Youths held over airgun incident

Auchinleck Academy. Photo by Bob ForrestThe incident happened near Auchinleck Academy in East Ayrshire

Two teenagers have been detained in connection with an incident involving pupils from a school in East Ayrshire.

Strathclyde Police said that up to 11 Auchinleck Academy pupils, aged between 12 and 16, were injured – none of them seriously.

The incident happened in the town’s Church Street, just after 1330 GMT.

A police spokesman said an 18-year-old boy and a 15-year-old boy were being questioned.

The affected children were treated for minor injuries at Crosshouse Hospital in Kilmarnock.

One pupil is understood to have been kept in for further treatment.

Firearms officers were at the scene and East Ayrshire Council informed parents of those pupils injured.

One 13-year-old pupil, from Drongan, told the BBC Scotland news website he and two of his friends were shot at as they walked back to school after their lunch break.

“We decided to take a wee shortcut,” he said. “I saw two people behind a hedge but didn’t think anything about it.

“We carried on walking when we heard a bang, like a small explosion, and all these pellets came out from behind the hedge. Luckily they missed.

“I wasn’t really frightened at first but I’m quite shaken now as I know what damage has been done.”

East Ayrshire Council said it had responded immediately by informing police and parents of the children involved and seeking medical attention.

It said the council was ensuring that support was available.

In a statement it said: “The council is working closely with the school to ensure that the school, the children and their families are appropriately supported.”

This article is from the BBC News website. © British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

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