‘Safety’ delayed 7/7 firefighters

The devastated carriage at AldgateThe bomb devastated the carriage at Aldgate

Survivors of one of the 7 July bombings emerged from a tunnel looking like extras in Michael Jackson’s Thriller video, the inquest has been told.

Detective Constable Antonio Silvestro was one of the first policemen on the scene of the Aldgate attack.

He said: “It was like Michael Jackson’s Thriller video. They were just covered in soot, their hair was all over the place, you just basically saw the whites of their eyes.”

The attacks killed 52 people.

Det Con Silvestro said smoke coming from the bombed train was like an erupting volcano.

He said survivors were coming out as he went into the darkened tunnel to get passengers out.

“I can best describe it as when a volcano erupts and you can see that really thick smoke,” he told the inquest.

This article is from the BBC News website. © British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

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