Prison riots amid Tunisia unrest

A tank is seen next to the portrait of former Tunisian President Ben Ali in Tunis, 15 January 2011Tanks have sealed off central parts of Tunis

Security has been stepped up in centre of the Tunisian capital, a day after President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali was forced from power by street protests.

Hundreds of troops are patrolling Tunis and a state of emergency is in force. Interim leader Mohammed Ghannouchi has said his priority is restoring order.

There were scenes of looting overnight in several areas, witnesses said.

Mr Ghannouchi said he would hold talks with opposition groups to try to form a unity government.

The main thoroughfare in Tunis, Avenue Bourguiba, was blocked off by troops after the lifting of an overnight curfew.

“There are a few people out and about, but the troubles will probably start later”

Zouhair Ben Jema Tunis resident

The streets are largely deserted, AFP news agency reported.

There have been reports of overnight looting in the city’s suburbs, with French-owned supermarkets among the properties targeted.

Tunis’ main train station was burnt down, AP news agency reported.

Resident Zouhair Ben Jemaa told the BBC: “We couldn’t sleep all night. We hear everything – the helicopters, the gunfire. It’s quiet now. There are a few people out and about, but the troubles will probably start later.”

However Tunis Carthage International Airport, which was closed amid Friday’s unrest, re-opened on Saturday. Hundreds of tourists and other foreigners have been trapped there.

The BBC’s Wyre Davies in Tunis says people are now waiting for some indication that the interim administration is prepared to bring in widespread economic and political changes.

Ousted President Ben Ali's plane refuels in Cagliari, Italy, 24 JanuaryMr Ben Ali’s plane refuelled in Sardinia, before going on to Saudi Arabia

Late on Friday Mr Ghannouchi said his “absolute priority” was restoring security in the face of looting and robberies.

“We are at the service of the Tunisian people. Our country does not deserve everything that is happening. We must regain the trust of citizens in the government,” he said.

Mr Ben Ali, who had been in power for 23 years, boarded a plane with his family amid widespread speculation about his destination.

The French government rejected a request for his plane to land in the country. It refuelled on the Italian island of Sardinia and later landed in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

A Saudi palace statement said: “Out of concern for the exceptional circumstances facing the brotherly Tunisian people and in support of the security and stability of their country… the Saudi government has welcomed President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali and his family to the kingdom,” the statement said.

The 74-year-old leader conceded power after weeks of protests culminated in a giant rally against him in Tunis.

Dozens of people died as unrest swept the country and security forces cracked down on demonstrations over unemployment, food price rises and corruption.

The UK, the US and France are among the countries advising against non-essential travel to Tunisia.


Mr Ben Ali was only Tunisia’s second president since independence from France in 1956. He was last re-elected in 2009 with 89.62% of the vote.

This article is from the BBC News website. © British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

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