Powers referendum final approval

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Plans for a referendum on further powers for the National Assembly for Wales have been given final approval.

Members of the Privy Council, the institution that seeks the Queen’s formal approval on certain matters, have said the referendum can go ahead on March 3 next year.

Voters in Wales are going to be asked whether they want more powers, or not, for the Welsh assembly.

Secretary of State for Wales Cheryl Gillan welcomed the approval.

“I have always been committed to giving the people of Wales the opportunity to decide in a referendum whether they want the assembly to have these powers and it was one of my top priorities when I took office in May,” she said.

“This commitment has been delivered and it is only right and proper that the people of Wales should now have their say in the referendum next March.”

On Tuesday it was announced that Roger Lewis, group chief executive of the Welsh Rugby Union (WRU) would be the new chair of the campaign for a Yes vote.

It has yet to be announced who will be leading the No campaign.

This article is from the BBC News website. © British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

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