PM condemns Bonfire Night strike

Firefighters protested through the streets of London in SeptemberLondon firefighters marched in protest over new contracts in September

Prime Minister David Cameron has described as “irresponsible” a firefighters’ strike in London on Bonfire Night in a row over contracts.

Labour leader Ed Miliband’s spokeswoman also said it would be “dangerous” for the Fire Brigades Union to walk out for 47 hours starting on 5 November.

London fire authority chairman has asked the FBU to “call the strike off” on the “busiest time” for the brigade.

The Hindu festival of lights, diwali, also occurs on Bonfire Night this year.

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Earlier Fire Minister Bob Neill warned that the union had “shot themselves in the foot” with their choice of strike date but an London FBU official said it was more of a “symbolic night”.

More than 5,500 firefighters went on an eight-hour strike on Saturday over LFB’s plans to scrap current rotas.

The union plans to walk out for another eight hours on 1 November and for 47 hours on 5 November.

The Prime Minister’s spokesman said the public would not think it was responsible to choose Bonfire Night for a strike.

He said: “We will do everything we can to reduce the effect of the strike. We don’t think it’s responsible.”

Mr Miliband’s spokeswoman said: “It would be a dangerous situation.

“Hopefully it will be resolved by then. We would dearly like to see it resolved by then.”

Matt Wrack from the Fire Brigades' Union

Matt Wrack from the Fire Brigades’ Union: ”If the sackings are lifted, there won’t be any strike”

On an average Bonfire Night, LFB said, the number of secondary fires or smaller fires are “five times higher than normal” while crews “attend twice as many primary (more serious) fires”.

Over the first 10 days of November 2009, LFB were called to a total of 860 fires, with the highest number of incidents, 224, taking place on Bonfire Night.

London fire authority chairman Brian Coleman said: “The FBU have placed firefighters in a terrible position.

“We had asked for a meeting with national negotiators on the 5 November, and the union have responded with a strike. The message to the FBU is short and simple. Call the strike off and talk.”

Fire Minister Mr Neill said: “The choosing of 5 November, Guy Fawke’s Day, for a strike is I think completely inappropriate, highly irresponsible and very provocative.

“I believe they have shot themselves in the foot.

“The very fact that there’s that degree of uncertainty, whilst I’m sure it’s deliberate on the part of those who chose this date, doesn’t do anything I think to get them public sympathy.”

But Ben Sprung, the London regional organiser for the FBU, told the BBC: “It’s more of a symbolic night in my eyes. I can’t remember a time when there was a mass display and people died there.

“Maybe 20 years ago Bonfire Night was a big, really busy night but today I think it’s a symbolic night more than a night where people’s lives are in danger.”

Earlier FBU general secretary Matt Wrack said they “had two weeks to settle this dispute before that strike”.

This article is from the BBC News website. © British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

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