Japan’s cabinet agrees Tepco plan

Aerial view of No.1 reactor building at Fukushima (27 April 2011)Nuclear crisis at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant has seen people from surrounding areas evacuated

Japan’s cabinet has approved a plan to set up a fund to help Tokyo Electric Power (Tepco) compensate victims of its tsunami-crippled nuclear plant.

The plan still needs to be approved by the Japanese parliament.

Earlier this year Tepco reported a loss of $15bn (£9.2bn) and may have to pay more than $100bn in compensation.

Japan’s other nuclear power operators will make annual contributions to the fund and the government will also inject money if necessary.

Trade Minister Banri Kaieda, whose ministry regulates Tepco, said the government aimed to submit the bill to parliament as soon as possible.

This article is from the BBC News website. © British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

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