Using igGrid to generate a horizontal grid based on columns

I am trying to get igGrid to generate a grid which would look something like this:

 |       | 2005/06 | 2006/07 | 2007/08 | 2008/09 | 2009/10 | 2010/11 | 2011/12 | 2023/13
 |ID     | 169530  | 169531  | 169532  | 169533  | 169534  | 169535  | 169536  | 169537
 |Land   | 0       | 1       | 2       | 3       | 4       | 5       | 6       | 7
 |Total  | 100     | 101     | 102     | 103     | 104     | 105     | 106     | 107

I have 2 arrays, columns and countyPivot which contain the data needed to generate the igGrid.

The array called columns has this data:

 columns[0] = {dataType: "string", headerText: "2005/06", hidden: false, key: "2005/06", width: "75px"}
 columns[1] = {dataType: "string", headerText: "2006/07", hidden: false, key: "2006/07", width: "75px"}
 columns[2] = {dataType: "string", headerText: "2007/08", hidden: false, key: "2007/08", width: "75px"}
 columns[3] = {dataType: "string", headerText: "2008/09", hidden: false, key: "2008/09", width: "75px"}
 columns[4] = {dataType: "string", headerText: "2009/10", hidden: false, key: "2009/10", width: "75px"}
 columns[5] = {dataType: "string", headerText: "2010/11", hidden: false, key: "2010/11", width: "75px"}
 columns[6] = {dataType: "string", headerText: "2011/12", hidden: false, key: "2011/12", width: "75px"}
 columns[7] = {dataType: "string", headerText: "2012/13", hidden: false, key: "2012/13", width: "75px"}

And the array called countyPivot has this data:

 countyPivot[0] = {{Key: "id", Value: 169530}, {Key: "TaxYear", Value: "2005/06"}, {Key: "Land", Value: 0}, {Key: "Total", Value: 100}}
 countyPivot[1] = {{Key: "id", Value: 169531}, {Key: "TaxYear", Value: "2006/07"}, {Key: "Land", Value: 1}, {Key: "Total", Value: 101}}
 countyPivot[2] = {{Key: "id", Value: 169532}, {Key: "TaxYear", Value: "2007/08"}, {Key: "Land", Value: 2}, {Key: "Total", Value: 102}}
 countyPivot[3] = {{Key: "id", Value: 169533}, {Key: "TaxYear", Value: "2008/09"}, {Key: "Land", Value: 3}, {Key: "Total", Value: 103}}
 countyPivot[4] = {{Key: "id", Value: 169534}, {Key: "TaxYear", Value: "2009/10"}, {Key: "Land", Value: 4}, {Key: "Total", Value: 104}}
 countyPivot[5] = {{Key: "id", Value: 169535}, {Key: "TaxYear", Value: "2010/11"}, {Key: "Land", Value: 5}, {Key: "Total", Value: 105}}
 countyPivot[6] = {{Key: "id", Value: 169536}, {Key: "TaxYear", Value: "2011/12"}, {Key: "Land", Value: 6}, {Key: "Total", Value: 106}}
 countyPivot[7] = {{Key: "id", Value: 169537}, {Key: "TaxYear", Value: "2012/13"}, {Key: "Land", Value: 7}, {Key: "Total", Value: 107}}

This is the definition of my igGrid:

      width: "100%",
      height: "500px",  // Adjust height as needed
      columns: columns,
      dataSource: countyPivot,   
      autoGenerateColumns: false, // We're manually defining the columns
      features: [
           name: "Sorting"
           name: "Paging",       // Enable paging
           pageSize: 10          // Set page size

And this is what ends up getting generated:

enter image description here

How do I adjust the data source so the igGrid can display the data correctly?

Any assistance is greatly appreciated.

Javascript IF multiple arguments [duplicate]

I’m debugging an external js library code and I found this syntax:

if(argument1, argument2) { ... }

It is the first time I face more than one argument in an if block, what is its meaning?

I tried to understand how it works with some tests:

if(false,false,true) alert("TEST"); //this alert is fired!


if(true,false,false) alert("TEST"); //this alert is not fired!

And it seems only the last argument is evaluated.

Webauthn – Browser fails to recognize autocomplete attribute

I am using an input for users to log in using email or phone. However, recently added an initial support for passkeys. I want to use the Conditional UI so users are not bothered if no passkeys are stored for this site. To use that, I need an input with autocomplete attribute set to webauthn – as required for the browserautofill property to use conditional UI.

However, the browser -I believe- does not recognize the webauthn autocomplete value having 3 autocomplete values in total

Like this:

<input type="text" autocomplete="email tel-national webauthn" />

It works with autocomplete="email webauthn" or autocomplete="tel-national webauthn".

It only happens for my desktop browsers (Arc and Google Chrome)

Chromium Engine Version 131.0.6778.140

However, it works on Chrome mobile, the browser recognize the input and presents my passkey options

Tried with only 2 values.

I want to keep the email tel-national attributes as there are more users enrolled with them than passkey.

I would rather display the password selection modal than the dropdown of user autofill, but only the later supports Conditional UI and, thus, I use the ONLY input I have on this page.

The desired behavior would be to still let the users be suggested with emails and phones and only be suggested with passkey options if existing credentials (Conditional UI). Not sure if I remove email or tel-national I could still suggest both for users without passkeys.

how convert to array properly with special character in string [duplicate]

i want to split string to array,but if the string contain é,the split method not work

var string = "JonBenét";
var arrays = string.split("");

why arrays like this ?

Array(9) [ “J”, “o”, “n”, “B”, “e”, “n”, “e”, “́”, “t” ]

i want convert like this,any suggestion thanks very much

Array(8) [ “J”, “o”, “n”, “B”, “e”, “n”, “é”, “t” ]

enter image description here

i try Array.string(string),but it still convert
Array(9) [ “J”, “o”, “n”, “B”, “e”, “n”, “e”, “́”, “t” ]
enter image description here

Order of await execution makes no sense in node

I wanted to understand at which point an async js function was appended to the event loop and when it was being immediately executed:

async function test2(){
    console.log('3 test2 is being executed');
async function test(){
    console.log('2 test is being executed');

    await test2();
    console.log('4 test 2 was awaited');

console.log('1 test is about to be called');
console.log('5 test was called');

Originally, I assumed that no matter if a function had any actual async functions happneing (setTimeout, fetch, loadFile, etc), the function would always be appended to the event loop if it was declared async.

So by that logic expected the order of console logs like this:

1 test is about to be called
5 test was called
2 test is being executed
3 test2 is being executed
4 test 2 was awaited

So I assumed, async function that don’t have any actual real async functions in them always get executed immediately, leading to this order:

1 test is about to be called
2 test is being executed
3 test2 is being executed
4 test 2 was awaited
5 test was called

But instead I get this:

1 test is about to be called
2 test is being executed
3 test2 is being executed
5 test was called
4 test 2 was awaited

This means the order of execution is:

test is called
test is being immediately executed (despite being marked async)
test2 is being immediately executed (same as test)
after test2 is being run, control is returned to line 14 (which means the event loop must have done something after all)
finally, test reports that test2 was executed.

Can somebody explain this to me? How can it be that async functions sometimes get thrown onto the event loop and sometimes not? I this predictable and when?

Also if you remove the await, the order is 1 2 3 4 5.

I’d just like to understand what’s the logic here.

How to intercept text before sending it to ChatGPT in a Chrome Extension and filter sensitive data using a backend API?

I’m developing a Chrome extension that intercepts the text a user sends to ChatGPT before it’s sent to the model. My goal is to verify whether the text contains any sensitive data by sending it to a backend API. If the data is sensitive, I want the backend to filter it and return the masked version, which will then be sent to ChatGPT.

However, I’m facing an issue where the data is being sent directly to ChatGPT without being intercepted, and I can’t block the direct request to the API.

How can I properly intercept the text before it reaches ChatGPT and ensure it is filtered by my backend API before it is sent out?


document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
  const sendButton = document.querySelector('[aria-label="Send prompt"]');
  const inputField = document.querySelector("textarea");
  if (sendButton && inputField) {
    console.log("Send button and input field found.");

    // Intercept the message when the send button is clicked
    sendButton.addEventListener("click", (event) => {
      event.preventDefault(); // Prevent sending the message immediately

      const userMessage = inputField.value;
      console.log("Intercepted message:", userMessage);

      // Modify the message (for testing purposes)
      const modifiedMessage = `${userMessage} (modified by extension)`;

      // Show the modified message in a dialog
      if (
          `Modified Message:nn${modifiedMessage}nnDo you want to send this message?`
      ) {
        // Trigger API call to simulate data leak prevention action
        chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ action: "triggerApiCall" }, (response) => {
          if (response && response.success) {
            console.log("API Call Successful, sending message to ChatGPT...");
            inputField.value = modifiedMessage; // Set the modified message back to the input
  ; // Trigger the send button click again to send the modified message
          } else {
              "API Call Failed:",
              response ? response.error : "No response"
            alert("Error preventing data leak.");
  } else {
    console.log("Send button or input field not found.");


    "manifest_version": 3,
    "name": "ChatGPT Message Interceptor",
    "version": "1.0",
    "description": "Intercept and modify messages sent to ChatGPT",
    "permissions": [
    "content_scripts": [
        "matches": ["*", "https://**"],
        "js": ["content.js"]
    "background": {
      "service_worker": "background.js"
    "action": {
      "default_popup": "popup.html",
      "default_icon": {
        "16": "images/icon-16.png",
        "48": "images/icon-48.png",
        "128": "images/icon-128.png"


<!DOCTYPE html>

    <title>ChatGPT Message Interceptor</title>
        body {
            width: 200px;
            padding: 10px;

        button {
            width: 100%;
            padding: 10px;
            font-size: 16px;
            cursor: pointer;

    <h3>Activate Interceptor</h3>
    <button id="activateButton">Activate</button>
    <script src="popup.js"></script>


appendChild does not work while modifying innerHTML does

Ok I know the title looks like I’ll be asking “why does parent.appendChild("some text") not work”. It is not the case though.

I have a function of signature string => SVGElement that outputs a rather complex (but valid) SVG node. I also have an empty <div id="app"></div> that covers the whole screen.

I tried two things to render my newly create element:

  1. document.getElementById("app")!.appendChild(svgElement)
  2. document.getElementById("app")!.innerHTML += svgElement.outerHTML

If I open the inspector, the output HTML tree is the same for both methods. However, my SVG does not appear with the first method and does appear with the second one. I know the context is not complete, but I’d like to have insights to know what could cause this difference.

Thanks in advance for answering and have a nice day!

Paste URL to custom input programmatically and invoke JS action associated with it on Google My Maps

I want to automate the way to add points to Google My Maps. They don’t provide any API for that, so I thought I would use a custom user script to interact with the page.

I haven’t written it yet, for now, I’m only checking in the dev tools console if everything is accessible and if it will be possible to achieve.

Here is the problem I encountered: it’s possible to create a new point, edit the name, etc., but I’m stuck at adding a photo to the point. There are a lot of custom properties and solutions made by Google in that area and I’m looking for a solution that will work with that.

There is an input field where I can paste or type url to the photo. If I do this, the value is written to the attribute data-initial-value and then the photo appears below that input field, and the save button is activated.

<input type="text" class="whsOnd zHQkBf" jsname="YPqjbf" autocomplete="off" tabindex="0" aria-label="Wklej adres URL obrazu..." aria-disabled="false" autofocus="" data-initial-value="" badinput="false">

When I programmatically set the photo URL to either value or data-initial-value attributes, then nothing really happens, their custom JS isn’t activated, so the photo can’t be added that way.

input = document.querySelector(".whsOnd.zHQkBf");
input.setAttribute("data-initial-value", "");
input.setAttribute("value", "");
input.value = "";

You can see in this video how it behaves when I paste the link and then later when it’s set programmatically.

So, the question is if there is any way I can simulate paste or type action to that field, so their JS will detect it? Or is there any other solution how to make it work?

Steps to get this input on Google My Maps:

  1. Create and open map on
  2. Click the pin icon in the toolbar to create a new point
  3. Click the photo icon in the edit dialog box
  4. Click the URL tab

Here is full HTML of this area with input:

  <div jsname="V8jame"></div>
  <div class="kPOohe-wZVHld-nUpftc-haAclf" jsname="StCdjf">
      <div class="eXh7Ud" jscontroller="cDvIdc" jsaction="rcuQ6b:rcuQ6b;">
        <div class="mPVwKb hCTQCe" jsname="L8jiB">
            jsaction="JIbuQc:LYGBsb(gQ2Xie),mm65pe(Slj9he);O22p3e:fpfTEe(cB3E7e);rcuQ6b:rcuQ6b;YqO5N:XNc1Le(cB3E7e); keydown:Hq2uPe(cB3E7e)"
            <div jsname="ODTp8" class="hSF15e">
              <div jsname="oK1IRd">
                <div class="YHtwxf">
                    class="rFrNMe qr4X2e zKHdkd"
                    jsaction="clickonly:KjsqPd; focus:Jt1EX; blur:fpfTEe; input:Lg5SV"
                    <div class="aCsJod oJeWuf">
                      <div class="aXBtI I0VJ4d Wic03c">
                        <div class="Xb9hP">
                            class="whsOnd zHQkBf"
                            aria-label="Wklej adres URL obrazu..."
                            class="ndJi5d snByac"
                            Wklej adres URL obrazu...
                        <span jsslot="" class="A37UZe sxyYjd MQL3Ob"
                          ><span data-is-tooltip-wrapper="true"
                              class="pYTkkf-Bz112c-LgbsSe pYTkkf-Bz112c-LgbsSe-OWXEXe-SfQLQb-suEOdc DmnNTb"
                              jsaction="click:h5M12e; clickmod:h5M12e;pointerdown:FEiYhc;pointerup:mF5Elf;pointerenter:EX0mI;pointerleave:vpvbp;pointercancel:xyn4sd;contextmenu:xexox;focus:h06R8; blur:zjh6rb;mlnRJb:fLiPzd;"
                              aria-label="Wyczyść podgląd adresu URL"
                                class="OiePBf-zPjgPe pYTkkf-Bz112c-UHGRz"
                                  class="Q6yead QJZfhe"
                                  viewBox="0 -960 960 960"
                                    d="m336-280 144-144 144 144 56-56-144-144 144-144-56-56-144 144-144-144-56 56 144 144-144 144 56 56ZM480-80q-83 0-156-31.5T197-197q-54-54-85.5-127T80-480q0-83 31.5-156T197-763q54-54 127-85.5T480-880q83 0 156 31.5T763-763q54 54 85.5 127T880-480q0 83-31.5 156T763-197q-54 54-127 85.5T480-80Zm0-80q134 0 227-93t93-227q0-134-93-227t-227-93q-134 0-227 93t-93 227q0 134 93 227t227 93Zm0-320Z"
                              <div class="pYTkkf-Bz112c-RLmnJb"></div>
                              Wyczyść podgląd adresu URL
                        <div class="i9lrp mIZh1c"></div>
                        <div jsname="XmnwAc" class="OabDMe cXrdqd"></div>
                    <div class="LXRPh">
                      <div jsname="ty6ygf" class="ovnfwe Is7Fhb"></div>
                  <div class="aRx7Te nbtmO" jsname="aZ2wEe">
                      class="EmVfjc qs41qe"
                      <div class="Cg7hO" aria-live="assertive" jsname="vyyg5">
                      <div jsname="Hxlbvc" class="xu46lf">
                        <div class="ir3uv uWlRce co39ub">
                          <div class="xq3j6 ERcjC">
                            <div class="X6jHbb GOJTSe"></div>
                          <div class="HBnAAc">
                            <div class="X6jHbb GOJTSe"></div>
                          <div class="xq3j6 dj3yTd">
                            <div class="X6jHbb GOJTSe"></div>
                        <div class="ir3uv GFoASc Cn087">
                          <div class="xq3j6 ERcjC">
                            <div class="X6jHbb GOJTSe"></div>
                          <div class="HBnAAc">
                            <div class="X6jHbb GOJTSe"></div>
                          <div class="xq3j6 dj3yTd">
                            <div class="X6jHbb GOJTSe"></div>
                        <div class="ir3uv WpeOqd hfsr6b">
                          <div class="xq3j6 ERcjC">
                            <div class="X6jHbb GOJTSe"></div>
                          <div class="HBnAAc">
                            <div class="X6jHbb GOJTSe"></div>
                          <div class="xq3j6 dj3yTd">
                            <div class="X6jHbb GOJTSe"></div>
                        <div class="ir3uv rHV3jf EjXFBf">
                          <div class="xq3j6 ERcjC">
                            <div class="X6jHbb GOJTSe"></div>
                          <div class="HBnAAc">
                            <div class="X6jHbb GOJTSe"></div>
                          <div class="xq3j6 dj3yTd">
                            <div class="X6jHbb GOJTSe"></div>
                  <div class="CpRZQe" role="alert">
                    Możesz użyć tylko takich obrazów, do których posiadasz
                    stosowne prawa.
                    class="Gkzg6e nbtmO"
                    <div class="Gkzg6e nbtmO" jsname="VEOBbf"></div>
                    <div class="nbtmO">
                      Nie możemy znaleźć obrazu lub uzyskać do niego dostępu pod
                      tym adresem URL. Sprawdź, czy adres został wpisany
                    <div class="nbtmO">
                      Ten adres URL jest nieprawidłowy. Upewnij się, że zaczyna
                      się od http:// lub https://.
              <div jsname="qlI0xc" class="nbtmO">
                <div class="PDztrf"><img jsname="dGKeKb" class="LLY0Xe" /></div>
              <div jsname="Zpe2Q" class="APdXXd">
                  class="U26fgb O0WRkf oG5Srb HQ8yf C0oVfc fuRKz M9Bg4d RDPZE"
                  jsaction="click:cOuCgd; mousedown:UX7yZ; mouseup:lbsD7e; mouseenter:tfO1Yc; mouseleave:JywGue; focus:AHmuwe; blur:O22p3e; contextmenu:mg9Pef;touchstart:p6p2H; touchmove:FwuNnf; touchend:yfqBxc(preventDefault=true); touchcancel:JMtRjd;"
                  aria-label="wstaw obraz"
                  <div class="Vwe4Vb MbhUzd" jsname="ksKsZd"></div>
                  <div class="ZFr60d CeoRYc"></div>
                  <span jsslot="" class="CwaK9"
                    ><span class="RveJvd snByac">wstaw obraz</span></span
            <div jsname="nlOOSe" class="TMnCxb nbtmO"></div>

React Native Javascript Range Slider revert formula

I’m creating a range slider with two buttons to move the minimum value and another for the maximum value in react native from scratch. I already have the formula so that depending on the position of the slider it gives me its corresponding value:

enter image description here

const min = 1100;
const max = 11800;
const minPosition = 10.5;
const sliderWidth = 327;
const step = 100;

const minValue = min + Math.floor(minPosition / (sliderWidth / ((max - min) / step))) * step;
// minValue = 1400

I don’t know how to do the inverse operation so that the range slider receives for example a value of 1400 (minValue) and returns the position of the slider (minPosition), which in this case would be a value of 10.5

Google Apps Script withSuccessHandler() gives back always null

I’m using Google Apps Script withSuccessHandler() and even if the logs from Logger are all correct, after returning from the function in the backend, the result is always a null.

Here’s reported the code block where I call the referring to the function checkBarcode().

// Check if the vessel exists
      function checkVessel() {
        const barcode = document.getElementById("barcode").value.trim();
        if (!barcode) {
          alert("Please scan or enter a barcode.");
        console.log("Sending barcode to server:", barcode); // Debugging => {
          console.log("Result received from server:", result); // Debugging


Here’s reported the function checkBarcode (also the function findBarcode used in checkBarcode).

// Check if a vessel with the barcode exists
function checkBarcode(barcode) {
  Logger.log("Checking barcode: " + barcode);

  // Search for barcode in N2 sheet
  const n2Result = findBarcode("N2", barcode);

  if (n2Result) {
    Logger.log("Barcode found in N2.");
    return result = {
      sheet: "N2",
      row: n2Result.row,

  // Search for barcode in N2O sheet
  const n2oResult = findBarcode("N2O", barcode);

  if (n2oResult) {
    Logger.log("Barcode found in N2O.");
    return result = {
      sheet: "N2O",
      row: n2oResult.row,

  // If not found in any sheet
  Logger.log("Barcode not found in any sheet.");
  return result = null; // Return null explicitly if not found

// Find barcode in a sheet
function findBarcode(sheetName, barcode) {
  const spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  const sheet = spreadsheet.getSheetByName(sheetName);

  if (!sheet) {
    Logger.log("Sheet not found: " + sheetName);
    return null;

  const data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
  Logger.log("Data in sheet " + sheetName + ": " + JSON.stringify(data));

  for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
    Logger.log("Comparing: " + data[i][0].toString().trim() + " with " + barcode.toString().trim());
    if (data[i][0].toString().trim() === barcode.toString().trim()) {
      return { row: i + 1, data: data[i] }; // Return row index and data
  return null; // Not found

I tried to avoid using multiple function in the .gs file but the results were the same. I also tried to convert the barcode variable in string (probably too many times) to avoid errors.

Blob download saves as .bin with a random filename instead of .webm

I’m developing a Tampermonkey userscript to capture audio from a webpage using the MediaRecorder API. The script successfully records audio and creates a Blob with the MIME type audio/webm;codecs=opus. However, when I attempt to download the generated audio file, it’s saved with a .bin extension and a random 9-digit filename (e.g. 1298453815.bin) instead of the intended recording.webm.

This is the relevant code snippet.

// Media recorder handling above
const audioBlob = new Blob(audioChunks, { type: 'audio/webm;codecs=opus' });
const audioUrl = URL.createObjectURL(audioBlob);

const link = document.createElement('a');
link.href = audioUrl; = 'recording.webm';;

I’ve tried various methods to enforce the correct filename and extension, including explicitly setting the download attribute of the anchor tag and setting the type attribute. Trying GM_download on blob URL, using FileReader to convert the blob to a data URL. I’ve also tested with simple text files created from blobs, and the issue persists. I also inspected the network tab and it shows that the request headers are set with the correct MIME types.

Crucially, I know this is possible and not a browser limitation due to the fact that this site uses blobs for export and the “Save as” window appears with the correct filename and extension.

Could anyone clarify what I’m missing? Is there a proper way to ensure that the downloaded file has the correct filename and extension when using blobs in a Tampermonkey userscript? I’m particularly interested in understanding why the download attribute and GM_download are not working as expected in this context, and how the website I linked manages to achieve the desired behavior.

Not able to setCurrentUser while fetching it from localstorage

const [currentUser, setCurrentUser] = useState(undefined)

useEffect(() => {
    async function fetchdata() {
        const storedUser = localStorage.getItem("chat-app-user");
        if (!storedUser) {
        } else {
            const user = await JSON.parse(storedUser);
            console.log("Fetched user from localStorage:", user);
}, [navigate]);

I am trying to setCurrentUser. I am getting an user from local storage but while setting it to setCurrentUser it is not getting set and currentUser is remaining undefined

Netflix slider card hover owlcarousel tailwind

I want to recreate the netflix slider using tailwind and owlcarousel. It’s almost done as I want but I’m facing a problem when I hover the card I apply a scaling up to the card to display details but I actually can’t click on them. Also I do not have the same height on the items.

Does anyone can help me with this ?

HTML structure

<section class="mx-auto w-screen relative flex flex-col gap-4 px-5 mb-16">
    <div class="owl-carousel owl-theme">
        <div class="item group transition-all sm:hover:absolute sm:hover:scale-125 border border-red-600">
            <div href="#" class="card bg-neutral-900 rounded-md cursor-pointer overflow-hidden">
                    <img src=""
                <div class="hidden group-hover:flex bg-white p-1.5 flex-col h-fit w-full">
                    <div class="flex gap-3 sm:group-hover:scale-[.8] origin-top-left w-[calc(100%/0.8)]">
                        <span class="">
                            MOVIE TITLE
                    <a href="" class="text-red-600 sm:group-hover:scale-[.8] origin-top-left w-[calc(100%/0.8)]">
                        try to click me you can't
        <div class="item group transition-all sm:hover:absolute sm:hover:scale-125 border border-red-600 overflow-hidden">
            <div href="#" class="card bg-neutral-900 rounded-md cursor-pointer overflow-hidden">
                    <img src=""
                <div class="hidden group-hover:flex bg-white p-1.5 flex-col h-fit w-full">
                    <div class="flex gap-3 sm:group-hover:scale-[.8] origin-top-left w-[calc(100%/0.8)]">
                        <span class="">
                            MOVIE TITLE
                    <a href="" class="text-red-600 sm:group-hover:scale-[.8] origin-top-left w-[calc(100%/0.8)]">
                        try to click me you can't
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const addHoverClasses = (event) => {
  const owlitemHovered = event.currentTarget

const removeHoverClasses = (event) => {
  const owlitemHovered = event.currentTarget

const getOwlcarouselResponsiveMaxItems = (event) => {
  const owlInstance = event.relatedTarget
  const currentBreakpoint = owlInstance._breakpoint
  const breakpoints = owlInstance.options.responsive

  return breakpoints[currentBreakpoint].items

const applyTransformOrigin = (event) => {
  const owlCarousel =
  const owlItems = owlCarousel.querySelectorAll(".owl-item")
  let owlItemActiveCounter = 1
  owlItems.forEach((owlItem, index) => {
    if (owlItem?.classList.contains("active")) {
      if (owlItemActiveCounter === 1) {
      } else if (
        owlItemActiveCounter === getOwlcarouselResponsiveMaxItems(event)
      ) {
      } else {

const applyOwlStyles = (event) => {
  const owlCarousel =
  const owlItems = owlCarousel.querySelectorAll(".owl-item")

    ?.classList.add("!overflow-visible", "!overflow-x-clip")

  owlItems.forEach((owlItem, index) => {
    owlItem.addEventListener("mouseover", addHoverClasses, false)
    owlItem.addEventListener("mouseout", removeHoverClasses, false)

  const owldotsContainer = owlCarousel.querySelector(".owl-dots")

  const owldots = owldotsContainer?.querySelectorAll(".owl-dot") ?? []
  owldots.forEach((olwDot) => {
    const span = olwDot.querySelector("span")
    span.classList.add("!m-0", "!rounded-none", "!w-4", "!h-1")
    if (olwDot.classList.contains("active")) {

  const owlNav = owlCarousel?.querySelector(".owl-nav")
  owlNav?.classList.add("!m-0", "!top-0", "!bottom-0", "!w-full")

  const owlPrev = owlNav?.querySelector(".owl-prev")
  const owlNext = owlNav?.querySelector(".owl-next")



  loop: true,
  margin: 10,
  stagePadding: 50,
  nav: true,
  responsive: {
    0: {
      items: 1,
    600: {
      items: 3,
    1000: {
      items: 5,
  onInitialized: (event) => {
  onTranslated: (event) => {
  onResized: (event) => {

Not able to publish application on play store?

I created one small application using flutter only then I created new account in google play console and try to publish my application, but my application is 3 times rejected, reason is showing only “Your app requires more testing to access Google Play production” but same application I published in App Store , it is successfully published but ion play store it is not. So please provide me correct solution how I resolve this issue.

Laravel Set-Cookie Response Header Problem With Cloudflare Cache Mechanism

We have a website built with Laravel 10 (upgraded from Laravel 5.6 to 9, and then to version 10). For this website, we use a load balancer on Cloudflare. However, since we are using the StartSession (IlluminateSessionMiddlewareStartSession) and VerifyCsrfToken (AppHttpMiddlewareVerifyCsrfToken) middleware, the response headers for every page include two Set-Cookie headers. Because of the Set-Cookie headers in the response, Cloudflare prevents the page from being cached and directly serving from the Cloudflare cache for subsequent requests.

How can we resolve this issue to allow Cloudflare to cache the pages while still using the necessary middleware in Laravel?

Cloudflare documentation:

Cloudflare documentation page

Our website response header:
Our web site response headers