US politician quits over lewd photos

Anthony WeinerMr Weiner has faced pressure to resign from other Democratic lawmakers
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US lawmaker Anthony Weiner has told friends that he plans to resign his seat in Congress after an internet sex scandal, US media have reported.

Mr Weiner cited pressure from his Democratic colleagues as the reason for his decision, the New York Times said.

He has been under pressure after lying about a series of online chats with women in which he sent lewd photos.

The move comes days after US President Barack Obama said he would quit if he were in Mr Weiner’s position.

Mr Weiner had been regarded as a rising star in the Democratic Party and a possible prospect for the mayorship of New York City.

He is expected to make a formal statement about his position in New York at 1400 local time (1800 GMT).

The reports of Mr Weiner’s impending resignation come as Democratic lawmakers were to hold a meeting on Thursday to discuss whether to strip the 46-year-old representative of his committee assignments.

Democratic leaders had also called for an ethics probe to find whether Mr Weiner had abused the congressional office he has held for 14 years.

The congressman has said he used his home computer and mobile phone, not government computers, in his exchanges with women.

The investigation is expected to come to a halt following Mr Weiner’s formal resignation.

The lawmaker decided he would resign after having long discussions with his wife, Huma Abedin, an aide to Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, the New York Times reported.

Anthony Weiner speaking to his wife, Huma AbedinMr Weiner’s wife, Huma Abedin, is an aide to Hillary Clinton

Ms Abedin is reportedly pregnant with the couple’s first child.

Mr Weiner, who has been at a treatment facility since last weekend, telephoned Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi and Representative Steve Israel of New York on Wednesday evening to tell them of his plans to resign, the Associated Press news agency reported.

Mr Weiner has faced pressure to leave the House of Representatives for days, with Ms Pelosi urging him to spare the party any more embarrassment.

Rumours of Mr Weiner’s conduct came to light at the end of May, when he accidentally released on his public Twitter feed a photograph of his underpants-clad crotch.

For several days Mr Weiner insisted the account had been hacked, but last week he admitted the photo was of his own body and he had intended to send it privately to a university student in Washington state.

Mr Weiner also admitted sending photos “of an explicit nature” to six women in the past three years, including during the time he had been married.

If Mr Weiner submits his resignation, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is expected to call a special election to fill the representative’s empty seat.

Mr Weiner served on the New York City Council from 1992 until his election to the House of Representatives in 1998.

He also ran for New York mayor in 2005 and had discussed seeking the office again.

This article is from the BBC News website. © British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

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