Protest halts Scots Labour event

Iain Gray faces protesters in Central Station

Scottish Labour leader Iain Gray was targeted by anti-cuts protesters

Scottish Labour has been forced to cancel an election campaign event at a Glasgow train station, after it was hijacked by rowdy protesters.

Party leader Iain Gray arrived at Central Station to highlight his commitment to the city’s airport rail link.

But the event was cut short as he was greeted by people protesting against cuts, ahead of the 5 May election.

The other parties have focussed on health, policing and green issues.

Labour has promised to reinstate the Glasgow Airport Rail Link, if re-elected, after the project was cancelled by the SNP.

But Mr Gray’s media event on Thursday was disrupted by protesters from Citizens United Against Public Sector Cuts.

Meanwhile, the Tories’ Annabel Goldie is at Glasgow’s Springburn Health Centre to talk about her party’s health visitors.

The party wants to bring back prescription charges to raise £20m for more health visitors.

The Lib Dems have launched a Facebook campaign against a single police force.

They have strongly opposed such a move and claimed it could mean between 3,000 and 4,000 police officers removed from the beat, while deployment decisions would be taken out of the hands of local police chiefs.

Labour and the Tories back merging Scotland’s eight police forces into one to make vital savings.

The SNP government announced a consultation on the issue before the break-up of parliament, although Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill said a “strong case” exists for a single force.

SNP leader Alex Salmond is due to make an announcement on investment in Scotland’s future and will highlight commitments to low carbon, as he campaigns in Dundee and Falkirk.

Iain Gray faces protesters in Central Station

Scottish Labour leader Iain Gray was targeted by anti-cuts protesters

This article is from the BBC News website. © British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

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