React update state from JSX input element

I have a small React app.
The aim of this project is to manage products.
These products contain features.
The example below is for a page used to configure prices for product features.

export function App() {

  // This state is manage by HTTP calls
  const [features_dict, set_features_dict] = useState({"features": []});

  // I want to display the details of my list
  return (
    <div className={s.main_container}>
      <FeaturesDetail FeaturesDict={features_dict} />


My FeaturesDetail component

export function FeaturesDetail({FeaturesDict}) {

  const listFeaturesElement = =>

  return (


It seems like a React event prevent me to modify my input field.

My final goal is to update the features_dict state and run a function to send it in a HTTP call.
This HTTP call’ll update the product configuration in back-end database.