Is there a way to make an api call using insomnia WITHOUT using url encoding & escaping the character?

Here is the premise:

I have this backend which has routers which take query in api calls (GET calls to be precise).
Now I have a JSONPath(Just an npm package to filter out JSON inputs using some standardized queries) implementation in one of the routers. This implementation requires queries from the API calls.

Now the requirement is to follow simple query format with logical && || == etc. in the api call & return the result. Problem in short is that using some symbols causes query to break & work unexpectedly.

Also,I have used “Automatically encode special characters in URL” Option in Insomnia. So that doesn’t really help in case of &(ampersand).

Here’s an example query for some example from JSONPath npm page:

?filter=$[?(@.price<30 && @.category=="fiction")]

which should result in a dictionary/js object like: {filter : "$[?(@.price<30 && @.category=="fiction")]"}

The problem arises when we make a request to the API & pass the query with an ampersand(&) symbol.
The query splits in 2 parts & results in unexpected errors as JSONPath only takes 1 query and 1 json at a time.
something like this(an array of wrong queries): {filter: ['$[?(@.price<30', '@.category=="fiction")']

Alternative is to use % encoding: ?filter=$[?(@.price<30 %26%26 @.category=="fiction")]

*I need to avoid %26 as encoding in api call so as to make queries simple but can’t find some way to escape or read api calls at time of calling itself.. they just can’t seem to be processed before reaching my program..


If anyone knows a way, please give some suggestions.