Make A Ringtone With GarageBand

It’s very easy to make your own iPhone ringtones with GarageBand. Those who already know their way around Apple’s beginner-friendly Digital Audio Workstation will be able to breeze through this guide with a few quick glances, but for Mac users new to GarageBand, the seven steps below will guide you along the way.

Step 1: Choose A Song

Selecting A Song In iTunes

Selecting A Song In iTunes

First we need to choose a song to use as a ringtone, so browse through your iTunes library and find a song you’d like to use. I’ve chosen Manchester post-punk band, The Fall, with their cover of Victoria. Once the song is decided, we’re finished with iTunes for the time being.

Step 1 can be skipped if you’re comfortable importing songs with GarageBand’s media browser

Step 2: Launch GarageBand

Launching GarageBand

Launching GarageBand

Now launch GarageBand and you will be presented with the launch screen. Selecting “iPhone Ringtone” from the left window pane will bring up the screen shown above. Click “Example Ringtone” and “Choose”.

New Project

New Project

You will now be presented with the above dialog box. Though important when creating a song from scratch, the settings can be safely ignored for our purposes. All that is needed is a title (song name with ‘ringtone’ added is a good choice), so leave all the other options as default and hit “Create”.

Step 3: Introducing GarageBand



Depending on your version of GarageBand, you should now be presented with the above screenshot, or something similar. I am using GarageBand’s latest iteration from iLife ’11, but these instructions should still suffice for older versions with some slight tweaking.

It’s worth taking a few moments to familiarize ourselves with GarageBand’s basic interface. Keeping our gaze toward the bottom center of GarageBand’s window, we can see a set of self-explanatory buttons for play, pause, skip and record. Moving to the right of these, there is a timer and further right still, the “Cycle” button (which should remain highlighted), “Metronome” and “Volume Slider”. Hovering the pointer over a button for a moment will present a brief explanation of its function.

Though this guide is catered toward iPhone ringtones, it should be useful for any phone which is able to accept custom ringtones

Step 4: Getting Started

Track Audio

Track Audio

Keeping our gaze in the center of GarageBand’s screen, but now moving upwards, there is a track of music already inserted. This is labelled ‘Jingles’ and the blue graphic to the right of this is a visual representation of the music it contains. Click play to hear the jingle.

Now we need to free up the space currently taken by the jingle, so click on the blue graphic and choose ‘Edit’ from the menu, then ‘Delete’ to clear our track of its audio. We’ve now got a nice clean track (still called ‘Jingles’) ready for putting our would-be ringtone into, as shown below.

Blank Track

Blank Track

Arrange GarageBand’s window so that you can see iTunes and your chosen song is selected. Click and drag the song into GarageBand’s main window, directly where the previous blue graphic was. If you miss the correct place, your song will be inserted onto a new track – if this happens, simply click and drag onto the correct one. Now would be a good time to save your progress.

Step 5: Editing Ringtone Start

GarageBand has now imported our song as you can see on the screenshot below.

Cycle Region Unchanged

Cycle Region Unchanged

You will notice a small yellow bar above the audio graphic, this is called the “Cycle Region”. The Cycle Region specifies what length our ringtone will be and it can be dragged left or right to stop and start the audio where we choose, so any point in the song can be converted into a ringtone.

Cycle Region Edited

Cycle Region Edited

Victoria begins with a drummer tapping a four bar intro. That doesn’t really fit with how I want my ringtone to sound, so I’ll adjust the Cycle Region with a click and drag to the right until the song begins in the right place. This may take a bit of practice at first, depending on the song choice, but as you can see above, my ringtone now begins as the music kicks in. Clicking on ‘Play’ will confirm this. Our next step is to perform the same process for our ringtone’s end point.

Step 6: Editing Ringtone End

iTunes will only allow a maximum ringtone length of 40 seconds, so, staying in our main window, press play and listen for a good place to end the ringtone. When listening to the song, you will notice that the audio only plays as far as the Cycle Region bar is set, which is currently 17 seconds or so into the song. The Cycle Region should now be extended to the right, to the point at which you want the ringtone to end, making adjustments when necessary.

In this case, I have chosen to stop right at the moment before the vocalist starts singing the chorus.

Cycle Region End

Cycle Region End

Play the song once again and take some time trying to make the ending as smooth as possible. This may take a little while if you do not have experience editing audio.

Step 7: Exporting Your Ringtone

This is the final step.

Make sure to save in GarageBand. Then have one last listen to the ringtone. If you are happy with the beginning and end points, simply click “Send Ringtone to iTunes” – which is located on GarageBand’s menu bar, under “Share”. Your ringtone should now be available in iTunes under the “Ringtones” pane – if this pane is not there for whatever reason, go into iTunes’ preferences and enable its view.



Now the above process can be repeated again with whichever songs you like. With some practice and the correct song choices, it should take only a few minutes to get each ringtone made and exported into iTunes.

All Finished!

Wasn’t that easy? You should now be equipped to create tons of custom ringtones for your phone. Leave a comment below and let us know if there are any other tutorials that you’d like to see from the iLife suite.

We’re Giving Away Our Own Custom-Built App: Unwind!

Although we usually spend our hours reviewing applications from others here at AppStorm, next week we’ll be doing something slightly different! We’ve developed a delightfully simple app for freelancers, called “Unwind”.

Unwind encourages you to take regular breaks from working at your machine, with a simple countdown timer and a relaxing environment to enjoy during your time away from work. We have some soothing music, and beautiful photos from Envato’s upcoming photo marketplace.

It’s a fun little utility for Mac-using freelancers, and we can’t wait to share it with you next week. To secure your copy, all you need to do is join the AppFanatix newsletter! We’ll be sending out an email to all our subscribers on Monday with details on how to download their free copy of Unwind.

AppFanatix is already enjoyed by over 6,000 people, and it’s the best way to stay up-to-date with the latest developments at AppStorm, receive fortnightly deals on fantastic software, and hear about promotions such as our Freelance Mac App Bundle!

Subscribe now, and secure your free copy of Unwind!

Don’t Forget to Grab the Freelance Mac App Bundle…

We’ve now sold over 1,000 copies of our awesome bundle, that contains every essential Mac app for freelancers: Billings, TextExpander, LittleSnapper, Alarms, Arq, Radium, WriteRoom, 1Password, and much more. Time is ticking away, so don’t forget to grab your copy before it’s too late!

Reeder Finally Exits Beta and Hits the App Store

I’ve been using Reeder since the very beginning, since back when it was just a wee little app with no subscription management or automatic refresh.

Since that first public beta, reeder has grown from a buggy iOS port to a fully-featured, beautiful Google Reader client. There’s no shortage of Mac RSS applications, and many have developed loyal fanbases across many niches. In this crowded market, can reeder really offer something new?

Layout and Design

Reeder features a richly detailed, iOS-inspired design, with many customizable options, allowing you to browse through your articles as you please. The default layout is a typical three-column affair with columns for subscription list, article list, and preview/browser pane. You can also browse Reeder in a minimized, two-column layout, which only shows full articles when double-clicked.

You can customize the details of Reeder’s appearance, from color and texture to font size and contrast. My only minor complaint here is that the app window is dimmed when you’re customizing the appearance, so you can’t really tell what the color looks like.

Reeder interface with "classic" layout and "standard" color options

Reeder interface with "classic" layout and "standard" color options

"minimized" layout and "iOS" color scheme

"minimized" layout and "iOS" color scheme

Reeder’s interface is well-designed and straight-forward: the reduced layout features only the bare minimum of buttons, allowing you to view starred, unread, or all articles. By default, clicking the “mark all as read” icon (the checkmark) has a confirmation prompt, which is a little annoying, but can be removed in preferences. Reeder’s interface is customizable to the point that that you can change pretty much anything you don’t like about it to suit your own preferences.

Reading preferences

Reading preferences

Multi-Touch Browsing

Without a doubt my favourite feature of Reeder is the customizable multi-touch support. Without setting any preferences, the multi-touch interactions work pretty intuitively and are really a joy to use. Use three fingers to scroll through unread articles, swipe with three fingers to view an article in minimized layout, or view an article in the built-in browser in the classic layout. I have gestures set up to open an article in Chrome when I pinch open, and send to ReadItLater when I pinch closed.

“Swipe to Navigate” has to be enabled under System Preferences / Trackpad or Mouse for full multi-touch support. Full support currently only works for multi-touch trackpad, and ther is limited support (swipe left and swipe right) for Magic Mouse.

Multi-touch support is completely customizable, I have it set up so that I can browse my articles without a single click or keystroke. It feels super futuristic.

Customizing multi-touch gestures

Customizing multi-touch gestures

Keyboard Shortcuts

If you’d rather go the keyboard route than the multi-touch route, Reeder’s keyboard shortcuts feature even more options than gestures. Reeder uses simple keyboard shortcuts without the cmnd prefix, which will be familiar to users of Google’s web apps.

Customizing keyboard shorcuts

Customizing keyboard shorcuts

Integration with Services and Other Features

Reeder supports integration with a slew of bookmarking and offline reading services, including Readability, Instapaper, ReadItLater, Pinboard, Delicious, Zootool and Twitter. You can customize which services appear in the toolbar, and which ones are activated with specified gestures or keyboard shortcuts.

Saving an article to Delicious

Saving an article to Delicious


Reeder features full support for Web and Mobile web reading app Readability, which functions much like apps like Instapaper or ReadItLater, but with direct browser integration that allows you to view any article on the web in a clutter-free environment. Readability charges a monthly fee for accessing their “read it later” feature, and 70% of your fee goes to writers and publishers to compensate them for allowing content to be viewed without ads. Within Reeder, you can use Readability to filter out ads in RSS posts (though I found this feature inconsistent) and to pre-load full articles from partial-feed posts (allowing you to get around feeds that only let you read a “teaser” from your RSS reader). I found the “toggle readability” feature a bit confusing and couldn’t always tell what it was doing. You can also send articles to your reading list as you can for similar apps.

Google Reader Features

Reeder supports Google Reader features like sharing and notes, shared articles and those with notes can be viewed in the “all articles” view, and notes appear at the top of articles. After adding a note, however, I found it didn’t always show up right away.

iPhone App

Reeder syncs with the original iPhone and iPad apps app, which are also wonderful apps. Check out Jonas Wisser’s review of the iPad app over at iPhone Appstorm.

The Little Things

Reeder excels in attention to detail, from the smoothly animated interactions to the unread article count displayed on the side of the icon. Though there may be other RSS readers with more powerful features (like more fully featured subscription management) I think the beautifully designed details more than make up for it.


Using Reeder is like interacting with the future of Mac applications, the developer has taken all the best parts of mobile development, including a gesture-based, simplified interface, and seamlessly integrated them with the power and flexibility of a desktop application. The result is an intuitive and enjoyable experience with all the functionality you need in an RSS reader.

In this crowded category, Reeder sets itself apart in a number of ways. The multi-touch interface is probably the most unique and innovative element of Reeder, but its seamless integration with all the major bookmarking services gives it a broad appeal to all types of users. Reeder’s extensive customization options allow you to read your news as you please, without having to learn a new set of keyboard shortcuts or gestures.

I had largely given up on RSS a couple months ago, using Vienna felt more like checking my email than keeping up with the latest news. As we transition away from traditional news sources like newspapers and magazines, there is room to craft a new user experience of the consumption of current media, and Reeder feels very much like a big step in this direction. Without falling back on a predictable newspaper-inspired interface, Reeder offers a truly enjoyable way to keep up with your favourite content in a way that feels engaging and new, and is not merely an attempt to replace traditional media with a close digital analog.

Chevrolet Aveo 5door 2009 (Vehicles)

Chevrolet Aveo 2009 3d model by humster3d

360 spin:

The 3d model was created on real car base. Model is created accurately, in real units of measurement, qualitatively and maximally close to the original.

Model formats:
– *.max (3ds Max 2008 scanline)
– *.max (3ds Max 2008 vray)
– *.fbx (Multi Format)
– *.obj (Multi Format)
– *.3ds (Multi Format)
– *.mb (Maya 8.5)
– *.lwo (Lightwave 6)
– *.c4d (Cinema 4D 11)

  • tires texture not included in the set.
    If you need any other formats we will be more then happy to make them for you.

We greatly appreciate you choosing our 3D models and hope they will be of use.
We look forward to continuously dealing with you.

Sincerely Yours,
Humster 3D Team

Download Chevrolet Aveo 5door 2009 (Vehicles)

Pontiac GTO 1967 (Vehicles)

Pontiac GTO 1967 3d model by humster3d

360 spin:

The 3d model was created on real car base. Model is created accurately, in real units of measurement, qualitatively and maximally close to the original.

Model formats:
– *.max (3ds Max 2008 scanline)
– *.max (3ds Max 2008 vray)
– *.fbx (Multi Format)
– *.obj (Multi Format)
– *.3ds (Multi Format)
– *.mb (Maya 8.5)
– *.lwo (Lightwave 6)
– *.c4d (Cinema 4D 11)

  • tires texture not included in the set.
    If you need any other formats we will be more then happy to make them for you.

We greatly appreciate you choosing our 3D models and hope they will be of use.
We look forward to continuously dealing with you.

Sincerely Yours,
Humster 3D Team

Download Pontiac GTO 1967 (Vehicles)

Ashley Jaidyn Poster Bedroom Set (Furniture)

Ashley Jaidyn Poster Bedroom Set include 3D models:
Bed, nightstand, dresser, mirror, chest.

All models are made in compliance with the proportions and sizes of real furniture.

With the replicated black paint finish surrounding a comfortable cottage design, the “Jaidyn” youth bedroom collection captures the vitality of youth within a collection that fits flawlessly into any child’s bedroom. The decorative moulding, turned bunfeet and stylish pickle fork groove details are bathed in a black finish that beautifully complements the relaxed cottage design. Give your child their own special place with the beauty and comfort of the “Jaidyn” youth bedroom collection.

Download Ashley Jaidyn Poster Bedroom Set (Furniture)

HDRI Spherical Map [P047] (HDRI Images)

Create stunning reflections and lighting and get 3D renderings of the highest quality with realistic shadows and reflections.

This is Full Spherical 360×180° High Dynamic Range Image (HDRI) without any disturbing elements (e.g. camera/photographer), so you’re able to use it as high-end source of reflection for your renderings.

HDRI is generated from 9 differently exposed images (2EV stops).

HDR Panorama is provided in the industry standard .HDR format, so it is supported in most popular 3D-applications, such as 3ds max, Blender, Cinema4D, Image Studio (Alias), LightWave, Maya and dedicated renderers like Vray, Yafray, Yafaray and Kerkythea.

1 HDRI 10000×5000px (full spherical 32-bit, format hdr)
1 HDR 2048×1024px (reflection spherical map 32-bit, format hdr)
1 HDR 360×180px (environment spherical map 32-bit, blurry, format hdr)
1 BACKGROUND MAP 10000×5000 (spherical map 8-bit, format tiff)

Containing sIBL file.

Download HDRI Spherical Map [P047] (HDRI Images)

HDRI Spherical Map [P050] (HDRI Images)

Create stunning reflections and lighting and get 3D renderings of the highest quality with realistic shadows and reflections.

This is Full Spherical 360×180° High Dynamic Range Image (HDRI) without any disturbing elements (e.g. camera/photographer), so you’re able to use it as high-end source of reflection for your renderings.

HDRI is generated from 9 differently exposed images (2EV stops).

HDR Panorama is provided in the industry standard .HDR format, so it is supported in most popular 3D-applications, such as 3ds max, Blender, Cinema4D, Image Studio (Alias), LightWave, Maya and dedicated renderers like Vray, Yafray, Yafaray and Kerkythea.

1 HDRI 10000×5000px (full spherical 32-bit, format hdr)
1 HDR 2048×1024px (reflection spherical map 32-bit, format hdr)
1 HDR 360×180px (environment spherical map 32-bit, blurry, format hdr)
1 BACKGROUND MAP 10000×5000 (spherical map 8-bit, format tiff)
4 BACKPLATE IMAGES (8-bit, format tiff)

Containing sIBL file.

Download HDRI Spherical Map [P050] (HDRI Images)

HDRI Spherical Map [P049] (HDRI Images)

Create stunning reflections and lighting and get 3D renderings of the highest quality with realistic shadows and reflections.

This is Full Spherical 360×180° High Dynamic Range Image (HDRI) without any disturbing elements (e.g. camera/photographer), so you’re able to use it as high-end source of reflection for your renderings.

HDRI is generated from 9 differently exposed images (2EV stops).

HDR Panorama is provided in the industry standard .HDR format, so it is supported in most popular 3D-applications, such as 3ds max, Blender, Cinema4D, Image Studio (Alias), LightWave, Maya and dedicated renderers like Vray, Yafray, Yafaray and Kerkythea.

1 HDRI 10000×5000px (full spherical 32-bit, format hdr)
1 HDR 2048×1024px (reflection spherical map 32-bit, format hdr)
1 HDR 360×180px (environment spherical map 32-bit, blurry, format hdr)
1 BACKGROUND MAP 10000×5000 (spherical map 8-bit, format tiff)
4 BACKPLATE IMAGES (8-bit, format tiff)

Containing sIBL file.

Download HDRI Spherical Map [P049] (HDRI Images)

HDRI Spherical Map [P048] (HDRI Images)

Create stunning reflections and lighting and get 3D renderings of the highest quality with realistic shadows and reflections.

This is Full Spherical 360×180° High Dynamic Range Image (HDRI) without any disturbing elements (e.g. camera/photographer), so you’re able to use it as high-end source of reflection for your renderings.

HDRI is generated from 9 differently exposed images (2EV stops).

HDR Panorama is provided in the industry standard .HDR format, so it is supported in most popular 3D-applications, such as 3ds max, Blender, Cinema4D, Image Studio (Alias), LightWave, Maya and dedicated renderers like Vray, Yafray, Yafaray and Kerkythea.

1 HDRI 10000×5000px (full spherical 32-bit, format hdr)
1 HDR 2048×1024px (reflection spherical map 32-bit, format hdr)
1 HDR 360×180px (environment spherical map 32-bit, blurry, format hdr)
1 BACKGROUND MAP 10000×5000 (spherical map 8-bit, format tiff)

Containing sIBL file.

Download HDRI Spherical Map [P048] (HDRI Images)

HDRI Spherical Map [P046] (HDRI Images)

Create stunning reflections and lighting and get 3D renderings of the highest quality with realistic shadows and reflections.

This is Full Spherical 360×180° High Dynamic Range Image (HDRI) without any disturbing elements (e.g. camera/photographer), so you’re able to use it as high-end source of reflection for your renderings.

HDRI is generated from 9 differently exposed images (2EV stops).

HDR Panorama is provided in the industry standard .HDR format, so it is supported in most popular 3D-applications, such as 3ds max, Blender, Cinema4D, Image Studio (Alias), LightWave, Maya and dedicated renderers like Vray, Yafray, Yafaray and Kerkythea.

1 HDRI 10000×5000px (full spherical 32-bit, format hdr)
1 HDR 2048×1024px (reflection spherical map 32-bit, format hdr)
1 HDR 360×180px (environment spherical map 32-bit, blurry, format hdr)
1 BACKGROUND MAP 10000×5000 (spherical map 8-bit, format tiff)

Containing sIBL file.

Download HDRI Spherical Map [P046] (HDRI Images)

HDRI Spherical Map [P045] (HDRI Images)

Create stunning reflections and lighting and get 3D renderings of the highest quality with realistic shadows and reflections.

This is Full Spherical 360×180° High Dynamic Range Image (HDRI) without any disturbing elements (e.g. camera/photographer), so you’re able to use it as high-end source of reflection for your renderings.

HDRI is generated from 9 differently exposed images (2EV stops).

HDR Panorama is provided in the industry standard .HDR format, so it is supported in most popular 3D-applications, such as 3ds max, Blender, Cinema4D, Image Studio (Alias), LightWave, Maya and dedicated renderers like Vray, Yafray, Yafaray and Kerkythea.

1 HDRI 10000×5000px (full spherical 32-bit, format hdr)
1 HDR 2048×1024px (reflection spherical map 32-bit, format hdr)
1 HDR 360×180px (environment spherical map 32-bit, blurry, format hdr)
1 BACKGROUND MAP 10000×5000 (spherical map 8-bit, format tiff)

Containing sIBL file.

Download HDRI Spherical Map [P045] (HDRI Images)

HDRI Spherical Map [P044] (HDRI Images)

Create stunning reflections and lighting and get 3D renderings of the highest quality with realistic shadows and reflections.

This is Full Spherical 360×180° High Dynamic Range Image (HDRI) without any disturbing elements (e.g. camera/photographer), so you’re able to use it as high-end source of reflection for your renderings.

HDRI is generated from 9 differently exposed images (2EV stops).

HDR Panorama is provided in the industry standard .HDR format, so it is supported in most popular 3D-applications, such as 3ds max, Blender, Cinema4D, Image Studio (Alias), LightWave, Maya and dedicated renderers like Vray, Yafray, Yafaray and Kerkythea.

1 HDRI 10000×5000px (full spherical 32-bit, format hdr)
1 HDR 2048×1024px (reflection spherical map 32-bit, format hdr)
1 HDR 360×180px (environment spherical map 32-bit, blurry, format hdr)
1 BACKGROUND MAP 10000×5000 (spherical map 8-bit, format tiff)

Containing sIBL file.

Download HDRI Spherical Map [P044] (HDRI Images)

HDRI Spherical Map [P043] (HDRI Images)

Create stunning reflections and lighting and get 3D renderings of the highest quality with realistic shadows and reflections.

This is Full Spherical 360×180° High Dynamic Range Image (HDRI) without any disturbing elements (e.g. camera/photographer), so you’re able to use it as high-end source of reflection for your renderings.

HDRI is generated from 9 differently exposed images (2EV stops).

HDR Panorama is provided in the industry standard .HDR format, so it is supported in most popular 3D-applications, such as 3ds max, Blender, Cinema4D, Image Studio (Alias), LightWave, Maya and dedicated renderers like Vray, Yafray, Yafaray and Kerkythea.

1 HDRI 10000×5000px (full spherical 32-bit, format hdr)
1 HDR 2048×1024px (reflection spherical map 32-bit, format hdr)
1 HDR 360×180px (environment spherical map 32-bit, blurry, format hdr)
1 BACKGROUND MAP 10000×5000 (spherical map 8-bit, format tiff)

Containing sIBL file.

Download HDRI Spherical Map [P043] (HDRI Images)