Laws suspended over MP expenses

Lib Dem MP David LawsMr Laws has indicated he would be keen on a return to government
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Lib Dem MP David Laws is expected to be rebuked over his expenses claims when the findings of a standards investigation are published later.

Mr Laws quit as Chief Secretary to the Treasury when it emerged he had claimed about £40,000 to pay his partner rent, which is against expenses rules.

The standards and privileges committee is expected to say he broke several rules, relating to more than rent.

Any heavy criticism could end his hopes of a quick return to the government.

The BBC understands that a lengthy investigation by the Parliamentary standards commissioner discovered other breaches of parliamentary rules by Mr Laws relating to phone bills and building work.

But it is believed the commissioner has concluded Mr Laws acted to protect his privacy – in an effort to conceal his homosexuality – not for any financial gain.

The Commons standards and privileges committee will publish the commissioner’s findings at 1100 BST and rule on any punishment.

Mr Laws is expected make a statement in the House of Commons at about 1300 BST.

The Yeovil MP quit as a Treasury minister after just 17 days in the cabinet last year.

He has previously indicated he would be keen on a return to government and Prime Minister David Cameron has also signalled he would like to see him back quickly.

This article is from the BBC News website. © British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

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