Japan mass food poisoning feared

Japan soupIn many Japanese cities large central kitchens deliver food each day to many schools
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More than 950 schoolchildren have fallen ill at nine schools on Japan’s northern Hokkaido island in a suspected outbreak of food poisoning.

Thirteen children are in hospital in the city of Iwamizawa; 48 teachers and other school staff also have symptoms.

The affected schools will remain closed until the end of the week.

The outbreak was so widespread because, like many cities in Japan, Iwamizawa operates large central kitchens which deliver food each day to many schools.

Three of these kitchens have been shut as well while an investigation is carried out.

The children began to fall ill last week after eating lunch of miso soup, salad and Japanese radish with minced meat.

In all 953 students have been affected but none is in a critical condition.

The health authorities in Hokkaido suspect a salmonella infection may be to blame but have yet to determine the cause of the outbreak.

This article is from the BBC News website. © British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

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