Develope A Site Which Can Post Content To Multiple Wp Blogs

We are looking for someone to create a script that can remotely post a spun article to a list of wordpress blogs using XML-RPC.

The script needs a function to add, edit and delete a large number of blogs with custom usernames and passwords.

We need to be able to copy paste the list into the websites in this format “” as well as just by copy pasting a list of domains without usernames and passwords into the program and then manually editing the usernames passwords afterwards.

About The script:-
It should Check the PR of all the sites in its database weekly and also would check if all sites are working perfectly or not.(daily).

In the actual Script we should be adding the content content manually in spin format(Thebestspinner spintax format i.e {|}). The script will post unique spun content to the blogs we have in database, selecting proper category, putting tags and filling up plutinum seo plugin details(title, excerpt and keywords).It should have following posting functions :- instant post or drip post(numbers of days admin will specify), also schedule feature.

We should have the ability to group our blog based on PR or manually creating a group by selecting the blogs and the script should post to those groups only. If no groups is selected , it would simply post to all blogs we have by default.

The program should have schedule function too(with start and end date), so that we can post any article and schedule it as per our wish.

After successfully completion of the project, the script would generate the report files with all the live links for that particular post and should be named as the Project name and can be downloaded to our desktop.

Right now, we just need one interface(admin panel) from where we can control everything. If the script is coded properly as per our needs, we would simply extent it a little more with additional features.

Looking forward for some serious bidders, No time wasters please. If you have done something earlier, feel free to show some example.

Graphic/webpage Design Position

We are looking for a USA Based graphic designer. This designer has to be excellent in webdesign (specifically landing pages and other small graphical elements) and can work a normal 8 hour work day schedule.

For this project, please bid your cost for a normal 40 hours work week. All hours will be logged via timedoctor. You must be available on skype during work hours. Also communication is key, sometimes you will be asked to work on a Saturday or Sunday. thanks for our considerstion.

Must know basic html, plus if you know PHP or other languages.

Designers that we like:

w w w . e x t r e m e w e b g r a p h i x . c o m
w w w . g i a n n a s t u d i o s . c o m

How To Create And Rig A Realistic Puppet Day 16

This entry is part 15 of 15 in the series Rig A Realistic Puppet

IK is finally here for After Effects! It has actually been around for a while thanks to Nicolas Dufresne’s Duik Tools. You can now create inverse kinematic chains for fast and intuitive character movement just similar to what you will find in high end 3D packages. You will no longer have to manually rotate each joint and fight with feet slipping and dipping into the ground.


Download Tutorial .mov

File size: 190 MB

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Fantastic Prizes Up for Grabs in the Tuts+ Survey!

We love the community of readers we have at Tuts+ and your opinion is incredibly valuable. This week, we’re giving you the chance to have your say about Tuts+, and win a few fantastic prizes at the same time! Read on to find out how to get involved and stand a chance of winning a copy of Adobe Creative Suite…

Continue reading “Fantastic Prizes Up for Grabs in the Tuts+ Survey!”

Quick Tip: How to Crop Raster Image in Adobe Illustrator

We often use raster images in Adobe Illustrator, for example, for the Live Trace, Mosaic Effect, Halftone Effect, or simply as a reference image. This technique allows us to crop raster images directly in Adobe Illustrator without using Photoshop or any other raster editor. This technique was developed by my friend Igor Tchernitsyn.

Continue reading “Quick Tip: How to Crop Raster Image in Adobe Illustrator”

Creating a Fun Editorial Illustration – Vector Premium Tutorial

Today, we have another Vector Premium tutorial, which is available exclusively for Premium members. If you’ve thought of becoming an editorial illustrator, then this tutorial is a must read. It reviews the complete editorial illustration with loads of tips inside as well. The process from sketch, through research, communication with the art direction, and vector build process is covered. If you’re a Premium member, then you’re in for a treat.

Continue reading “Creating a Fun Editorial Illustration – Vector Premium Tutorial”

Fantastic Prizes Up for Grabs in the Tuts+ Survey!

We love the community of readers we have at Tuts+ and your opinion is incredibly valuable. This week, we’re giving you the chance to have your say about Tuts+, and win a few fantastic prizes at the same time! Read on to find out how to get involved and stand a chance of winning a copy of Adobe Creative Suite…

The Prizes!

We have a few fantastic prizes up for grabs, and the winning entries will be chosen at random when the survey closes in one week. Here’s what you stand a chance of winning:

1st Prize: 1 x Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Web Premium

This prize has been kindly donated by Business Catalyst. Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Web Premium software provides everything you need to create and deliver standards-based websites with HTML5, jQuery Mobile, and CSS3 support. Design immersive digital experiences and apps across desktops, smartphones, tablets, and televisions.

You’ll find plenty of incredible software inside, including Photoshop CS5 Extended, Illustrator CS5, Flash Professional CS5.5, Dreamweaver CS5.5, and Fireworks CS5. It’s the perfect accompaniment to everything we teach at Tuts+!

Runner-Up Prize: 4 x Six Month Tuts+ Premium Memberships

Four lucky runners up will receive a six month subscription to our Tuts+ Premium membership programme, completely free of charge! This is a brilliant way to expand your knowledge in different creative areas, and access a regular selection of incredibly high-quality tutorials and resources. You’ll be a pro in no time!

Competition Sponsored by Business Catalyst

Business Catalyst is a Adobe’s new hosted service for building business websites, replacing 5+ separate tools with one integrated solution.

Incorporating web hosting, content management, eCommerce features, email marketing and built in customer management tools, Business Catalyst can help you accelerate your projects and increase your profit margins. Try it out for free at

Complete the Survey

It just takes a few minutes to complete the survey, and we really value your opinion. We’ll be using the information from our readers to make the Tuts+ network better than ever, so this is your opportunity to let us know what you’d like to see change on the sites!

Take the Survey & Enter the Competition

Competition Rules

  • Please don’t enter more than once – if you do, none of your entries will count.
  • The winners will be picked randomly and contacted by email.
  • The competition closes in exactly one week. Any entries after that time period won’t count.
  • We’d love to hear your honest feedback, so feel free to say exactly what you think!

Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts about the Tuts+ network. We really appreciate it, and look forward to hearing what you have to say!

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5 Of My Current Favourite iOS Apps

As you may have already realised I’m a pretty big fan of all things Apple. Not only do I utilise Apple computers in my production process but I also lean pretty heavily on IOS-based devices in the studio.

I thought you might be interested to read about a few of my current favourite applications for both iPhone and iPad. Admittedly some of these are just cool toys but there are a few in the list that I really couldn’t live without.

1 – Hexler’s ‘TouchOSC’

Although this list is in no particular order, TouchOSC has to be right up there with my favourite applications. For those of you who haven’t seen the application TouchOSC is probably one of the most innovative touchscreen-based controller systems on the market.

TouchOSC hooked up to Logic Pro 9.

What’s really surprising about this app is not the fact that it can adapt to just about any application, or even it’s super cool interface, the real revelation comes with its price. At £2.99 / $4.99 for either iPad or iPhone, it’s pretty much a no-brainer.

TouchOSC is capable of controlling a wide range of applications, and has the uncanny ability of replicating the feel of the hardware controller. In the past I have used Mackie and Euphonix control services and find that my TouchOSC equipped iPad is a worthy replacement.

This guy gives you a pretty good idea of what can be done with an iPad, TouchOSC and Logic.

This is also a pretty interesting tutorial about setting up TouchOSC.

2 – The Animoog!

In recent years Moog have become much more innovative when it comes to product design. We have seen them produce guitars, USB enabled synthesisers and some impressive stand-alone effects. With Animoog we see the company taking their first true step into the world of the mobile software synthesiser.

As I am writing this the Animoog is currently for sale at a staggering £.69 in the App Store. This is an incredibly good deal for a synthesiser of this quality but I do believe it is a limited offer, so I would check in at the App Store for more details.

One thing you should know about this instrument is that it’s not just any other iPad based synthesiser, it really does stand out from the crowd in terms of both interface design and quality of its sound output.

The interface surrounds a large X/Y pad, which also features some pretty impressive parameter-based animation and a responsive oscilloscope. Points can be plotted in this X/Y pad to animate your modulation sources which can be a number of different parameters within the synth’s engine.

The main interface and X/Y pad.

A quick browse through the pre-sets will confirm that this instrument is certainly no gimmick, in fact it’s as good as some high end soft synths I’ve used. I’ll actually be putting it to good use in my productions once I get my MIDI interface hooked up.

A guided tour of Animoog by Moog Music!

3 – The iKaossilator!

The Kaoss pad has been around in one form or another for some time now. During it’s lifetime the Kaoss touch based interface has gained an impressive fan base, so with that in mind this app should do pretty well.

Since installing the iKaossilator I have found it’s my go to app for messing around with sounds whilst on the go. I’m not suggesting for minute that you could construct a finished track on this but it’s certainly a lot of fun and you have to love that Kaoss pad vibe.

Although the iKaossilator lacks any real mixing you can actually have five parts playing at once and the included library of sounds is really pretty impressive. Some of the synth sounds are suitably fat and the beats are more than useable.

The various parts of the iKaossilator interface.

Even at it’s current discounted price of £6.99 it isn’t that cheap though and you may be put of by this if you are used to paying 69p for apps. Saying that you would expect to pay a lot more than this for any Kaoss pad hardware that does the same job so in that light it could be see as somewhat of a bargain.

Korg do a good job of demonstrating what the app is capable of.

4 – Spectrasonics’ Omni TR

Ok, so this one is only really relevant if you are a Spectrasonics Omnisphere user but if you are this is a must have! It’s actually a free app and allows a really great way to control Omnisphere with you iPad.

The centrepiece here is something called The Orb, which is a sort of X/Y control pad but with added inertia effects. This is really cool for creating brand new patches from existing sounds.

The Omni TR has some pretty cool control features, such as ‘The Orb’.

Other cool features are the part mixer, here you can alter levels, pans and effects sends for all the parts within one performance. You can even load and save pre-sets here. This is extremely useful for live situations, although saying that I have been using it in the studio. Very cool stuff.

If I was being very picky the only downfall of this app is that you can’t record your movements as automation. I found myself on several occasions going for the ‘write’ button in Logic to record my movements but unfortunately it didn’t pick anything up.

The man Eric Persing himself demonstrates the excellent Omni TR.

5 – Korg’s iMS-20

Another Korg app here (there was almost 3 with the iElectribe ;) and this time it’s something a little more comprehensive and advanced in nature. The iMS-20 emulates the famous MS-20 monophonic analog synth and then some.

The main synth interface in the iMS-20.

In reality this is a groove box and you are able to compose entire pieces of music using the internal step based sequencer, drum machine, synths and effects. Do be warned though, this beast is not as straight forward as some of the others here. So if you are looking for something a little more geeky then head for the iMS-20 and you should’t be disappointed.

The many other faces of the app.

Korg make the iMS-20 sing!

Obviously there are loads of other cool apps out there and I’ve only covered a handful here. Feel free to let me know what your current favourite iOS based apps are and what you are using them for in the studio and on stage.

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Get 20% off Courses with this Coupon Code

We just finished a competition giving away accredited courses at If you weren’t lucky enough to win, we’re offering you the next-best thing: 20% off. Details after the break. offer certified online video training courses to suit Logic users of all levels – from beginner to advanced users. They are offering Audiotuts+ readers 20% off. Just use the coupon code TUT20 when you sign up.

Here is some information about their courses:

If you want to get the most out of your Logic software suite and learn all the latest tips, tricks and workflow methods then this brand new online training course provides the perfect solution for you.

Logic Courses provides both a basic/intermediate and advanced level course to support all levels of users, and the courses are delivered through a series of online video tutorials which you can access at any time, from wherever you are.

These videos will tell you more:

Beginner/intermediate course

Advanced course

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Compression Tricks Of The Pros – Part 3 – Audio Premium

In this week’s Audio Premium content, Bobby Owsinski continues his excellent series on compression. In Part 3, he’ll look at using a compressor on guitars, keyboards and vocals..

To learn more about what you get as part of Audio Premium, read this. To take a peek inside this tutorial, hit the jump!

The basic principles of compression are pretty much the same for any instrument, but of course there are nuances for each, which is what we’ll soon cover. That said, here’s a brief review:

  • Acoustic instruments are usually more dynamic than electric instruments, and therefore need to be controlled more.
  • If you set the attack and release times of the compressor so it breathes with the track, the less likely you’ll hear it working in the track.
  • The more wild the peaks, the higher the compression ratio should be set. The fewer the peaks, the lower the ratio.
  • The more compression you use, the more likely that you’ll hear it, and the more likely it will color the sound.
  • A compressor turns into a limiter if the ratio is set to 10:1 or higher.

Table of Contents

  • The Principles Of Compression
  • Compressing Guitars
  • Compressing The Acoustic Guitar
  • Compressing Keyboards
  • Compressing Vocals
  • Compressing Loops

Existing Premium members can log-in and download. Not a Plus member? Join now.

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