Website Development

I designed a website using Adobe INDESIGN and converted it into a PDF format. Very Simple design I think. I would like to have this in WordPress. Adding Google analytics is a must.

1) I would need someone to promote the website, due to a limited budget its essential to advise on the best possible ways.

2) On the backend I need a way to send registered users Newsletters on a weekly basis without having to manage emails. I should be able to add delete emails

3) I want to connect the website to Facebook, and Twitter allowing me to easily promote this through Facebook and Twitter

4) Video and Printing is a big part of my business so I need a way to reach potential clients.

Thank You


Hurry Website


i need a principal website whit this things

1) Posibility to put News in the front of the website
2) a Tab where i have the Posibility to put Album and images
3) a Tab where i have the Posibility to put Some VIdeos
4) a Tab where i have the posibility make a ranking with the 10 positions and point each ones (I want this one infrot but only whit the 5 first position)
5) a Tab where i have a Form with Nombre, Apellido, Cedula, Licencia, Telefono, Fecha de nacimiento and a botton for submit this information need to be show in the admin panel.

For this i need a admin to Control all


IMPORTANT i dunno accept Joomla, WordPress, or any template or theme


Craigslist Html Ad Coding & Hosting Images


I need this easy project done within 24 hours of awarding you the project! I will pay you $40.00 if you have it done to MY final approval within 24 hours.

Please DON’T bid if you can’t for sure get it all done in 24 hours or less.

If you can get this all done within 12 hours of being awarded the project I will pay you $45.00.

If you can get this all done within 8 hours of being awarded the project I will pay you $50.00.

Time starts the minute you get awarded the project on SL, plus have the two PSD files that I will email you and web host access.



P.S. Only freelancers with several positive reviews will be considered!

Clone This Simple Contractor Site

I have the domain name and hosting. I need a clone that will work and look just like

Obviously i have a few changes i want made like the company name, address and phone numbers and emails, but for the most part it will operate just like it and look like it with all the same WORDING.

Please only bid if you have gone to and see how it works and know 100% that you can do this project!

This should be an easy project because this site does not have many pages at all. I need this site completed in no more than 2 days.

Thank you,

Automatic Article Poster


I’m looking for someone to create an application that will scrape the web for an article related to a niche specified and automatically run it through an article spinner. The article should then outputted and be able to add a keyword specified along with the url to the article along with an image url posted somewhere in the the article. After this has been done it would then need to login to a wordpress site and add the article to the simple membership dashboard and submit the article. I would need to be able to specify the number of articles that I want posted.

New Website/blog Creation

I need someone to build me a clean, sharp looking web site/blog interface. It will be about 10-12 pages in all. I’d like my blog to partially appear on the home page, then have users click below to expand and take them to the full post.

I will need a products page/area that I am able to edit myself. I will send examples of websites that I would like to pattern after. Simplicity and ease of use is really what I’m looking for the overall site. I don’t need anything complex or flashy at this time. I will request samples of your previous work, whoever takes the job. I really need someone who is accurate, dependable and has common sense. My last website designer took half of the agreed price and vanished into thin air.

I would like samples in a couple of days so we can agree on set price. I want to pay half up front and half when the job is done. I want the site built in a week (7 days) and everything up and running. Please contact me if interested or if you have any questions. Thanks.


P.S. Would like to be able to communicate with this person by phone as well as e-mail.

Website And Php Development

We are looking to have a website created that will serve appointment based businesses such as doctors. A general overview of the site is as follows;
The business will visit our site, view our front page, decided he wants to register after registration they can then login which will take them to an area with a monthly calendar in which each day on that calendar is selectable when a day is clicked they will be taken to a daily calendar based on their hours of operation broke down to 15 min intervals. Each hour of their operating hours should be able to be broke down according to how they select in the profile when one of the intervals is selected they should be prompted to either select a client or type a new clients info in Such as name, cell number, email address, cell carrier, and a tick box for email and or sms alert.
Then according to selected time intervals in their profile the site will send a text message to their client reminding them of their appointment, which would obviously run on a cron.
Now for the details;
1. Registration Page
a. Company Name – also used for username
b. Password
c. Contact Info
d. Package/Pricing Choice
e. Business Details – Hours of operation etc.
f. Payment for package they choose.
g. Promotion Code
2. Business Backend
a. Opens to monthly calendar
i. Needs to be able to advance to future months/years etc.
ii. Needs to be searchable per that businesses account to quickly find their client so they can change or cancel appointments
iii. When a date is clicked on opens to a daily calendar within the business hours of operation.
iv. Daily calendar should be editable in time intervals (15 mins, 30 mins, 1 hour etc.)
v. When business clicks a time in daily calendar they will be able to start typing a name and have others pop up like an auto complete or type a new client and their info.
vi. Business should be able to click email and or sms as an alert.
vii. When selecting a carrier for the time being will sms by sending an email for instance cellnumber AT for Verizon and the same for other carriers.
viii. Would prefer for the email/sms to come from the business name or at least the businessname AT
b. Profile Area
i. Change Contact Details

ii. Change Password
iii. Change Business Details
iv. Set Intervals when to send email/sms such as 2 hours before appointment up to 48 hours.
v. View our predefined outgoing message and or change it to their personalized message.
vi. A button to cancel their account, and end paypal subscription billing.
3. Admin Area
a. Payments
i. We would need to implement paypal payments, and paypals credit card system into the code for completing payments.
b. Packages/Pricing
i. We need to be able to create, delete, edit packages, such as how many emails, and or sms they are allowed per month from the package.
c. Promotions
i. We would like to be able to create promos to allow for half of months, double your email/sms etc.
d. Our Clients and Management
i. We should be able to create, edit, delete, as well as suspend our clients.
ii. Send our clients who sign up with us individual emails as well as bulk emails to them all.
iii. Send the clients monthly stats as to how many alerts were sent (email should be editable to make a nice template email)
4. Website Design
a. We would like to have the site designed as well with a nice simplistic web 2.0 type look maybe some ajax to make everything flow nicely especially in the calendar.
b. Colors would be medical like colors to make the user feel safe. Something really easy on the eyes, that flows great and feels good. Maybe darker blues greens white etc mock ups are great.
c. Pci-compliant
d. Examples of some layouts I like;
Future work will most certainly come to the person we choose for the job for implementing more into the code.