‘At risk’ whale pod leaving loch

Pilot whales

Rescue teams are watching and waiting to see what the whales do next

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Animal welfare experts have said a pod of more than 60 whales at risk of beaching in the Western Isles are out of immediate danger.

Latest reports from the sea loch suggest the whales have now moved out into open water.

Experts said it was possible they could move back into the loch at any time but there was currently no sign of the whales there.

The pod was last seen in the loch at 0930 BST.

The whales were first spotted near Loch Carnan, off South Uist, on Thursday afternoon.

It was feared the whales could die in a mass stranding.

Earlier, rescuers who monitored the whales overnight said they had “calmed down” and had made their way into deeper water at the centre of the loch.

It was hoped they would be able to navigate their way back out to sea.

About 20 of the whales were spotted with head injuries.

It is thought the injuries may have been caused by the whales’ attempts to strand themselves on the rocky foreshore of the sea loch.

Pilot whales normally prefer deep water but come inshore in search of squid, which is their main food source.

Last week a pilot whale died after getting stuck in the Sullom Voe in Shetland.

The Scottish SPCA earlier said it did not look like any more whales had broken away from the big pod but added that there was a large coastline to search.

Sick and injured whales are thought to beach themselves to die.

However, at times, dying whales have been followed to shore by healthy animals.

Conservationists have also suggested the whales may have got lost.

Rescuers were hoping to put inflatable pontoons in place for refloating any whales which become stranded.

On Friday, the pod was seen moving back and forth from the shore and rescuers said the animals were “very vocal”, which they said may be a sign of distress.

Members of the British Divers Marine Life Rescue have been at the scene.

In October a pod of pilot whales were in danger in the same sea loch.

Days later, 33 whales, thought to be the same group, were discovered dead on a beach in County Donegal.

Pilot whales can grow up to about 20ft (6.1m) and are among the most common marine mammals.

This article is from the BBC News website. © British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

Ivory Coast president inaugurated

Vendor sells Ouattara T-shirts in YamoussoukroThe ceremony is intended to emphasise Ouattara’s legitimacy

More than 20 heads of state are preparing to attend the inauguration of Ivory Coast’s President Alassane Ouattara.

The ceremony aims to draw a line under six months of bloody unrest.

Fighting broke out after Mr Ouattara’s predecessor Laurent Gbagbo refused to admit defeat following last year’s presidential election.

Mr Ouattara has promised to promote reconciliation in the country, where ethnic divisions are marked.

He took the oath of office two weeks ago.

But this ambitious inauguration ceremony aims to reinforce his legitimacy as president after a violent power struggle with Mr Gbagbo.

It is expected to be a demonstration of international backing: on the guest list is Nicolas Sarkozy, president of the former colonial power France, several African heads of state and the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.

It is also designed to build domestic support, or at least acceptance.

Representatives from across the political spectrum have been invited, including members of Mr Gagbo’s party.

The ceremony is meant to symbolize the beginning of a reconciliation process that is key to the country’s recovery.

Mr Ouattara is keenly aware that he won only a little more than half the vote, and the presidential stand-off reignited festering ethnic tensions, with human rights groups accusing both sides of killings, rape and other crimes.

This article is from the BBC News website. © British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

Mobile Greeting Application

Looking for a mobile phone developer to string together a series of graphics and audio for a greeting card application.

App features will include:
– Ability to post greeting to social networks ie. Facebook.
– Ability to send greeting via SMS multimedia and e-mail
– Includes thumbnail map
– Audio feature with on and off ability
– Compatible for both Ipad and Iphone.
– Android compatible

– Please provide examples of previous mobile app projects.

Graphics and audio will be provided.

Need 300 Articles.read Before Bid

I want writers, good writers. BUT PLEASE BID BEFORE YOU READ.
We need thousands of articles. at present I am in need of some good writers. 300 articles of 700 words. I cannot put escrow/ milestone/ advance. Payment will be after every 50 article competition.
Work must pass Copyscape and with good quality of work.
Project is long term, but please do not start negotiating after you are selected. Do not agree, just leave this.
After you accept the bid we will give our website address to you for your verification. If agreed then bid. Need some good writers for a very long time.

Seven Seo Spinned Articles

I need 7 seo spinned articles

– must pass copyscape 100%
– no plagiarism
– perfect english ( no errors )
– The spinable tags are : {sentence a~sentence b}.
– Each sentence must be rewrite once
– Each title must contains a keyword
– The title must be rewrite twice( There must be 3 titles)
– For the spun titles, i need this structure :
– If a sentence contains a keyword, the spinnable sentence
must contain a keyword too, same for the titles
– min. 1000 words /spinnable article (500 words/ article –
before spinning)
– the articles must be informative!
– body text must have one or more of those keywords :

Project A

– computer repair business
– start a computer repair business

The structure of the articles is :

[Article 1]

– computer repair business x2
– start a computer repair business x1

[Article 2]

– computer repair business x1
– start a computer repair business x2

Project B

– Salmon Fishing in Port Hardy
– Salmon Fishing on Vancouver Island
– Fishing Charter on Vancouver Island

The structure of the articles is :

[Article 1]

– Salmon Fishing in Port Hardy x1
– Salmon Fishing on Vancouver Island x1
– Fishing Charter on Vancouver Island x1

Project C

– Lightest Antivirus
– Prevx 3.0
– cloud anti virus
– get anti virus
– Small Antivirus

The structure of the articles is :

[Article 1]

– Lightest Antivirus x1
– Prevx 3.0 x1
– cloud anti virus x1

[Article 2]

– get anti virus
– Small Antivirus
– Lightest Antivirus x1

Project D

– Affordable Teeth Whitening
– Algonquin Dentist
– Carpentersville Dentist

The structure of the articles is :

[Article 1]

– Affordable Teeth Whitening x1
– Algonquin Dentist x1
– Carpentersville Dentist x1

[Article 2]

– Affordable Teeth Whitening x1
– Algonquin Dentist x1
– Carpentersville Dentist x1

I need informative articles, without ads, brand names, or website names

Problem With Starting Resin Webserver

Hi, i placed my poolman.xml in every directory but still cant find
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LUCKYSEVEN::GameServlet, c`tor
LUCKYSEVEN::init, begin
LUCKYSEVEN::getGameID_DB, begin

** ERROR: Unable to find XML file poolman.xml: java.lang.NullPointerException

** ERROR: Unable to find XML file poolman.xml: java.lang.NullPointerException

WordPress Experts

Please make the following urgent changes in the homepage of Dtf.in:-

1. At present, there are 5 items each visible in the Services, Headlines, SH, RTI and Consumer on the homepage. This number should be 10 from 5.

2. There is no provision for “More News” for the category, Consumer, on the homepage. This provision needs to be made urgently.

3. Newsletter is not working fine and since we want to use it now so please either fix it or change the plugin with a working one.

4. Need some space for ad banners.. it can be of any size you can suggest and a nice banner management system (plugin)

Winning team needs to sign an NDA and payment will be made after we are satisfied.

Its not a more than a day job but for a team or programmer who is proficient in wordpress.

Deadline: we have to get this done in 1 day and budget is not more than $50


Logo Design

Im looking for a designer to create a modern clean look to my logo.

Description about our business:
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clean looking
water icon or water incorporated into the design

Designers must provide a sample of my reworked logo in order for me to consider their bit. no sample no project sorry.

The wining bidder will be paid for the originoal file and also future work.


Expensive Iphone App

My budget for this app is not more than US$8000.

I need someone with advanced experience in developing iphone apps with both function and design. You must have experience working with the GPS features and database connectivity with GPS.

I am working with a limited budget and need to have this project completed in 3 weeks or less.

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Multi Level Marketing Component For Joomla And Virtuemart.

This Multi Level Marketing (MLM) Component is for Joomla-Membership-Website with Virtuemart-Shop inside. (Should Install using Joomla Extension Installer).

The main feature is “UNILEVEL PLAN” with 10 level deep commision setting available.
Commission calculated based on a variable. (NOT USING PRODUCTS PRICE).

Commission plan Works for Membership Fee and Buying Products from SHOP.


1. Replicated Website / URL for each registered-member to promote, such as www.domain-name.com/username. (any new user sign up via this URL automatically become this member’s downline).

2. Auto Email for New User and Uplines on: Signup, Confirm Payment, Activation.

3. User Account: View Uplines and Downlines, View Commission Report, Edit Profile.

4. Export User Data Function and Database Backup Function.

5. Module for Newest Users List and Top Sponsors.

Note: This is NOT about Web Design, We already had Website running. This is about developing a NEW component with its features for Joomla with Virtuemart Shop.

Prefered if you have ever developed such as MLM Script, Affiliate Component for Virtuemart or Membership Component to start from.

Best Regards,

PMD phpmydirectory Design and Implementation by denver1

Require one web 2.0 template front-end designs for phpmydirectory. Must be familiar with the phpmydirectory structure and the layout must work with the latest version of phpmydirectory v1.3.3. One design will be senior living and the other will be medical related… (Budget: $30-$250 USD, Jobs: CSS, PHP, PSD to HTML, Templates, Website Design)