High Quality writers preferably U.S and U.K by privatewrites

This project is for 10,000 words, mix niche and varying word counts. You should be a flexible writer. Must be high quality articles. I want U.S and U.K writers but other countries with good English is also welcome to bid… (Budget: $30-$250 USD, Jobs: Article Rewriting, Articles, Copywriting, Ghostwriting, SEO)

High Quality PR SEO White Hat Link Building & Reporting by bigmikee

Top-notch link builder to provide 200 high quality, white hat and relevant backlinks in my industry (insurance, investing, retirement income, financial). Please quote according to the following specs and give me an accurate time frame that you can do this in… (Budget: $30-$250 USD, Jobs: Link Building, Marketing, SEO)

Facebook Page Profile Image Blurry

First go to https://www.facebook.com/SpiritualNetworks.

Look at the profile pic and the pics on the top row. Crisp and clear. If you click on the photos, so they are bigger, they remain very clear.

Next go to:


Check out the profile pics there. Blurry, and when you click on them, so that they are bigger, it is worse.

Next check on the attachments that show the actual images. Notice how much better they actually look.

My question is, how did the guy at spiritual networks make his pictures so clear? What can I do to have mine look the same?