Newspaper review

Sunday newspapers

Many of Sunday’s papers focus on the man they believe to be ultimately behind the planting of bombs on two US-bound cargo planes.

A large image of Anwar al-Awlaki, “figurehead” of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, dominates the front page of the Independent on Sunday.

He is the first American citizen to feature on the CIA’s targeted killing list, the paper says.

The News of the World describes him as “the new Osama bin Laden”.

“The West can’t be lucky all the time,” says the Sunday Times grimly.

We face “an ingenious and tactically sophisticated enemy which is constantly probing our defences”, it warns, and we must accept that “constant vigilance is the price of our way of life”.

The Sunday Express agrees, and urges its readers to “stay vigilant and report any suspicions to the police”.

“The skill and dedication of our security forces saved the day and we should take this chance to thank them,” it adds.

Ahead of the US mid-term elections, the Observer’s leading article looks at President Obama’s first two years.

It says it is “a source of puzzlement and sadness that Obama has failed to rediscover the connection he made during 2008″.

Nevertheless, it feels he has “delivered historic breakthroughs” on health, education and financial re-regulation”.

Janet Daley, in the Sunday Telegraph, says many have observed his “baffling inability to connect with the people”.

The Mail on Sunday attacks firefighters who are planning to strike on Bonfire Night.

It calls them “brave men and women hobbled by self-interest”, and lays the blame with their union, the FBU, which it feels is “defending the indefensible” by trying to justify the strike.

The Sunday Mirror, meanwhile, is furious at Scottish and Southern Energy for raising its prices.

Calling the move “sickening”, it adds: “It’s going to be a long, hard winter – except for fuel company bosses.”

This article is from the BBC News website. © British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

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