Need someone to Duplicate website but make it my own by shanegrant

Hi , I need someone asap to Duplicate a website for me and design a brand new one. I need it to have everything the same but the prices to be in NZD. I need to be able to change the prices at any time and images… (Budget: $30-$250 NZD, Jobs: Graphic Design, User Interface / IA, Website Design)

White Head – Magento Seo


Magento site (.be domain) needs “White Head” on-page(10%) and off-page(90%) seo.

On-page has almost been completed(canonical,sef-urls, xml-sitemaps, meta description,..), but additional expertise is still welcome.

Please provide the following to be considered for the job:

1. Provide quote with pricing/expected timeframe
2. Seo tactics that will be used
3. Provide us with an .xls of all undertaken actions and backlinks on weekly basis
4. Tools you will be using: google analytics, webtrends, seomoz,…
5. Show work of other magento sites that you’ve done with seo and their rankings(pagerank, mozrank, alexa,…)

URL will be provided in PM

If good results are achieved extra projects (magento, joomla and WordPress) can be expected

Payment will be done when targets are achieved = delayed payment for every milestone (milestone 2 achieved –>payment for milestone 1 will be released, milestone 3 achieved –>payment for milestone 2 will be released,…)

DO NOT BID if you have no proven results or do not agree with our payment conditions.


Magento Faq Community And Contact Us 2

BUDGET: $100

Payment per milestone tasks completed. I will escrow funds for each milestone before work starts but will not release it until work for that milestone is on my server, retested and bug free. Then I escrow for next milestone and we repeat the process until project is complete.



MAGENTO: 1.6.0-rc2

see attached pdf document for all tasks

I have installed a few of the magento extensions needed. Others need to be installed and configured and of course you build the pages.

LIST your BEST MAGENTO sites which include design and programming.
:: Can I verify with the site owners that you built the sites listed? If No, DON’T BID!!!!

Fix 2 Bugs In Prestashop

Fix 2 bugs in prestashop

:: Bug 1: If I turn friendly URL on in the back-office, I can’t see my website (front) anymore in the browser I become blank pages.

:: Bug 2: We created in a development environment a new webshop:

So the development webshop is OK now and we created a new hosting account on the same server: and copied all the files of the development environment on the the def account (

There is no problem to go in the admin part of the new webshop

But if we type in the browser it goes automaticaly to (our development environment)

If we change in the admin part ( under preferences >> SEO &URLs the ‘shop domain name’ in ‘’ we become a blank page.

In the ftp account of the new hosting account we can see that all the files are correct uploaded (even the index.php file). Maybe a .htaccess problem?

Note: to solve temporary the problem we created a index.html page with a javascript for a URL redirect

Back Test For Esignal (and Indicator) Similar Javascript

I have software
I need someone who can program in it (pretty much anyone that can program in javascript can program esignal indicators

I need someone to program me a backtest
I have advancedGet

I need so provide you with some rules, of when to buy and sell
And then i need you to program an indicator that will draw arrows when to buy and sell, and then also i want to be able perform a complete backtest on the chart and see what the results are.

The rules will be used on Advanced Get and Murrey Math lines

Its prety simple rule, basically when the GetOscillator is above black line, and the price pulls back one murrey math line, then BUY with stop and target