Future of police service debated

Police officersThe Scottish government is considering merging police forces
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Responses to a consultation on the future of Scotland’s police service are due to be published later.

The Scottish government wants to reform the current structure and move away from eight separate forces.

But critics of a single force have raised concerns about local accountability and political interference.

The 219 responses gathered will be discussed at a meeting of the Scottish Policing Board.

Detailed proposals are likely to be announced later in the year.

Ministers appear to be leaning towards a single Scottish police force, an idea supported by Labour and the Conservatives.

A government paper due to be presented at the board meeting seeks to address concerns raised over accountability and governance.

It says: “Strong arguments were identified in favour of a single police service, but questions remained about accountability and centralisation.”

The paper says a senior officer in each local authority could reinforce local policing.

“Strong arguments were identified in favour of a single police service, but questions remained about accountability and centralisation”

Scottish government paper

It also suggests that a single force could be governed by a police board operating independently of ministers.

It details examples of other countries with a single force, including Northern Ireland, Finland and New Zealand, and outlines the way they maintain local accountability and political independence.

Cosla, the umbrella group representing councils in Scotland, has criticised the consultation process.

In a letter to Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill, Cosla spokeswoman Councillor Barbara Grant expressed “deep dissatisfaction” and accused the government of trying to create a “fictional consensus” in support of a single police force.

A Scottish government spokesman said: “No decisions have been taken on police reform and none will be taken at the meeting.

“The Scottish government has involved stakeholders at every stage of the reform process and we want to ensure this involvement continues.

“Each partner will have the opportunity to examine the consultation responses in full and engage with ministers as we consider the most appropriate way forward in the coming weeks and months.”

He added: “We have consistently made it clear that local accountability and the protection of local services will be at the heart of any reform that we undertake of the police service.”

The responses to the government’s consultation will be published in full on the internet after the Policing Board meeting.

This article is from the BBC News website. © British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

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