Burglary sentencing views sought

Posed image of burglar breaking into a houseMore than 17,000 burglars were sentenced in 2009
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Courts would have to take more account of victims’ feelings in burglary cases under planned new sentencing guidance.

The Sentencing Council for England and Wales is launching a three-month public consultation on its proposals.

For domestic burglary it suggests only least serious offences should escape a custodial sentence, with three to six-year jail terms for the most serious.

But the Criminal Justice Alliance said community sentences might be more appropriate in some cases.

Gemma Lousley, from the group which represents more than 50 organisations, said: “As the draft guideline acknowledges, many offenders convicted of acquisitive crimes are motivated by an addiction.

“Community sentences are more effective than short prison sentences in addressing these problems and helping individuals to turn away from crime, and we would urge that this is more clearly reflected in the guideline.”

The council’s guidelines would be the first overall advice for sentencing for the different types of burglary offences – domestic, non-domestic, and those committed with a weapon, known as aggravated burglary.

“Some responses expressed grave concerns that any sentence for domestic burglary should be non-custodial”

The Sentencing Council

The proposed guidance for non-domestic burglary ranges from a fine to a maximum of four years in prison depending on the circumstances.

The proposals have taken account of the views of the public and victims, who thought domestic burglary should generally result in a custodial sentence but not in every case.

The council said the lowest level of offenders, for whom a non-custodial community sentence might be appropriate, could include those with no previous convictions who did not force entry and took goods of low value.

It said the Sentencing Advisory Panel (SAP) “consulted specifically on whether a community order starting point, where no factors indicating greater culpability or harm are present, was appropriate”.

“There was broad agreement with the approach, though some responses expressed grave concerns that any sentence for domestic burglary should be non-custodial,” the Sentencing Council said.

“However, the SAP identified that even those responding in this way seemed to be content for a non-custodial sentence to result following consideration of mitigating factors applying either to the offence or to the offender.”

Council chairman Lord Justice Leveson said: “The guideline does not reduce the severity of sentences being given to those convicted of burglary.

“Rather, it reinforces current sentencing practice that burglars targeting people’s homes can expect a custodial sentence.”

The council released figures showing that 17,387 burglars were sentenced in 2009, costing the prison service £210m and the probation service £20m.

Of these, 9,670 were for domestic burglary, 7,452 for non-domestic burglary and 265 for aggravated burglary.

Javed Khan, chief executive of Victim Support, said he hoped the guideline would “make sentencing more transparent as well as strengthen the voice of victims by taking into account the impact of burglary”.

This article is from the BBC News website. © British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

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