the ones I have seen in the past. Links to resources that help you get started with the app are displayed in two rows. What makes them notable is that all resources are available for reference locally – even before you install the app!

Unlike some other apps which link to their help and FAQ section of their homepage, you do not have to switch back and forth between the browser. Tiny arrows to turn the pages of the document right from the installation wizard is a nice touch.

Choosing a FTP Folder

Choosing a FTP Folder

The journey towards setting up a FTP server unwinds in three simple steps. In the first step, you will have to select the folder from where the transfers happen. Users will be restricted to this Home Folder and after setting up, you can assign or restrict users to their own dedicated folders.

Creating a secure user account is the second step. This account is the admin account, yet it can still be used by other users to connect to the server (though not recommended). It is also possible to make this account anonymous – meaning no username & password is necessary to connect, however, such an account is just read only. Multiple user accounts with varied levels of access permission can be created later.

Enabling Web File Manager

Enabling Web File Manager

Enabling the Web File Manager (WFM) is the final step. WFM enables you to connect and manage the server over the web and might come in handy if you are accessing a machine that does not have Rumpus desktop app installed.

Splash Screen

Splash Screen

After a splash screen that summarizes the connection settings, we are off to test the app!

Starting the Server



Rumpus impresses you with a neatly designed control panel at first glance. All the icons have a clear description of their functionality to make your life easier. A successful installation does not start the server by itself so once you are ready, hit the Start Server icon on the top right corner to bring the server online.

FTP Settings

Encoding Settings

Encoding Settings

To ensure that bandwidth is used efficiently and securely, connection rules can be defined from the FTP Settings screen. Standard sets of rules like timeouts, number of simultaneous connection and the default FTP port can be managed from here. This is the place you will have to come to if you plan to turn the FTP server off.

Connection Settings

Connection Settings

From the logs tab, comprehensive logs to keep track all connections, errors, transfer details etc. can be created. Custom messages on successful connection and disconnection, along with extensive encoding options, are all available under their respective tabs.

Activity Monitor

Activity Monitor

Activity Monitor

The activity monitor lists all users connected to the FTP server including complete details of the file being transferred, the speed at which it transferred, the progress of the file transfer and more. By selecting a user, detailed information including the IP address and bytes transferred can be obtained.


Web FTP Settings

Web FTP Settings

The Web FTP feature is one of the USPs of Rumpus. Web browsers capable of understanding the file transfer protocol and can be used in lieu of a fully blown FTP app. However, they are often a major pain to use and rarely support file uploading.

Rumpus offers a unique solution to this problem through the Web File Manager, which puts an attractive HTML interface on your FTP server. Now you can control the FTP server from the comfort of a web browser and this feature is possible because of the built-in Web server that delivers most of the same features of FTP using a simple, customizable HTTP interface.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to serving files over the Internet from your servers, Rumpus does everything right. Except for controlling the packets being transmitted, Rumpus offers numerous features to keep all aspects of file transmission under control. To be very particular, the ability to control the user rights while connecting and transferring data is thorough and comprehensive.

Rumpus ensures you the much required peace mind that no one can download or upload data that you have not screened yourself. A great feature in this era of digital piracy. For those planning to run FTP servers from their own infrastructure, Rumpus is the ideal choice if they could not find a free, open source app with similar set of features.

Thanks to Our Weekly Sponsor: Courier

Sponsoring the site again this week is an increasingly popular app from Realmac Software – Courier. This fantastic piece of software makes it easy to quickly share files, images, photos, movies, and more with all your favourite online services – including Flickr and Facebook.

It’s wrapped up in a functional and beautiful interface, and seven built-in plugins mean you’ll be able to start sharing in under 30 seconds. With Amazon S3, Ember, Flickr, Facebook, FTP / SFTP, Vimeo and YouTube support, Courier has the most-requested services in the bag!

Courier is now a completely Mac App Store exclusive application, and has seen a huge reduction in price to $9.99. This is a great deal, and well worth checking out if you’re looking for a piece of software to make sharing all your social content easier!