Hopes of reduced flight problems

Grimsvotn eruptionThe Grimsvotn eruption has been causing havoc with flight schedules in parts of the UK
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There are hopes that the worst of the disruption caused to flights by the Icelandic ash cloud is now over.

Weather forecasts suggest that ash over the UK could dissipate between Tuesday night and Wednesday night.

The majority of affected flights in NI have been to and from airports in Scotland and north-east England.

A number of flights from City of Derry Airport were also cancelled. Airports are still advising passengers to check with their airline before leaving home.

Despite later cancelling its flights, the Irish carrier Ryanair claimed it had made a test flight through ash over Scotland and challenged a ruling some flights should be grounded.

Ryanair said its 90-minute flight at 41,000ft showed there was “no visible volcanic ash cloud or evidence of ash on the airframe, wings or engines”.

Ryanair said the “red zone” over Scottish airspace where ash has been classified “high-density” was invented by the Met Office and the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA).

But a CAA spokesperson said: “The CAA can confirm that at no time did a Ryanair flight enter the notified area of high contamination ash over Scotland this morning.”

A map showing the predicted path of the ash cloud

BBC transport correspondent Richard Scott said the CAA confirmed Ryanair were being, at best, “misleading”.

The cancellations come just over a year after another volcanic eruption in Iceland caused widespread disruption across Europe, including the closure of UK airspace, amid concerns about the damage volcanic ash could cause to engine aircraft.

This year, in the UK, the decision on whether to fly or not in ash cloud conditions is down to individual airlines subject to aviation authority approval.

The CAA said procedures were “totally different” to last year and although no airlines had applied to fly in high-density ash, some had applied for, and been given, permission to fly in medium ash.

The Grimsvotn volcano in Vatnajokull National Park began erupting on Saturday and closed Iceland’s airspace for a period.

Experts say the eruption is on a different scale to the one last year and ash particles are larger and, as a result, fall to the ground more quickly.

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