Sheridan ‘reckless’ over club visit

Tommy Sheridan and Katrine TrolleMr Sheridan is alleged to have had an affair with Katrine Trolle

A journalist has told the Tommy Sheridan perjury trial that the former MSP visited the home of a woman he is alleged to have had an affair with.

Ralph Barnett told the High Court in Glasgow that he was at his girlfriend’s house, which she shared with Katrine Trolle, when he saw Mr Sheridan.

The former MSP and his wife Gail, both 46, are on trial accused of perjury.

They deny lying at his successful defamation case against the News of the World in 2006.

Mr Sheridan won £200,000 in damages after the newspaper printed allegations about his private life, claiming he was an adulterer who had visited a swingers club.

Following a police investigation, the former MSP and his wife were charged with perjury.

“Katrine and Mr Sheridan no more than poked their heads around the door. They went upstairs”

Ralph Barnett Witness

During the defamation case, Mr Sheridan said he had not had a sexual relationship with Ms Trolle or stayed at her home in Dundee.

The trial earlier heard from Ms Trolle who said she had sex with Mr Sheridan on several occasions between 2000 and 2004, including at her own home in Dundee and at his house in Glasgow.

Mr Barnett, a journalist with the Dundee Courier and Advertiser and the Dundee Evening Telegraph, told the trial he had seen Mr Sheridan arrive at the house and go upstairs with Ms Trolle when he was visiting his girlfriend Ruth Adamson.

He said he had checked his diaries and believed the most likely date for the visit was 11 October 2004.

“At some point in the evening, Katrine told us she was going to meet Mr Sheridan,” he said.

“She returned in her car with Mr Sheridan. We were aware of the car coming up the drive and we were aware of the door opening.

“Katrine and Mr Sheridan no more than poked their heads around the door. They went upstairs. They didn’t come into the living room where we were.”

Mr Barnett said he did not see Mr Sheridan again that night or the following morning.

He added that although there were three bedrooms in the house, the spare bedroom was “chaos”, saying “it was just a box room, a storage room. There was never a bed set up there to my knowledge”.

It is alleged that Mr Sheridan made false statements as a witness in his defamation action against the News of the World on 21 July 2006.

He also denies another charge of attempting to persuade a witness to commit perjury shortly before the 23-day legal action got under way.

Mrs Sheridan denies making false statements on 31 July 2006, after being sworn in as a witness in the civil jury trial at the Court of Session in Edinburgh.

This article is from the BBC News website. © British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

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