Salmond completes SNP government

Alex SalmondAlex Salmond has now announced the entire make-up of his government team
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First Minister Alex Salmond has completed the make-up of Scotland’s first majority government, after announcing his ministerial team.

It includes Stewart Stevenson, who quit as transport minister after last year’s snow fiasco. He has been appointed environment minister.

There are several newcomers, including Falkirk West MSP Michael Matheson, who takes on public health.

Details of the SNP cabinet have already been announced.

All the senior ministers in the last parliament kept their jobs, with the addition of three more.

Unveiling his junior government team, Mr Salmond announced the appointment of Aileen Campbell as local government minister.

Western Isles MSP Alasdair Allan takes on learning and skills, with special responsibility for Gaelic.

Fergus Ewing has moved from community safety to energy, enterprise and tourism, with Roseanna Cunningham taking on his former job.

Adam Ingram has lost his job as children’s minister, with the role being taken on by Angela Constance.

SNP ministerial team in full:

Michael Matheson – public healthShona Robison – sport and Commonwealth GamesAileen Campbell – local government and planningAlasdair Allan – learning and skills with responsibility for Gaelic and ScotsAngela Constance – children and young peopleBrian Adam – chief whip and parliamentary business.Roseanna Cunningham – community safety and legal affairs, with specific responsibility for tackling sectarianismFergus Ewing – energy, enterprise and tourismStewart Stevenson – environment and climate changeKeith Brown – transport and housing

All ministers will see their salaries and MSP pay frozen at 2008 levels, in a bid to save more than £100,000.

And Mr Stevenson will pay back the resettlement grant, less than £7,000, which he received when he quit as transport minister.

Mr Salmond said: “This is an excellent team to take Scotland forward.

“While the overall number of ministers is unchanged, it blends the tried and trusted team which received such strong public endorsement at the election with significant new talent.”

The first minister said Ms Campbell, Mr Matheson and Dr Allan represented a “new generation who will bring fresh perspective”.

He said of Mr Ingram: “Adam understands the need within a significantly expanded group to create new opportunities for others to show what they can do for Scotland, and I wish him extremely well for the future as a new constituency member.”

Mr Salmond added: “Stewart Stevenson steered Scotland’s world-leading climate change legislation through the last parliament, securing consensus right across the chamber, and I am delighted to welcome him back to government in that same role as we turn these ambitious targets into reality.”

This article is from the BBC News website. © British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

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