Why can’t I use Array.from to create an Array from a Map’s keys or values?

From the docs I’ve been reading, the following ought to create an Array from the keys of a Map:

var m = new Map();
m.set("a", 1);
m.set("b", 2);

var arr1 = Array.from(m.keys());
var arr2 = Array.from(m.values());


I’d expect that to print 2 for both arrays, but in reality both arrays are empty and it prints 0. What gives?

Edit: This issue seems to occur on a specific webpage when I execute the above code in the Javascript console. If I execute it on other pages it works as expected.

Edit 2: Upon further investigation, it appears that the page in question is including prototype.js v1.6.1 which is somehow causing Array.from to break.