‘Mass kidnap’ in north Pakistan

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Police in Pakistan say at least 60 people have been kidnapped by suspected militants in the country’s volatile north-west tribal region.

The hostages were seized in Kurram after the vehicles they were travelling in were ambushed by men reportedly dressed as police officers.

Women and children were among those taken captive, according to the police.

Kidnappings for ransom are common in the Islamic militant stronghold of Kurram, which borders Afghanistan.

The Taliban has a strong presence in Kurram, which has also been the site of violence between the majority Sunni Muslims and Shias.

Heavily armed militants seized several vehicles that were travelling in convoy to Parachinar, the main city in Kurram, said Mir Chaman, the area police chief.

"The militants were posing as policemen and wearing police uniforms," he said.

An investigation was under way and all efforts were being made to find the hostages, he added.

There has been no claim of responsibility for the attack.

This article is from the BBC News website. © British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

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