There are 31,000 fewer job places in Wales, according to the latest UK government statistics.
The Office for National Statistics (ONS) says the professional, scientific and technical sectors have taken the brunt of the jobs slump.
But figures reveal that overall unemployment has fallen by 12,000 for the three months to September.
It now stands at 117,00, with 71,000 people claiming jobseekers benefits in October.
According to the latest ONS figures, the number of jobs in Wales in June this year stood at of 1.3m, down 31,000 on the year’s quarter.
The high-skills sector it identified has seen the jobs pool reduce by 21,000 places.
However, while the number of actual jobs, both employed and self-employed dropped, the number of people in work in Wales remains unchanged in the three months up to the end of September, at a rate of 67%.
The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate in Wales now stands at 8.1%
While it remains higher than the UK average of 7.7%, it does mean that unemployment in Wales has either fallen or remained the same for the past six months.
The number of people claiming jobseekers allowance in October fell by 500.
But the highest level of benefit claiming remains in Blaenau Gwent, at 6.4%, while the lowest level is found in Ceredigion at 1.8%.
This article is from the BBC News website. © British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.