Experienced Phpfox Programmer Needed

As stated in the title, I need a programmer who is experienced with PhpFox and I am running version 2.04. If you have no experience with PHPfox, please do not bid on this one.

What I need is a modification to a plugin that I already have. It is the “gift” plugin and here are the changes that I need made to the plugin.

1) When someone gives a gift, the gift shows up on the receivers profile page and the gift page already. What I need changed is for the gift when it shows up on the pages to always show 250px by 250 px. I need them to be 2 to a row on the profile page which I believe it is already.

2) When the person sends the gift, it allows them to type a message. The change I need is for when someone hoovers over the gift, the message will show up like a tool tip. I do not want the message to show anywhere else other than when the person hoovers over the gift.

3) Lastly, instead of it saying gift, I want all references to the “gift” to say “stamp”.

When bidding, please keep in mind that the plugin is already fully functioning and works well and what I m looking for are these changes to the plugin only. Also, keep in mind when bidding that the original plugin cost $80.00 when I bought it, so don’t go overboard with your bid price please.

I would prefer that you already have this on your server and complete the project on your server first. Then I can review it and make payment and you can send me the files. If you are not able to do so, I can set up on on a development site, then once it is completed and I review, you would need to install on my live site. At the completion of the project, I will also need a zipped file of all newly modified files, so if I upgrade the site, I already have the modified files ready to go again without having to do a new project. Please PBM me with any questions. Thanks for reviewing my project.

Online Tutorial

I want to create an online tutorial viewing website. An online educational learning libraries of training courses that can be viewed anywhere there is an internet connection.Accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. membership is good for 12 months. Payment methods will be by the following: PayPal
(Visa & MasterCard). Home page will be split up into the top leaders in video education. Need to have a user friendly interface that uses javascript technology so no copying of the education files can be done. All video traing files will be in .MOV format (Quicktime), so need to have that immediately available for download 7. Need to have a Backadmin panel in which I can add new titles, description, and option to join to learn. Similar to lynda.com


Hi Im looking for a wordpress theme, the work we do is a electrical fire and security contractor with the main focus being fire, then security then electrical.

The logo is red and grey and the layout of the theme should be

Header Containing logo, thinking logo on the left which has a white background and then merge it with a image that relates to fire and security.

Menu This will be a drop down menu and colours need to blend


Thinking 2 columns, main content and a side bar on the right, the side bar will have testimonials a contact us form and maybe a google map


Usual footer details

I need the website to stand out, be eye catching but look professional, I will require a mockup before selecting a bid

Blackhat Project

1. Register for 100 AOL email accounts.
2. Register for 100 Yahoo mail accounts.

Once you have these; I want you to go to a certain website (will let you know in private); to sign up for customer accounts; with random address.

Sign up for their newsletter.

Every Friday; they send out newsletters – I want you to click on Report Spam / This is Junk feature in both AOL EMAIL.

Everything needs to be done via US/EU web proxy or VPN.

Rinse & Repeat this cycle every week.

Bid per week; I will repost this project weekly.

Instant Square Foot Pricing Calculator for Print Shop by sanantoniomark

Good Day, I’m looking for someone who can write an instant square foot pricing calculator for a large format print shop. Similar to what is available on the following websites: Worldwidedigitalprinting.com,… (Budget: $100-$5000 USD, Jobs: HTML, PHP, Script Install, Software Architecture)

teleseminar series-create web appearance by germanleap

Create a webappearance to host a teleseminar series, preferrably by integrating commercially available modules. Content management: Email marketing, opt-in page listing all the speakers and sign-up button… (Budget: $250-$750 USD, Jobs: Internet Marketing, Link Building, Market Research, Shopping Carts, Website Design)