Argentina rails at UK ‘arrogance’

President Fernandez with Ban Ki-moonPresident Fernandez met UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon this week
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The president of Argentina, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, has called Britain “arrogant” for refusing to negotiate on the Falklands.

She was speaking a day after UK Prime Minister David Cameron said the issue of sovereignty was non-negotiable.

President Fernandez called his refusal to hold talks on the sovereignty of the Falklands, or Malvinas, arrogant and bordering on stupidity.

Britain defeated an Argentine invasion of the islands in 1982.

The Falklands are at the centre of a territorial dispute dating back to the 19th Century.

Argentina has repeatedly requested talks on the islands’ future sovereignty.

Mr Cameron said “as long as the Falkland Islands want to be sovereign British territory, they should remain sovereign British territory – full stop, end of story.”

President Fernandez described his comments as an “expression of mediocrity, and almost of stupidity”.

She said the British “continue to be a crude colonial power in decline”.

Earlier this week a British man became the first Falkland islander to choose Argentine citizenship.

James Peck was handed his national identity card by President Fernandez, during a ceremony to mark the 29th anniversary of the end of the Falklands War.

Mr Peck’s father fought for the British during the conflict.

This article is from the BBC News website. © British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

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