In Matter.js, using SVG objects created “fromVertices” I can’t “applyForce” or setVelocity on those bodies

When adding convex SVGs to a matter.js canvas (using the polyfills so they look fine) the movement of these bodies when forces are applied is not correct. I can barely move the bodies at all even when applying forces or setting velocity directly.

I have a matter.js canvas, and I am adding SVGs like this:
(code is a bit out of context, but hopefully this is enough to get the idea)

let svgBody = Bodies.fromVertices(
  (ltr.x * matterContainer.clientWidth),
  SVG_STARTING_Y_AS_PRCNT * matterContainer.clientHeight,
  //   friction: 3,
  //   frictionAir: 0.00001,
  restitution: 0.8,
  //   density: 0.42,
  label: "Letter",
  render: {
    fillStyle: "#00cc00",
    strokeStyle: "#00cc00",
    lineWidth: 1

As you can see, I’m playing with adding removing friction and other properties because when these objects collide with other objects they don’t move much at all.

Within a collision when I do:

Body.setVelocity(b, { x: 0, y: -10 });
Body.setAngularVelocity( b, 0.5 );

(b is the svg body)

nothing happens.

I even tried “reversing” gravity by adding the body to a collection (antiGravs) that is getting this code applied :

Events.on(engine, 'beforeUpdate', function() {
                        var gravity =;
                        antiGravs.forEach((bdy) => {
                            Body.applyForce(bdy, bdy.position, {
                                x: -gravity.x * gravity.scale * bdy.mass,
                                y: -gravity.y * gravity.scale * bdy.mass

When I add other bodies to that collection — I can throw them around with my mouse and they defy gravity, but not the SVG ones.

In the browser, here is what one of the SVG bodies looks like property wise:

angle: 0
anglePrev: -0.5
angularSpeed: 0.5
angularVelocity: 0.5
area: 704.3456252241083
axes: (2) [{…}, {…}]
bounds: {min: {…}, max: {…}}
chamfer: null
circleRadius: 0
collisionFilter: {category: 1, mask: 4294967295, group: 0}
constraintImpulse: {x: 0, y: 0, angle: 0}
density: 0
events: null
force: {x: 0, y: 0}
friction: 0.01
frictionAir: 0.01
frictionStatic: 0.5
id: 165
inertia: NaN
inverseInertia: NaN
inverseMass: Infinity
isSensor: false
isSleeping: false
isStatic: false
label: "Letter"
mass: 0
motion: 0
parent: {id: 167, type: 'body', label: 'Letter', parts: Array(3), plugin: {…}, …}
parts: [{…}]
plugin: {}
position: {x: 430.4627809892338, y: 195.48627853966926}
positionImpulse: {x: 0, y: 0}
positionPrev: {x: 430.0888761241821, y: 205.808158019019}
render: {visible: true, opacity: 1, strokeStyle: '#00cc00', fillStyle: '#00cc00', lineWidth: 1, …}
restitution: 0.9
sleepCounter: 0
sleepThreshold: 60
slop: 0.05
speed: 10
timeScale: 1
torque: 0
totalContacts: 0
type: "body"
velocity: {x: 0, y: -10}
vertices: (4) [{…}, {…}, {…}, {…}]
_original: null