How to re call a function so it can generate a new number

I have my getComputerCHoice function, it generates a number when the page load but not after that, i have tried to re call it inside my getHumanCHoice since i am re calling it over and over but it does not work and i am runing off ideas.
I will add the whole JavaScript code for contex

let humanScore = 0 ;
let  computerScore= 0 ;

            const humanSelection=getHumanChoice();
            const compSelection=getComputerChoice();
            let compChoice = compSelection;
            let humanChoice = humanSelection;
        function getComputerChoice(){
            let ramdom= Math.floor(Math.random()*3)+1; // mat floor round the number down, math random generates a number between 0 and 1, multiply by 3, max value now is 2, add one to bring up to 3.
            if (ramdom == 1){
               return "rock" ;
            }else if (ramdom == 2) {
               return "paper" ;
            } else {
               return "scissors" ;

            function getHumanChoice(){
                const btnPlayerChoice = document.querySelectorAll("button");
                let playerChoice= "";

                btnPlayerChoice.forEach((button) => {
                button.addEventListener("click", () => {

                    playRound(playerChoice, compChoice);
                }) ;
            return playerChoice;


        function playRound(humanChoice,randomNumber){

            if (humanChoice === compChoice){

                return console.log (`${humanChoice} and ${compChoice} means a tie!`);
            } else if (humanChoice === "rock" && compChoice === "scissors") {
                console.log (`${humanChoice} win against ${compChoice} !`);
                return humanScore+=1;
            } else if (humanChoice === "paper" && compChoice === "rock"){
                console.log (`${humanChoice} win against ${compChoice} !`);
                return humanScore+=1;
            }else if (humanChoice === "scissors" && compChoice === "paper") {
                console.log (`${humanChoice} win against ${compChoice} !`);
                return humanScore+=1;
            } else {
                console.log (`${humanChoice} loses against ${compChoice} !`);
               return computerScore+=1;;

            if ( humanScore>computerScore) {

                alert(`Congratulations! PLayer wins with a score of ${humanScore}`);

            } else if ( humanScore<computerScore){
                alert(`Sorry! the machine wins with a score of ${computerScore}`);

The last two if statements do nothing, they are there because i am re working this code. My focus is on the code bellow

Here is where i am struggling, i have tried the comments one after another, no everithing together

function getHumanChoice(){
                const btnPlayerChoice = document.querySelectorAll("button");
                let playerChoice= "";

                btnPlayerChoice.forEach((button) => {
                button.addEventListener("click", () => {

                   // playRound(playerChoice, getComputerChoice());
                    playRound(playerChoice, compChoice);

                    // let newNumber= getComputerChoice();
                    //compChoice = compSelection; 
                    // getComputerChoice();
                }) ;
            return playerChoice;
