The papers look ahead to a critical week for the Liberal Democrats as MPs prepare to vote on university fees.
Pre-election “Cleggmania” now seems far away, suggests the Observer.
Its columnist Andrew Rawnsley predicts a three-way split of Lib Dem votes, with Mr Clegg’s reputation suffering “irreversible change”.
The Sunday Telegraph reports a row between Mr Clegg and Vince Cable, who is urging his party leader to “hold his nerve” and back tuition fee increases.
The Sunday Times reports Fifa is being asked to investigate claims that two executive members agreed $1.5m deals for their votes on World Cup bids.
Black footballer Andre Bikey tells the Sunday Mirror it was a mistake to give the 2018 World Cup to Russia, where he suffered racist attacks.
He doubts he could go back for a World Cup unless he knew it was safe.
The News of the World suggests David Beckham is being groomed to become a future chairman of the FA.
MPs’ reported exploitation of loopholes in new expenses rules are covered in the Independent and Mail on Sunday, which calls it the “third home ploy”.
Some MPs are reportedly letting out second homes in London, while claiming expenses for nearby rented properties.
The electronic gadgets on children’s Christmas lists are worrying Professor Susan Greenfield, reports the Sunday Express.
Time on computer games should be limited as they change the workings of youngsters’ brains, the leading neuroscientist warns.
“Can a Christmas pudding ever be worth £250?” asks the Observer debate column.
After the £13.99 desserts created by Heston Blumenthal sold out at Waitrose, they started appearing on eBay at massively inflated prices.
Restaurant critic Jay Rayner defends the expense, comparing it with the cost of a football cup final ticket.
No-one would question paying that to watch “a bunch of overpaid sweaty men chasing around a field after a bolus of stitched leather”, he argues.
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