Admiral raises Libya ‘challenges’

An RAF Typhoon takes off from a base in ItalyRAF Tornados have been at the forefront of the UK contribution to operations over Libya

The cost of the Nato-led campaign in Libya will create “challenging decisions” for the UK government, the head of the Royal Navy has said.

Admiral Sir Mark Stanhope also admitted Britain’s response would have been “much more reactive” if the carrier Ark Royal had not been scrapped.

Sir Mark said priorities must change if the operation exceeds six months.

Last week Defence Secretary Liam Fox denied the Libya mission had a six-month deadline.

The rebellion against Colonel Muammar Gaddafi broke out in February, but despite Nato’s aerial intervention, the Libyan leader remains in control of the capital Tripoli and much of the west of the country.

Adm Stanhope, the First Sea Lord, told journalists: “How long can we go on as we are in Libya? If we do it longer than six months we will have to reprioritise forces. That is being addressed now.

“Certainly in terms of Nato’s current time limit that has been extended to 90 days, we are comfortable with that.

“Beyond that, we might have to request the government to make some challenging decisions about priorities.”

He did not say what might have to be reprioritised and insisted he was not calling for a re-examination of the decision to cut the Ark Royal and its fleet of Harriers.

‘Great distinction’

Critics of the Strategic Defence and Security Review (SDSR) have suggested the Libya mission illustrated the importance to the Navy of an airport carrier.

Adm Stanhope admitted Harrier jets could have been deployed in 20 minutes rather than the 90 minutes taken to send Tornado and Typhoon aircraft from the Gioia del Colle air base in Italy.

But he conceded they would not have been able to use Brimstone missiles carried by the Typhoons and Tornados.

“I hope the straight talking by the First Sea Lord will be met with some straight answers from ministers”

Jim Murphy Shadow defence secretary

Dr Fox said: “Operations in Libya are showing how capable we are post-SDSR as a leading military power with the fourth largest defence budget in the world.

“We continue to have the resources necessary to carry out the operations we are undertaking and have spare capacity with the Royal Navy Cougar Taskforce which is currently on exercise in the Gulf.

“The SDSR is not being reopened. The Harrier has served with great distinction over a long period and in a number of theatres, but we are not bringing them back into service.

“Our planning assumptions remain valid and we have been able to effectively conduct missions over Libya. We are now progressing with the disposal of the Harrier force.”

Shadow defence secretary Jim Murphy said Adm Stanhope’s comments were “incredible”.

“The country will be dismayed to hear that the operation in Libya could have been conducted more cheaply and more effectively had the government taken a different approach,” Mr Murphy said.

“I hope the straight talking by the First Sea Lord will be met with some straight answers from ministers.

“In particular, it is vital that ministers tell us now how they intend to equip the mission in Libya should it go beyond the six-month mark.”

This article is from the BBC News website. © British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

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