New ash cloud chaos for Australia

A ribbon of volcanic ash passing over South Africa, captured by the Terra satellite (12 June 2011)A ribbon of volcanic ash from the Chilean volcano passes high over South Africa earlier this week. Pic: AFP Photo/Nasa Modis
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The ash cloud from the Chilean volcano Puyehue-Cordon Caulle is causing renewed chaos for flights in Australia.

Last week, tens of thousands of flights were affected as airlines grounded flights, and now the cloud has returned after drifting around the world.

Adelaide airport has been shut, and flights are being cancelled out of Canberra and Sydney for the first time.

Qantas said it was simply too dangerous to fly as the ash cloud from the volcano did another lap of the planet.

With the cloud hovering right above the flight path, Adelaide airport in South Australia has been shut throughout Tuesday.

Domestic flights are also being grounded in the capital Canberra and Sydney, the busiest airport in the country.

International flights operating in and out of Sydney are currently under review.

Last week, some airlines, such as Virgin Australia, flew below and around the ash cloud, but this time they have been advised against doing so.

Qantas said its policy was not to fly below the ash cloud, because it brought risks that it was simply not prepared to take.

Last week, 100,000 passengers and 700 flights were affected by the ash plume in Australia and New Zealand.

This article is from the BBC News website. © British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

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