Social Connect Plugin WordPress

I want a plugin that visitors can login on my wordpress website using they social network account, I found this

After installing it, it doesn’t work properly, I need someone to fix for me or suggest me a simple one like this one, where i don’t have to register on they website to make it work.

I will also pay for the suggestion.


Academic Site With Video And Membership On Sql Server

Website Requirements:
– Webpage is going to be used for students to login into, and view course enrolled in, the assignments posted by instructor, comments by instructor (both to class in general or to student individually), videos posted by instructor.
– It is going to need to run on a SQL server.
– It must create manageable tables which can be viewed with mySQL etc… from the information entered during registration by student, login information for instructors entered by developer, videos uploaded by instructor with certain identifying attribute mentioned below, students enrolled in course, assignments completed by students, table showing every date time that a student accesses the website, and any other table which might pop out to you from all the logic situations and information listed below.
– Look at a site called speechstudio by Cengage Learning, and see some of their instructor tutorial videos and you can get a feel for the purpose of the site.
– It should be visually appealing without being over the top. It is used for academic purposes so should be graphically designed as such.
– I will more than likely contact you concerning your bid as it will be complicated to create but I also have a hard time paying for a site which you have yet to make, because the site must meet every situation listed below and must be manageable and must run on non-local server, or the product is completely worthless to me.
For this portion of the site it will need:
Multiple levels of site access.

Developer access – for making changes to the site as needed. Needs to be able to create individual courses, and list the instructor for those pages. These pages will only be visible to the developer and instructor levels of access, even though the student/s will be enrolling these courses, they will have their individual pages with the things they need visible, and the things the instructors sees will be the same as the developer, but only the developer can change everything.

Needs to be able to manage users list. The users will be creating their own login information by entering their email, name login, password, and code for course.

Needs to be able to enter a code (the developer makes up) as an attribute for a course, which they have already created, which will be given to students in class, and when the students enter the code during the registration it will automatically enroll them in the course roster that corresponds to the appropriate course the developer has already created. (ex. Code is 3300001 for course 3300 section 001 etc…)

Needs to be able to be able to see if the student has paid for the semester long subscription to the website, and in the case of the instructors: be able to create a login for the instructors which will not require payment as it was created by the developer.

Needs to have the ability to process paypal payment, and direct this payment to the account which the developer will include. This will allow the user to click the link of pay by paypal, which will then redirect them to paypal site which they will make payment on, but the user will need to be redirected back to the site which will need to confirm that they have paid. (much like making a payment on ebay).

Some things may not be listed here as they made more sense to include in other levels of access, and will be referenced as such.

Instructor Access – for accessing their courses, and editing those courses only.

Need to be able to login with the id created by developer, and arrive at a page/s which will allow them to select (if more than one option) the course which they want to edit.

Once course is chosen the options will need to be; add assignments, and add videos. The assignments and the videos should be able to individually have comments posted to them by instructor. Would be best if a link could be clicked for add assignment which would open little window for blank and browse button, which when chosen would allow the instructor to find the file on their system. The add videos option should be the same, but with one additional Title option so that the added video would then display the name of the individual in the video, which was entered by the instructor. Both options should also include a due time date option, in which the instructor can click and a small pull down menu will display with the appropriate options like, Month (Jan-Dec), Day(1-31), Time(hours, minutes). If the student does not submit by this time the assignment will reflect as not completed in a table defined below.

The students are going to be randomly assigned a video/s to watch at various times during the semester. They are going to be required to make comments about the video and suggestions in some sort of text box. These comments made by the student/s will need to operate in a manner which they can only comment on the student’s videos for which they are randomly given comment boxes to, and they comment will need to notify the instructor that such comment was made. This comment will also need to be able to be removed by the instructor only. Once the student submits the comment it will need to ask them if they are certain that they are satisfied with the comment Yes, or go back, but once Yes is selected they cannot change it again. Only the instructor can remove the comment if undesirable, but this will not reopen the comment box for the student if it is deleted. This allows the instructor to see who has completed the watch and comment assignment, as well as read the comments, and delete them if needed. It might be easiest for a page accessible only by instructor or developer to have some sort of table which would be editable by the developer only (the parameters of the table as well as identifying marks would be entered by the developer before class beings. But this table will show the instructor a list of all individuals, which have gone to the site and entered the course code given them by the instructor and paid for use, it will show the assignments entered by instructor and a box for each assignment for each student like excel page which would display checkmark for completed assignments for each student and a X for those assignments not completed by the student/s.

Needs to be able to assign a grade for each assignment completed by each student and this grade will only be visible to the corresponding student, instructor, and developer. A table format where the table has a row for each student and a column for every assignment which a box which accept 0-100, but this table will only show the values in a single row multiple column format to the student, and all other students enrolled would not be visible.

Needs to be able to see a roster of students enrolled, a step completed by the students, and this roster would need to display their name, identification number (9 numbers long), and email address. If they select the email address it should pop up a window which would cause Microsoft outlook to open. If they select the students name another window comes up with the student’s profile. This profile will have only the students name, and a list of the assignments, of which if the assignment is selected the submission made by the student will come up in a inner window popup. There should also be a comments section, where the comments are listed for the videos which the student comments on. Each comment should indicate the title of the video (which would be entered by the instructor as the students name and another title.) as well as a link to the video originally posted by the instructor which would operate much like youtube with the video box visible and the option to click on the video to watch it, where it will become larger in the same location and begin to play, as it might in a yahoo search for instance. These comments which the instructor can see, and the student which submitted them can see, are not visible to other students at all, and cannot be removed by the instructor or the student.

Needs to have a link on the instructor’s page which is identified as syllabus, and allows them to click it and a pop up with the browse option which allows them to find it on their computer and upload it. This same syllabus link will be available to students to click and download without upload options.
Overview of instructor access (with different indentation due to length). They put in their assignments, which become visible to students in the section they have selected. The students will then complete and submit these assignments which will stay on their page and notify the instructor of completion, by method of adjusting values (check or X ) in a table the instructor can see. Videos will be uploaded by instructor and with each video the instructor will need to be able to: have a check box identified as persuasive, informative, type 3, and type 4 that they must select one and only one of, and then they click on a pull down menu with the names of the students enrolled in that section, and by choosing the name, the video will post to a videos tab on the students profile only. The instructor should be able to go in and when creating an assignment have these options as links which allow them to create different types. (1) Create written assignment where the instructor simple types the instructions into a text box or paste something in, but they have the option under text box to add file which will browse their computer for file. (2) Create video assignment. They click this and type in a title in title text box; they then chose the video category in a check box next to each category informative, persuasive, type 3, type 4, and click submit. What is going to happen is the table with links to the videos uploaded according to the category selected during upload by the professor are going to have links to them created which are then randomly without order going to have these links added to random students pages until each student has two videos to watch, other than their own. When the student sees their profile it will under the newly created video assignment have two little video boxes which can be clicked and will open in window by the same expansion as listed above, and allow them to watch them. They will need to have a comment box come up in the same expanded window when they click to play the video which will allow them to comment during the video while it is playing without causing the video to stop unless they click on the video which will pause it. Like mentioned above once they click submit on their comment it should verify they wish to submit and then the option to make comments and the ability to watch the video again will not be available. Kind of like looking at page with text of video assignment with a still image of the video player below the title and the comments they made displayed on the screen. The only difference in this and the instructors view when looking at a student profile is the student cannot go back and change anything, but the instructor can add comments to what they have done so they should have a comment box when looking at the students profile and under assignments, but they cannot delete anything the student has submitted. The contradiction you may have noticed is this; when a student comments on the video watched it will save to their profile, but it will also save in a comments section underneath the video to which the video belongs. So a student can click on assignments tab and see what is there, and complete the assignment, which will stay on their page and be visible only to them and the levels above them. They can also click on a video tab. In this tab the videos which the instructor has submitted for them will be displayed as well as their titles and the comments submitted by other students during their assignments, or instructor comments, but not to be confused with the other student’s videos which they have in assignments tab which they are required to comment on. The instructor will have a tabbed view. Main courses tab just has courses developer created for each instructor. Assignment tab, where they create assignments. Roster tab, where the enrolled students and info for them is displayed in table format. Gradebook tab, where the students and their identification number are listed with the assignments created by the instructor are visible with text boxes for the grade to go in. Student progress tab, where the table will show a list of students enrolled and the table will have every assignment listed in the x axis above, and box under that assignment for each student and a column for every assignment. If check mark shown the student submitted and if X shown they did not. Of course the window must have the instructors name at the top and log out option, since they logged in at the main page. I believe I mentioned everything in enough detail for logic to be clear.
Student level – only to see assignments and complete them, and see their videos posted by instructor over the course of the semester, and the other students comments on those videos.
Everything should actually have been listed above in instructor access. The only thing left out is login requirements. They must enter a name both first and last and they must enter their identification number, and an email address which is, nothing else will be accepted. Once they create their login the only thing they can see on their profile until they pay is the link to pay by paypal. If it would be easier to incorporate this pay option into the register window then that would be fine but somehow it must verify that they paid and only allow them to see the tabs etc… after this verification occurs. Like I said above much like ebay works where you leave the site and return and it knows you completed the payment. If the student enrolls in the wrong course they cannot unenroll and they cannot change the course enrolled in they must email the developer.
Because this site must be capable of operating via a SQL server, and preferably should be written with a minimum of flash and things which require downloadable software be installed but whatever works easiest for this to be completed. Possibly PHP etc…

Css Cleanup And Multi-browser Support

CSS cleanup and multi-browser support

The site needs a bit of css cleanup and added multi browser support. The page does not work 100% in IE and there is some minor bugs related to browsing the site on iOS devices (Safari).

The requirements are that the site works in:

Safari (desktop and mobile)
Internet Explorer

The site is based on two page types; the front page and the sub pages. All sub pages use the same css so we are basically making multiple browser support on two style sets. Each sub page has some custom css to handle the page heading, except from this it’s the same all over.

The developer has to be communicative, available on email and IM (Skype, iChat, MSN or any other desired service). If the project halts and no communication happens for more than 3 days the project will be terminated and handed over to a new developer.

Performance Based Seo For 2 Keywords

Hi,i have website and want to Optimize it for two keywords on
-Already position for these two keywords are 31 and 32.
-I will pay 50% when both keywords on first 5 positions on
-I will pay 50% after 3 weeks and position should be maintained during these three weeks.If position would be down from first 5 ,i would not pay you remaining 50%.
-Only serious and experienced SEO expert.

Android App Development

Our company is in forefront of mobile platform technology and innovation. Our dynamic and developing company looking to expand their operations due to strong growth in mobile market. At the moment there are more projects than developers and we are seeking strong candidates to work within an exciting and fun mobile development projects.

We are looking for a Mobile Application Developer who will be responsible for the development of software for a variety of mobile platforms. Here’s what you need to know.

Your responsibilities:

– Review business requirements working with other team members
– Perform a technical analysis of requirements
– Produce a solid, detailed technical design
– Write clean, modular, robust code to implement the desired requirements with little or no supervision
– Work with the QA and Customer Support teams to triage and fix bugs with rapid turnaround
– Contribute ideas for making the application better and easier to use

Your qualifications:

– Programming languages: Android SDK, Java,
– Demonstrate your experience in android activities, JSON/REST
– A work style that is extremely detail oriented
– The drive, flexibility and passion to work independently and thrive in a remote-work environment
– Strong communication skills
– A complete Elance profile
– References or an established Elance reputation preferred
– References on previous android work preferred

Your required work:

Development in Android based application.
3 Android Activities (forms/views) only.
All screen design will be provided.
JSON/REST will be used to communicate with the server.
ALL server side JSON model will be provided.
REST web service will be provided.
Some Demo code will be provided as examples to show JSON/REST server communication. Web Pages

Should be a quick and easy job for experienced web designer because I am providing with all below:
– fully coded HTML graphic templates for each page
– all other pre-done graphics
– wireframes laid out for each page with exact instructions on content and graphics ready to go
-all embed codes for YouTube videos, Paypal buy button and autoresponder optin with exact instructions on where I want them to go.
Literally all you need to do is put those pieces together into 4 simple static HTML documents – no need to use CMS. Should take a couple of hours. Would like minimum three day turn around.

Sell Cloud Hosting Vps & Windows Vps

do you have a good number of contacts
are you in the business of webhosting
can you sell Cheap vps, cloud hosting and windows hosting
if yes then this listing is for you

we offer Linux vps $4/mo
Cloud hosting from $3.5
and windows hosting from $3.5

don’t think that as the price is cheap we don’t provide support
it’s just as we charge the fair price from customer

what you have to do is
contact me
sale at least 20 of my product to genuine customer
then i will activate you as a affiliate then you will get 10% of the price customer pays to me.

don’t bid more than $15 and it’s for the first $150 product you sell(20%)

so start selling

Low Poly 3D Modeller for Buidling Architecture by Maggie55

Need Urgent!!! Only serious and experience bidders to help this out. A couple of Floor plans with fixtures and furnitures. Max. US$100-150/floor plan. Depends on you experiences. Must show your past references and able to start work immediately… (Budget: $250-$750 USD, Jobs: 3D Modelling, 3ds Max, Maya)

multi vendor online store (virtual mall) LIKE E S T Y by xuaehos

i need a website quite similar to e s t y dot com that will allow for different shop owners to sell their products under one site.. each having their own subdomain. I have my own logo Please show previous… (Budget: $250-$750 USD, Jobs: eCommerce, PHP, Shopping Carts, Virtuemart, Website Design)