Codeigniter Twilio Sms Functions

Need someone well versed in CodeIgniter and PHP to help explain and write controller functions using the CodeIgniter Twilio Library. I have the library already complete with all functions, and your job will be to write the various controller functions needed to capture and store the responses, and also to capture and store incoming SMS messages to the application.

Images Downloaded..named And Resized In Photoshop. Easy Job.

Very easy job. Shouldn’t take too long if done correctly. Requires Photoshop.

I want all the cake images from this website

There are 3 pages of them.

1. You need to click on each image and then click on ‘Download’. I need every image then resized with a width of 680 pixels, keeping the height in proportion (Photoshop: Constrain Proportions). For a lot of these images the size will then be 680 x 510.

However: For some of the images the width is already below 680 pixels. If this is the case then you must enlarge the image to make the width 680px using the following Photoshop option: Image Size > Resample Image (Bicubic Smoother/Best For Enlargement)

2. You then need to rename each image in the following way.
For the first image, Elmo Cake, you would name it “cakeology-birthday-cake-elmo-cake.jpg”

For the second cakes, Sesame Street Cupcakes, you would name the image “cakeology-seasame-street-cupcakes.jpg”

if there is a Happy Birthday on the cake then you insert the ‘birthday-cake” into the file name.

Each image on the website has a name underneath for you to use.

3. After you have resized and renamed each image i then need a thumbnail of each one. The dimensions should be 220 x 160 pixels. You can crop the images at the top of each cake to get as much of the image into the thumbnail as possible. The thumbnails should have the same file name as the larger file but with ‘-thumb’ added on.

so example 1. “cakeology-birthday-cake-elmo-cake-thumb.jpg”
example 2. “cakeology-seasame-street-cupcakes-thumb.jpg”

You will then provide me with the resized main image (width 680 x ?) and the thumbnail 220 x 160 for every image.

When you have finished i will check everything has been correctly named and resized before payment completed.


Assignment Visual Studio 4.0 – Ms Access & Sql

A simple project required to develop through : Windows7 Professional with IIS, and Visual Studio 2010, ASP.NET 4.0, MS Access and SQL.

It is a simple assignment, will be awarded as soon as I’ll find the right programmer.

I have many similar projects for future, so I am expecting a long term relationship.

View attached file for complete assignment.

Type “Bingo” in your bid.

Create Website Duplicate In Format An Functionality Also Seo

I found a site which has the look and feel that I need for my business. I will need the ability to control from the admin, uploading, text, photos, add to blog, and banners. Also the site should capture email addresses for mailing list etc… I found a website which has all of these components I am looking for so I would like to duplicated design and functionality of the complete site, with some graphic changes to fit with my companies identity. The site is I am not sure what would be the easiest platform to use to have this complete functionality including, the shopping cart which I will leave to your opinion and design capabilities.

Switching Servers 2

I have switched servers cause the previous company decided to go out of business and not tell anyone. They sent me all the files that were on my server in a zip file. The size of the zip file is 56 GB. I am looking for someone to treansfer the files to the new server. I will let you know where the files go and its very simple I just need someone with enought harddrive space on their computer to do this. I know it may take a minute to download but I need to get atleast the main site up immediatly.

I would setup the data bases and stuff I just need someone to transfer teh files the correct way.

Mix Music

Hi. I have a piece of music that is about 2 minutes long. I need you to mix the track so that it plays on a seemless loop for about 30 minutes.. It must sound flawless… I dont want moments where it dies down and restarts.. it must be non-stop music for 30 minutes. Thanks

Seo Work 2

Obtain 50 website stories for the four news articles I provide.

only prominent news articles, with good page rank – not news article submission sites.

Provide screen shots of all coverage – and hyperlinks to each page.

White hat tactics only – English language sites only.

Prominently sites in the UK, UAE, US.


Form Fields Show/hide – 10 Minutes


I have a shopping cart form that needs the customer to select ONE from two lists who they want to make a donation to (Charities A or Charities B).

Currently both dropdown lists of Charity options are shown by default. What I would like is to have two radio buttons/links that say “Select Charities A OR Select Charities B” shown by default. Then, when the customer selects A or B, the corresponding list of Charities is then shown beneath, but ONLY the selected list.

If the customer selects “A”, then “B” should be set to 0 and vice-versa.

The form html can be hardcoded, and this work should take no more than 10 minutes.

I Need 5 Articles

I need 5 articles

Titles must be good for each article
words over 300 each per article

I will pay $2 each article total:$10 for 5 articles

The articles need to be written on this lady “Hilary Devey” I am looking for the latest information on this lady

To get an idea i have few articles on the site

Please dont copy or write on what is already on the site I need fresh content regarding writing the new articles on this lady

Thank you

Entrepreneuer Website Showcasing My Different Businesses

Job Description

Need a 5-7 page website built that includes one form for people to submit their answered questions.
I already have the template style in mind
Want it clear, refreshing, energetic, neat
Need to see some samples of previous websites that you’ve built.
Need you to be available for a little back and forth to make the site perfect, as I know it when I see it.
This website will be my showcase and have a page about my real estate business, my travel business, my coaching business, a testimonials page, contact me page, and bio page
Need help designing my name as a logo or script across the picture I give you.

Flash Header Expert


I need a stunning flash banner for one of my websites, its event media website, i need it with a great flashy design for the current header

See attached for the layout

1. if possible animation of logo (if you can do 3d that will be great)
2. background flashy effects..
3. I need a mysql connection which selects the “featured events”,”featured artists” and “featured venues” from the database with the image randomly
4. see attached for the layout, events, artist and venues needs to have next,back buttons to select the next featured item,
5. needs to style them with fantastic eye catching flashy effects in the design

can you please let me know

1. How much ?
2. How long ?
3. if not possible to do in mysql direct connection is it possible to do select the data in a XML file ?
