Ssl Certificate 2

Your job will only be to download the certificate from my godaddy account and input the certificate to hostgator along with my domain name information into the link that I will provide. You will NOT BE INSTALLING the certificate. This is a simple job, however I am in the middle of moving right now and don’t have the time to complete the process.

The second part of this job is for you to place the godaddy seal on my site and re-place 2 other seals that are already on my site in order to have all seals placed in great visible areas.

More php programming jobs will be offered to the winning bidder if the job is successfully completed today without any delays.

Happy bidding!

Theme Modification

This is a modification on an older bid.
You will use this ” frame/skin /theme” “in its entirety with the following exceptions:
In Header: Replace 2 images with ones supplied unless they can be improved upon.
Copy supplied logo and scale to fit and replace mock logo.
Insert supplied copy in moving header, scale and make legible.
For three columns:
Insert three supplied images unless better are on hand.
Insert a 2 box sign up (name/ email) in third column.
On drop downs:
Remove “Portfolio” Leave ghost function.
Change “news” to “Blog” and remove left column
Arrange working model so that I can insert or modify all content.
GVO will host the site.


Wade Swicord

Video Intro Needed Asap.

We need a video intro completed in 720p for a client of ours. We have provided a sample video (attached to this project) and would like a similar effect, but with some minor changes.

We have the logo in a png & psd file. We’d also like to add sounds effects to the intro. (Please bid accordingly)

USA preferred, and Skype communication is a must. Will pay to get it completed ASAP. Please respond in PM’s with:

1. Estimated time of completion
2. If you are located in USA
3. If you have a skype account
4. Examples of similar projects.


Project Description:

– Bold, Flashy, Classy… a 10-12 second video with cool sound Effects
– It must be exported (saved as) a mpg 720p file, or similar format.


Notes from video attached:

– It needs to be more uplifting, something deeper, richer…
– We like the “ending” to the video. (this can possible stay the same effect)

Coppermine Gallery Modification – Daily Upload Limits 2

We are looking for a modification to a highly customized Coppermine gallery version 1.4.26 with the Stramm Mod Pack.

The modification would need to limit the number of images that a user can upload in a 24 hour period based on their user group. For example a basic registered user would be allowed 3 uploads a day, an admin 10 uploads a day, etc.

This should be a settable value on the groups administration page, and there should also be an editable warning (one we can change when needed) that warns the user that they have reached their maximum uploads for the day.

We require prior Coppermine coding/modification experience please.

Mysql / Oscommerce

Need fix a product duplication routine. Requires deep understanding of MySQL. This is a distant fork of oscommerce, so deep knowledge of oscommerce and MYSQL is a must!

Half of the routine is working, just need assistance getting the other half working. Should only take another one or two queries to accomplish.

I will work with you in unison to upload your changes, to quality control them and to save an otherwise time consuming process of setting you up with proper user credentials throughout the network.

Transfer Joomla Website To WordPress

I need to move my Joomla website to a WordPress platform. I already have the WordPress theme created and just need the Joomla data transfered over. The URL’s should stay the exact same as well as all the categories, articles, and images.

Must have experience & high ratings. I am looking for a great programmer that is reliable and looking for multiple projects.