Walliams wife wins Playboy case

Lara StonePlayboy must print a legal statement confirming the ruling

Dutch model Lara Stone, the wife of comic actor David Walliams, has won damages from French Playboy over the publication of unauthorised photos.

She said in a statement that “no woman wants photos of them to be published in Playboy without permission”.

The 26-year-old said the “significant” damages would be donated to Great Ormond Street Hospital in London.

She successfully sued the magazine and US photographer Greg Lotus in court in Paris after the publication in June.

“I’m very pleased to have won the case, although of course I would rather not have had to take legal action at all,” she said.

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The French edition of Playboy has been ordered to publish a prominent legal statement in its next issue confirming the court’s ruling.

Speaking about the case in August, Stone said Playboy was “not the kind of publication I would ever choose to appear in”.

Little Britain star Walliams, 39, married Stone at London’s Claridge’s hotel in May.

This article is from the BBC News website. © British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

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